Chapter 488: Starry Sky Technology Empire

The Earth's Gregorian calendar was April 5, 2002. On this day, the entire earth was in red and everyone was in high spirits. At this time, Star City became very solemn. The military and police forces blocked the entire city, and the order from the Government Council was very direct.
"Xiao Bing, look like this, handsome." Chen Qiang said in a newly designed dragon robe. The traditional dragon robe is the emperor's suit, which is embroidered with a dragon-shaped pattern, the emperor's dress, and the emperor's special robe, also known as the dragon robe. Its characteristics are coiled collar, right-handedness, yellow, and various dragon medallions on the dragon robe, which have changed over the years. According to historical records, the emperor's robes are embroidered with nine dragons, one on the chest and one on the back. One on each shoulder, two on the front and back knees, and one embroidered on the placket.
However, this new set of dragon robes does not look like a dragon. Although the name has become a dragon robe, the entire garment is embroidered with a galaxy. In the traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of power, nobility and honor, as well as a symbol of luck and success. However, it is a very evil species in foreign cultures, so there are great objections in the choice of dragon robes. Finally, after combining the opinions of all parties, this nondescript dragon robe was obtained.
"It's not bad, Your Majesty has seen the ceremony." After Mu Bing helped his husband arrange his collar, he learned how to look on the TV. Her dress today is also very characteristic and looks like a phoenix, but there is a phoenix on a galaxy. This is also a combination of ancient and present.
But you can't look down on these two clothes. Their production time is more than three months. Both the fabric and the pattern are made by hand. The production of the two clothes brings together the clothing designers of the entire earth. It can be said that These two clothes are the essence of the entire clothing world.
"Oh, my little princess is really beautiful." Chen Lu and Chen Yi also dressed at this time and opened the door. Chen Qiang looked at Shui Lingling's two children.
"Dad, I want to be a princess." Now the two children are graduating from elementary school, so they have a deeper understanding of the world, so they still know the importance of this moment. It's strange not to be nervous, so Chen Lu said very nervously, saying something she couldn't understand.
"Okay, Xiaolu was originally my father's grandfather. Today, I will make Xiaolu a real princess, okay." Chen Qiang squatted down and shaved Chen Lu's nose.
"General Chen, time is up." A woman came in and said at this time.
"Okay, let's go now." Then he took the two children out of the house and got on the anti-gravity flying car.
Regarding the emperor's coronation of the various religions on the earth, that's broken the head, for these religions is a good opportunity to spread their teachings. During the confrontation with Mutant Beasts, religion once surpassed the prestige of the Starry Group, but after the establishment of the government council, all religions on the earth were regulated, which also led to these religions having a great deal of influence with the Starry Group during this time. Resentment.
Therefore, there was a period of half a year when some of the orders of the Starry Sky Group could not reach the grassroots level, so this was a bit excessive. The Government Council and the military directly destroyed some of the religions that were established shortly after they were extremely disturbing. Some other religions have become much more obedient after this time. Coupled with the fact that the size of religions and their force have been restricted by the Government Council, religions have slowly begun to quiet down.
The coronation this time is the opportunity for religion to come out of the mountain again, so as long as the religions recognized by the Religious Department of the State Council all hope to get the job of crowning the country this time. The monarchy was the foundation of the ancient emperor's rule of the country, and this statement still exists in the minds of the people. The foundation of religion in China is not very strong, because 99% of the Chinese people do not believe in religion. This ancient Chinese emperor suppressed religion.
But in the eyes of foreigners, religion is their belief. Therefore, until the succession of kings in all monarchy countries during the First World War, religious elders must be crowned to be justified. Therefore, a very special phenomenon has appeared at the entire high level, that is, the issue of coronation. Basically, all English-speaking people want Christianity to do it, but Chinese-speaking people think that it should be sacrificed to heaven. In the end, Chen Qiang's Gan Gang resolved this matter arbitrarily, and that was to hold a military parade and press conference directly. As a result, the emperor's ascension ceremony became a press conference and parade for the establishment of the Starry Technology Empire.
"Your Majesty, we are here, please get off the bus." This is the female soldier in the Internal Forces. This is also Mu Bing's bodyguard ~ ~ Now it is the ceremonial officer of the entire ceremony.
So Chen Qiang held Chen Lu in one hand and his wife, while Mu Bing held Chen Yi in the other. Walking on the long red carpet looks like people coming out of the painting. At this time, the sides of the red carpet are already full of welcome people. The parents of Wu Aiguo, Anderson, Lei Jun, Kong Ru, Chen Qiang, Mu Bing's parents and so on, basically everyone is waiting for the arrival of this family. Seeing that the person waiting for him had stepped on the red carpet, Zhang Jian on the side immediately let the military band play the "March of the Volunteers", which is the national anthem of the starry sky technology empire.
At the same time, people on both sides of the red carpet also began to applaud, and the newly established National Television of the State Council began to broadcast all this to the entire Empire. This red carpet is very long, with a total length of 999 meters, which is the ultimate in the traditional Chinese culture. It was originally intended to get 9,999 meters, but such a long distance was directly rejected by Chen Qiang. Already.
"Mom, is this our emperor, how can it be no different from us." A little boy asked curiously sitting on the sofa.
"The emperor is also a man. He is our protector. Our good life is what he brought to us." The young mother said, touching her son's head. She loves her life now, as if there is no danger at all. If her husband exists now, then life will be better.
"Dad, they seem to be Chen Lu and Chen Yichen of our class." Chen Lu and Chen Yi have been well protected by Chen Qiang all these years, so many people know that Chen has two children, but they do n’t know each other. . This is the first time that two children have appeared in the eyes of the public, so the children who had attended school with Chen Lu and Chen Yi both recognized their classmates.
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