Chapter 496: Linear DNA

This is a society enslaved by money. No one can change this, so it has adopted a conservative strategy since the establishment of the empire. However, when this financial means goes too far, the Central Bank of the Chinese Academy of Government and Strategic Research Institute will certainly manage it. Because the empire needs to ensure that the Starcoin will not depreciate, because all currencies will devalue at the same time as economic growth. Although the current Starcoin is not a credit currency, it will still depreciate.
In particular, the current economy is calculated in trillions, so the current starcoin is not strong. If there is no compulsory order from the empire, the value of the starcoin would have collapsed.
"General Manager Chen, after our inspection, we found that the DNA strands of alien organisms are not double-spiral like humans, but a linear shape with a length of about 1,500 Daltons. And their DNA distribution is not concentrated. But they are found everywhere in the body, and their cells have no nucleus. "Liu Jiehui reported that she quit her job at the lunar base after the establishment of the empire and joined the starry sky creature to continue leading research and development projects. And like these old people, they prefer to call Mr. Chen Qiang instead of His Majesty.
"Sister, do you have any way to re-encode and transform this DNA?" Chen Qiang asked while watching the animation playing in the video.
"No, we are not at all able to determine the codon status of this DNA strand. To tell you the truth, if it was not an accident, our DNA could not be found." Liu Jie refused decisively, because these are two Without any intersection of civilizations, it is impossible to use the scientific thinking on the earth to analyze the information of aliens.
"Then you have no other discoveries." Chen Qiang asked a little disappointed, because the information bought back from Carlo showed that the civilization that can transform and research itself in the universe and create new creatures is almost above level 7. Civilization, and now the earth almost has such technology, so after consulting with several high-ranking empires, he intends to place the earth's biotechnology in the dark.
As for Carlo's body, which has been scrapped, it is also to be able to develop a new type of virus as a deterrent. Although the virus used last time was not air-borne, it was contagious and no cure was developed, so that action was extremely dangerous. If it is not possible, it will appear again like "zombie virus".
"Yes, we have found that the cells of the alien body absorb almost no vital energy, which is a very good material to isolate vitality. However, the conditions for such cells to reproduce are very high, and they need to be in a high temperature environment. Training. "Liu Jiehui reports.
"This is not a point. We must know that our human clones cannot absorb vitality. This should be a side effect after cloning." Chen Qiang said with some disappointment.
"No, President Chen, this is fundamentally different. Carlow's cells cannot absorb vitality, while cells of human clones cannot store vitality. Although we are not yet able to observe these cells microscopically, we Surely, this cell will be a huge promotion for our future biological development. "This is a premonition of Liu Jie. Although there is some emptiness, as long as there is a possibility, it needs to be continued, even if it fails. Also find a reason for failure. This is the rigor of science.
Chen Qiang was about to say something, but his communication bracelet rang. Because this is an emergency communication channel, he opened the virtual screen on the spot, with a pale face on Bai Xinyuan.
"Mr. Chen, our test ship has disappeared, and there are nearly three hundred various personnel on it." Bai Xinyuan said with a choked expression.
"Disappeared? Did you conduct the space shuttle experiment privately, I told you not to experiment anymore, you just don't listen. The information we got is very clear, we used to be silly and didn't know so I took it To do this with human life, but now we know the danger of this thing, why do we still have to do it. "Chen Qiang said angrily, without any concern about Liu Jie next to him.
"Mr. Chen, this is not our fault. We originally removed the shuttle device on the entire test ship as a research sample. However, during this disassembly, an accident occurred and the entire shuttle device was activated because There was not much energy on the ship, so we didn't worry too much, but we didn't expect that we scanned the surrounding environment with a light-year, and found that there was no trace at all. "Bai Xinyuan's eyes were filled with tears. And the tone was full of guilt. Because his fiancee was also a son, they knew each other when they built the Beluga.
"Let the military dispatch and investigate with the radar out of the solar system. The largest jumping range of this space shuttle device is one light-year. It is possible that space folding occurred during this shuttle jump ~ ~ It should not be very far, immediately conduct a comprehensive search, and use all means to detect the range of two light years centered on the earth. "Chen Qiang also calmed down and immediately made the arrangement, these three hundred Human beings are the authority of the entire humanity in the field of space shuttle. If these people disappear, it will drag humans to explore the space for hundreds or even thousands of years.
"Yes." Bai Xinyuan replied immediately, what he wanted was this sentence, because now the military's scientific research projects have been separated from the Xingkong Group, and some advanced technologies are first used in the military. He heard that the previous paragraph The Time Army deployed at least three turns of defensive warning radars around the solar system in a concentric manner, and the detection range of these radars exceeded one light year.
"Mr. Chen, there are no more problems on our side, is there a big problem on the side of the Space Research Institute?" Liu Jie asked carefully, before she only heard about the group's research on space jumping, but did not expect to have Prospects for practical application.
"It's okay, you go back first. As for your project to continue research." Chen Qiang can not say that there is something, after all, this matter has not been taken seriously from the beginning, because researchers were careless when loading and unloading the space shuttle. It's not that the moving of a part and then causing the entire ship to suddenly perform a space shuttle has not happened.
At this time, the headquarters in Moon City received an order from the Space Research Institute, and the leader was Chen Qiang.
"Commander, do we execute this document?" The combat staff on the side asked carefully.
"Execution, these three hundred people are very important to us." Zhu Kefu has some understanding of some research projects, so he gave a decisive order.
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