Chapter 380: Stand in line

"I have a question, why is our South American commander Claudio, not our local officer." Magnolo, chief of staff of the Argentine Armed Services asked.
"In South America, we need a strong leader because of the Amazon Forest. I think Marshal Claudio is very suitable. Do you have any other ideas?" Chen Qiang explained.
"But I think I should be able to become a deputy commander." The old guy was not a bit shy, so he straightened his neck and said that there was still some laughter in the entire venue.
"No, you are a division commander of the army I brought into Australia this time. I think your ability is sufficient for this position. We need capable leaders to fight the group of lions and snakes." Chen Qiang spread his hands. Road.
"Mr. Chen, I was joking. I think it would be good to station a city in South America. My ability has not yet been able to fight with mutant creatures." Muniolo sat down quickly after speaking, and it was a nine-death life in Australia As long as it is not a fool, it will not go.
"General Manager Chen feels that the Asian commander can be the official commander. I hope to go to Australia with you." Zhu Kefu stood up and said firmly.
"I want to go too, and I think Barton can also be the North American commander." MacArthur also stood up and said.
"No, this time I just plan to build a forward base and negotiate with the lion and the snake. I took so many people into it just to scare them out. The layout of the starry sky came out. I need You have to master your army as soon as possible, and there are a lot of concentrated cities around the world. I have let Wu Aiguo plan the size of 800 base cities. I need you to cooperate with Wu Aiguo ’s actions. " Chen Qiang refused.
"Yes." Seeing Chen Qiang disagree with Zhu Kefu and MacArthur, he could only sit down. Soldiers can only show value on the battlefield, and MacArthur and Zhukov are pure soldiers, they are longing for the battlefield.
"As for the remaining appointments, you can check them through the soldier's bracelet on the internal website of the military. There is an exchange system here. All exchange items must be exchanged with military merit. Go on. Now you can leave, but this time appointed ten commanders and left me with something to ask. "Chen Qiang directly announced the meeting, and then left several commanders.
"Claudy, is there any dissatisfaction in letting you go to South America." Chen Qiang opened the door and saw the mountain road.
"No, the soldiers are obliged to obey orders." Claudio said solemnly.
"Actually, I intend to leave you in Europe, but the animals in the Amazon forest seem to have signs of mutation, so I temporarily changed your position. I need you to surround the Amazon forest after taking office, and use a defensive cover. Blocking the virus, there are too many giant animals in the Amazon forest. If they have wisdom, South America must give up, so your task is very heavy. "Chen Qiang said very seriously.
"Yes, President Chen." Claudio did not expect that he would face such a huge task, but he obviously would not be afraid of this challenge.
"The first purpose of asking you to stay today is to tell you that the last line of defense for humanity is us now, so I need you to seize your armies. You also know that there are many elites in the world. Already intend to take root on the moon. In our agreement, they can still carry out commercial activities on Earth. These families are very powerful. I know that some of you have connections with these people, but I hope you give me a break. I know you don't want humans to become extinct from now on. The earth has become a paradise for mutant creatures. "Chen Qiang stared at these ten old men deadly.
"Yes, President Chen, you are guaranteed to complete the task." Zhu Kefu was the first to express his opinion, then MacArthur was the last, and Fang Cheng was the last one to express his opinion, and when he was speaking, he was still a little reluctant. I took a look and then said: "The second purpose is to improve your body. Although your body is good now, you will not be able to come into contact with the virus on the front line. Your immune system in your body is already aging, so it is simply Ca n’t resist the virus, so you need to make a change.
As Chen Qiang clicked on his watch, then ten Star Security personnel came to the ten commanders with ten boxes and handed the boxes to These old people.
"Mr. Chen, this is it." MacArthur seemed to have some speculation. When he was in the Pentagon, he didn't touch the U.S. intelligence agencies to collect the secrets of some intelligence agencies. In those secrets, some documents were speculated that the Starry Group owns them. A more powerful life extension agent than cell activation fluid.
"High-level cell activation fluid, you used to inject low-level, but now you use the intermediate level for the military, but the cell activation fluid used by the army is indeed biased for physical transformation." Speak straight out.
"Sure enough." Zhu Kefu was very excited at this time, and opened the box directly. There was a tube of lavender potion, a watch with a metallic texture. He picked up the potion and drank it without any hesitation. After finishing, put the bottle cap in the original position, then pick up the watch and put it on his wrist, but Chen Qianglan was down.
