Chapter 499: Arrivals

"The military has acted again, and it seems that it is still planning to go to the solar system." The captain of a mining team saw gossip when he saw the military's huge fleet.
"No way, when humans haven't encountered aliens before, they can just stupidly think that there is only a human being in this world as a smart creature. But now it is different. Humans will sooner or later confront aliens. Doubt, "said a bearded man next to him, drinking the drink in his hand.
"I said, old cow, have you seen more of the three bodies? The Dark Forest Law seems to be very useful, but can you show that the aliens in this universe are all cruel." The captain retorted.
"Maybe there will be good aliens, but I don't think we can meet the earth. The wandering businessman Carlo appeared on behalf of everything. Now the earth is already a raw material production base for others," the man named Niu was very pessimistic Said.
"This is normal. Every country can skip the original accumulation and go directly to the next stage, and the production of raw materials is now the stage of the original accumulation of our planet. As long as this stage is passed, everything will be different. "The captain is obviously very optimistic.
The man named Niu did not speak, but his eyes were full of worry, because he had seen the military go to areas outside the solar system more than once these days. It's just that the fleet this time is larger than any previous one, and it seems that the fleet this time is going in one direction.
Interstellar navigation is the most boring, especially this long-distance navigation. Because the high-power shuttle device will affect the stability of the surrounding stars, the Imperial Space Command has stipulated that all spacecraft with shuttle capabilities can no longer travel within Jupiter's orbit. Therefore, the current transport fleet led by the general staff needs to go outside Jupiter's orbit to make a space shuttle and then reach the position of the thirteenth warning radar.
Although the speed of the Worm Warship is fast, it takes two days to reach Jupiter's orbit. Looking at the great red spots and whirlpool regular staff on Jupiter, he couldn't help but exclaim: "It's so beautiful." This is a heyday of space exploration enthusiasts. He couldn't help picking up the camera to shoot this beautiful scenery. There are many such pictures in the archives, but they are still the best to take.
General Staff was a member of the expedition city when he had just graduated from college. Later, after living on the battlefield, he liked space, and started to stir up the space mining company. In the era of which resources are scarce, his company developed quickly. At its peak, it had nearly ten Starry Skyships, and they were all the original Starry Sky Group. However, he later found that his hobby was getting farther and farther, and then he resolutely sold his company at its peak, and then formed an expedition to start deep space exploration.
And Jupiter is where they used to be, but they had no experience when they first explored. The spacecraft was too close to Jupiter and the spacecraft was captured by Jupiter's gravity. Finally, they used engine supercritical work to escape the dead. Although all the personnel finally returned to the earth, it also gave Chang staff a deeper understanding of the universe, so he resolutely joined the army after considering several things.
"Official staff, my fleet has reached the predetermined position, whether to conduct space shuttle." A man came to interrupt their thoughts.
"Shuttle immediately, take the fleet shuttle mode." Chang Staff pulled back his thoughts.
Fleet Shuttle Mode This requires strong intelligent control capabilities and strong technical capabilities. The current earth can't even control the location of the shuttle. It is even more difficult for the entire fleet to shuttle. And this time the operation is also the first fleet shuttle mode for human beings. The reason for using this method is to save energy. If the shuttle mode is based on a single ship, it is not allowed not only in time but also in energy. According to the theoretical model of the researchers, a fleet of one hundred warships can save two-thirds of the energy compared to a single ship.
However, this is also very risky, because humans have never been exposed to the fleet shuttle mode at all, so they are likely to fail. But now there is not so much time to think about other things, so with the strong persistence of Chen Qiang, there is this time the overall fleet shuttle mode. The regular staff was chosen to undertake this experimental task of serving as the captain of the transportation brigade.
"Five, four, three, two, and the beginning of the shuttle." At the moment when the flagship commander gave the order, the nine insect warships at the forefront would have gathered a lot of energy and shot forward. The next round of closing doors, which was maintained with great energy, appeared in front of the entire transport fleet.
"Beginning to enter, all warships send their own messages to the flagship and neighboring warships every three seconds." Chang Staff, looking at the huge light curtain, eagerly gave orders, he had long wanted to touch the power of space shuttle ~ ~ At first he planned to go to the research department, but after he entered the army, he was thrown to the military academy to study for three months, and finally came to the staff to become a combat staff. This time, he applied for the task because he really wanted to get in touch with the space shuttle.
The original formation maintained by a hundred battleships began to enter the Light Gate in a rush. When the last battleship entered, the Light Gate began to dissipate slowly, and finally the entire starry sky returned to its original calm.
At this time, another light gate appeared near the Space Station 13 billion kilometers away, and soon after the formation of the closed gate, a battleship appeared in this area.
"The fleet ahead stopped immediately, please report your purpose." A starry spaceship slowly appeared in front of the entire fleet. Although it looks like an elephant and an ant, this little 'ant' But without the slightest fear, using the communication system to constantly play the same sentence in various cosmic languages.
"We are the transport fleet of Imperial Space Command, and were ordered to transport energy blocks to supply the 13th warning radar." Chang staff said directly, he knew that these long-distance warning radars outside the solar system are controlled by specialized artificial intelligence, if the entire process When it is not going well, the self-exposure mode will be activated and the information will be transmitted.
"Please verify your identity and mission information." At this time, a verification message box appeared in front of the regular staff. So he entered the information he was already familiar with. This was special task verification information. There was no copy, and only the master knew.
"The verification is successful. Welcome to the 13th long-range early warning radar base." At this time, a very mechanical voice sounded throughout the fleet.
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