Chapter 438: Mars immigrants set sail

The total number of enrollment in the martial arts convention exceeded three million in just three weeks, and these people are the top people in all levels. The martial arts congress this time is divided into four levels, namely samurai, warrior, general, and martial arts.
However, all this is only spread among the people, and not spread at the real high level. In particular, the age requirements for samurai and martial arts competitions are very strict, which has made many people disqualified from this competition. The generals and martial arts level military and starry group did not participate, and some old strong players did not bother to participate, but this time the conference as a whole was completely successful. Passed to the folk level.
However, all this has no effect on the Starry Sky Group. As a subordinate unit of the Starry Sky Group, Wudouchang does not need to be escorted by the entire Starry Sky Group for their actions, and this project does not need to be supported by the Starry Sky Group. Escort. Now the entire Starry Sky Group is like a clockwork clockwork, methodically and busy carrying out a huge project.
"Report to the command center that we have reached our destination and whether to begin operations." Beluga 1 space carrier is now in front of an ice crystal meteorite in the asteroid belt.
"Begin work, pay attention to safety." Zhao Shichu issued an order to start work, but he still had some drums in his heart in the face of a meteorite almost the same size as the Beluga space transport ship, so he reminded.
This is an experimental project of the Mars Ecosphere Project, which is also the first step of the entire Star Group Mars colonization plan. If you want to live on Mars, you must first completely reform the current environment of Mars and create an environment where humans can live.
Mars is the easiest planet to be transformed by humans, and this planet is also an experimental project of the Starry Sky Group.
In 1609, Galileo observed Mars with a self-made telescope, creating a precedent for humans to use scientific instruments to study Mars. In 1877, after the observation of Mars by the director of the Milan Observatory, Japarelsky announced the discovery of the "Mars Canal" and "Martians!" Novels and movies such as "Wars against Martians" came into being. In 1976, the image of the "Sidonia Head" was photographed by the American Pirate spacecraft. People are believed to be Martians: they are constructing products or appearing to be Martian gods. They warn humans on earth not to invade Mars!
For nearly half a century, modern humans have successively used advanced instruments to detect Mars. The main purpose is to understand the surface environment of Mars, to consider how humans can survive: explore whether Mars has water sources, and seek to confirm whether there is life on Mars.
In 1975, the United States launched the "Viking 1" and "Viking 2" spacecraft on Mars. Its orbiters and landers conducted a number of surveys on 99% of Mars from space to the ground, and collected soil samples for analysis. Studies have shown that the surface environment of Mars is extremely harsh, and even the most powerful microorganisms have not been found, and there are no Martians!
Afterwards, 12 Martian meteorites were collected. Among them, an American scholar found a 1.9Kg Martian meteorite (ALHS, 4001) in Antarctica in 1984. It was found that there were primitive cell fossils, hydrocarbons and carbonates, similar to the original Earth. The product of life activities once again pushed the exploration of Mars life to a climax.
Over the past half century, the United States, the former Soviet Union, Europe, and Japan have launched thirty-eight detection devices on Mars. Twenty-one of them have failed and seventeen have succeeded. Five landers have landed. More than 10,000 pieces of data, more than 30,000 copies.
The Courage, which landed on January 3, 2004, and the Opportunity Mars Rover (highly intelligent robot), which landed on January 25, 2004. Site surveys confirmed the existence of a certain amount of water (ice) on Mars, and saw the remnants of Mars' ancient oceans and floods. The scientific community believes that Mars used to be a warm and humid world. Water is a prerequisite for life. The above exploration results provide clues to the mystery of life on Mars, and open up prospects for the future transformation, development and utilization of Mars by humans on Earth.
So the matter of Martian immigration has long been identified by the scientific community as a planet most easily transformed into human habitation. What Star Group has to do now is to improve the atmospheric conditions of Mars and the fragile crust.
The Martian atmosphere is the atmosphere surrounding Mars, similar to the Earth's atmosphere. The main component of Mars' atmosphere is carbon dioxide, followed by nitrogen, argon, and a small amount of oxygen and water vapor. This structure has a lot of similarities compared with the earth's atmosphere, so it is relatively simple in terms of transformation.
Xingkong Group's transformation plan is to use water-rich meteorites to hit the surface of Mars at great speeds ~ ~, causing dramatic changes in the entire crust of Mars, leading to volcanic eruption of Mars and accompanying a large amount of water vapor Enter the atmosphere to transform the current Martian environment.
In fact, this plan is not unique to the Starry Sky Group, but uses the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere. The evolution of the Earth's atmosphere can be divided into three generations, namely the original atmosphere, the secondary atmosphere and the current atmosphere.
The formation of the primitive atmosphere is closely related to the formation of galaxies. There are many proto galaxies in the universe. They were all initially a huge mass of gas, the main component being hydrogen. In the future, the gas in the original galaxy will cluster into many centers. Under the action of universal gravitation, the gas will shrink to these centers respectively. The formation of the earth was about 4.6 billion years ago. Proto-Earth is one of the central planets in the solar system. It is formed by the gravitational accumulation of moving gas and cosmic dust in the central body of the original solar system. As it grows, it sweeps the dust and gas on the track, and shrinks under the force of gravity. As the "proto-Earth" transforms into the "Earth", the earth's surface gradually condenses into a solid, and the original atmosphere also surrounds the earth's surface at the same time.
In the early days of earth formation, the gas composition of volcanic eruption is different from modern times. They are mainly methane and hydrogen, and there is still a certain amount of ammonia and water vapor. There is no oxygen in the secondary atmosphere. This is because at the beginning of crustal adjustment, there is still a lot of metal iron on the surface, and oxygen can easily combine with metal iron and cannot be retained in the atmosphere. Therefore, the secondary atmosphere is anoxic reducing atmosphere. When the secondary atmosphere was formed, a large amount of water vapor was discharged into the atmosphere. At that time, the surface temperature was high, and the development of unstable convection in the atmosphere was very strong. The strong convection caused the water vapor to rise and condense. This is of great significance for the emergence of life afterwards and the formation of the current atmosphere. The period during which the secondary atmosphere enveloped the ground was roughly between 4.5 billion and 2 billion years ago.
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