"You think about it, if you take this watch, you can't take it off. This tube of advanced cell activation fluid is a reward for you. If you do n’t like it, you can quit at any time, and then go to the moon base and enjoy it. In their old age, if they do n’t want you, I can give you a house in the moon base of the Starry Sky Group. "Chen Qiang is the bottom line.
"Mr. Chen, this is my choice, I understand." Zhu Kefu nodded firmly.
"Well, I'll take it for you." Chen Qiang picked up the watch and started wearing it on Zhu Kefu's right wrist. At the moment the watch band was buckled, Zhu Kefu felt a needle pierce his own blood vessel. It hurts, but he still resisted.
"Okay." Chen Qiang said after dropping his blood on the watch screen on Zhu Kefu's right hand.
"Then I'm from Star Group now." Zhu Kefu looked at the watch with curiosity.
"Yes, if you need, you can use your contribution points to buy any products of Starry Group's internal website."
"Does it include advanced cell activation fluid?"
At this time, MacArthur also directly opened his own box and picked up the advanced cell activation fluid and drank it, and then other people did not hesitate to drink it. As the leader, MacArthur directly picked up the watch and handed it to Chen Qiang, and let Chen Qiang bring him. Maybe this is their insistence in their hearts.
No one can be a fool to be a marshal in the army. This is simply the person in front of him who is forcing them to stand in the team. Although they can let go, they know that this rest assured will not be later but now. There is no need to go to office and just sit down and leave the planet prepared by the Star Group.
Chen Qiang knows that these people can see the form clearly, so he will make this scene appear. What he needs now is that the whole earth has only his own voice, so the army as a violent institution must also be in his hands. Everyone chose to bring a watch, but at the last Fang Cheng, Fang Cheng asked a little hesitantly: "What is the role of President Chen's watch?"
"Nothing, this watch allows you to contact me directly, and there will be a hood covering your whole body next to you, so that your safety is also guaranteed. The last point is surveillance, in fact, this function I have n’t used it. These watches were made earlier. They were originally intended for some of the staff of the Starry Sky Group, but your safety is more important, so please use them first.
Chen Qiang said with a smile, but no One would believe that such nonsense has never been used, but one has to bow his head under the roof.
"Then we can take it down ourselves, after all, we have our own life." Fang Cheng continued to ask.
"No, only I can take it down. Don't try to crack it violently, otherwise it will release a virus into your blood, within three minutes you will be shocked and then die." Chen Qiang knew that these people will have in their hearts Mustard, but there is no way. The entanglement between these people and those families is too deep, he cannot help but guard. A military area with nearly 10 million troops, this strength can already be separated from the alleged king, he did not want to be busy in the end and finally cheaper.
"So Mr. Chen, can I quit now." Fang Cheng was very entangled in the end ~ ~ All gave up.
"Yes, Xingkong Airport has prepared a space shuttle to take you to Kyoto. There should be someone there to answer your message. You can tell them about the news of advanced cell activating fluid. It doesn't matter." Chen Qiang made a request. gesture.
"Goodbye President Chen." Fang Cheng turned and walked away, but when he turned around, the cold look when looking at him was seen by Chen Qiang. Looking at this back, Chen Qiang could not help but sneered, and then let Zhu Kefu They hurried to office.
These families in Huaguo jumped very happily during this time. They used their relationship everywhere to take land in various base cities. This is normal business behavior and it is not unusual, but they do n’t build, just It doesn't matter where it is placed, and after a certain period of time, it will be taken back by the managers of the concentrated city and sold again. They even used another company to continue to buy the land and not build it.
The means used by these children are actually used in this place. Chen Qiang really doesn't know how these families have such huge strength. Isn't it just trying to slow down the construction of the entire city, but what's the matter? Now the entire concentrated city of China is controlled by the Starry Sky Group. The matter of reclaiming those lands is just a matter of words. These people even resist No chance. As for the pawns they installed in the army, the whole army was destroyed in this global adaptation.
You know there is another such saying in the military, forced retirement. In this major adaptation, Chen Qiang eliminated all the chess pieces in the global army. As for the vacant positions, some people supplemented them. As for the command, there is no need for it, because there is only one kind of war in the face of mutant creatures. The way is hard steel face to face.
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