Chapter 541: Plan ahead

At this time, Chen Qiang who watched it all on the 'Qin' type battleship frowned, speeding up by 8%. This is a very difficult matter to deal with, and re-plan the impact location, but the time now is basically It is not enough, and it is a long process to adjust the orbit of such a large Ceres, and if it is adjusted too much, Earth may be implicated.
Ceres is huge, with a diameter of 950 kilometers, so no human tool can pull or push it. Therefore, the original method can only be used to recoil it out of orbit and accelerate. Just pushing Ceres out of orbit, the entire Mars project team really scrapped thousands of the latest engines. The method they used was very simple. They used a meteorite that could be propelled by the engine to strike Ceres to leave it in orbit. Place it on a predetermined orbit by impact.
The next step is acceleration. A total of three accelerations are required from the original orbit of Ceres to Mars. The first is the initial acceleration. During this process, the Mars project team spent a total of 30 nuclear bombs of various types. The second acceleration phase was when leaving the asteroid belt, because at this time Ceres experienced a great change in its orbit and speed after experiencing the onslaught of the asteroid belt. It took a total of nearly 50 types Nuclear bomb, and that long tail was formed at this time. The final acceleration phase is now, in order to adjust the impact attitude and final sprint.
"It is reported that the mountain range one thousand kilometers north of the original impact point is very suitable. Its highest peak is a shield-shaped volcano, and its bottom diameter reaches 600 kilometers, which is very suitable for a buffer device." Proposed after the calculation.
"Olympus Mountain, the highest peak of Mars may be gone now. Immediately implement this plan and change the position of the impact point. The new impact point is Olympus Mountain." Dang Yanlong immediately ordered and now gives him There is not much time, if you drag on, you will miss the best time to adjust the attitude.
"Yes, calculate the adjustment direction and angle immediately." All the staff began to frantically operate the screen in front of them in order to come up with a feasible solution in the shortest time.
Although Chen Qiang was anxious at this time, he knew that it would not be possible to add chaos, and that this project was originally a difficult matter, and failure was inevitable. As long as the meteorite hits Mars, it will not matter whether it has achieved the intended purpose in the end.
"The plan is completed and whether it will be implemented immediately." A plan was displayed on the screen in front of the chief engineer Dang Yanlong in real time, and at this time he hesitated because the plan was extremely rude. But such a plan can be made very well under the current conditions.
"Immediately." Dang Yanlong finally gave his order by gritting his teeth.
So a series of nuclear bombs on Ceres was detonated, and the movement at this time must be larger at any time in front. For the entire movement of Ceres, the Mars project team placed more than 500 nuclear bombs on Ceres, of various equivalents, of which more than 300 were buried under Ceres' crust. Burying so much is to smash these nuclear bombs directly if Ceres really passes by with Mars. Small meteorites are not a threat to Earth. But a 950-kilometre guy is not the same. The diameter of the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs was only about 10 kilometers in diameter. Of course, it may be a little larger than this in space.
"Brother, do you say that this will be successful. I am afraid that all nuclear bombs on the surface of Ceres have been detonated." Chen Jun looked at Ceres Road, which was constantly shining.
"I don't know, look at God." Chen Qiang said helplessly, some things really need a bit of luck.
"But this project is too high for the current empire's capital. One third of the military expenditure is invested in this field. This is not even the Strategic Research Institute, the relevant departments of the State Council, and the Starry Sky. Family investment. If this time fails, it may lead to some dissatisfaction within the military. "Chen Jun at this time was very clear what the project in front meant.
"Every project has the possibility of failure, especially in such a project that challenges human technological strength. Maybe I'm too anxious, but I have to do it because I don't know the next alien It ’s a mysterious time to visit humans manually. When I was watching the Dark Forest Law, I just thought it was a cool expression, but now I ’m afraid that everything described in it will happen to humans.
Chen Qiang sighed, saying these words He would only talk about it in front of this younger brother, after all, human beings do not allow their monarchs to appear timid.
"But brother, this time may also be thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. We can not bear these pressures ~ ~ Chen Jun said with some distress, he knows what his brother has suffered over the years. 60% of the Empire ’s tax revenue and 100% of the state ’s corporate income are invested in the aerospace field. Many people do n’t understand this, thinking that it ’s the Empire ’s weak armies. But only he understands what it ’s doing. .
"Be prepared, since I have brought humans into space and have contact with aliens, then I have an obligation to save a batch of tinders for human beings at the last moment. How is the moon project going, and all kinds of projects go smoothly." Chen Qiang shifted the topic after sighing, he didn't want to say too much on this topic.
"At present, it is almost stable, but the construction of a planet-level engine is extremely difficult. Until now we have not completed the theoretical research, so some projects simply cannot be carried out. According to the current rate of development of basic science, about one thousand years later, We will complete the transformation of the entire moon, but according to your fears, humans may not use the moon at that time. "Chen Jun directly said what he thought, he now feels that the Empire did have some poor soldiers in these years.
"It is always good to be prepared. We will not be able to wait until a thousand years later when we use our capabilities, and we can't wait for a construction period of hundreds of years." Chen Qiang didn't seem to hear Chen Jun's spit. But some things cannot be understood with current concepts. He lives 800 years, so he has a lot of time to verify these.
Just as they were chatting, Ceres suddenly increased a lot in speed after more than a dozen blasts, and its flying attitude also changed. And not far away Mars stood quietly, maybe it was waiting for Ceres to come.
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