Chapter 546: College entrance examination

It is another year's college entrance examination season. This year, about 130 million students around the world are admitted to universities, but the maximum capacity of all universities is only 41 million. So it means that the remaining 62 million students can only go to various technical schools or enter the society after graduating from high school.
This is the result of the Ministry of Education and underestimation of control, as there are not so many teachers at all now. All the teachers who teach at the university are basically doctoral graduates, and some majors may be reduced to masters. Of course, some people who have made achievements in this field are not in this rank. This greatly limits the number of teachers in colleges and universities, and makes shortages indispensable. This is a rule originally formulated by the Ministry of Education.
The purpose of the Ministry of Education to do this is very simple. It is to use the most concentrated resources to cultivate a batch of talents with high knowledge and expertise in many fields, and then enter the R & D institutions of the Empire or the R & D institutions of the following companies. Therefore, some of the best-performing students have basically entered various academies, and only the worst-performing students have entered university teaching.
So now the Empire ’s Ministry of Education, major research institutes, and major universities are an antagonistic relationship. Colleges and universities want the top talents to stay in the front-line professors, while major research institutes need top talents to complete research projects. As for the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education has faithfully implemented instructions from the top of the Empire to ensure that the military Fang and Imperial Academy of Sciences talent supply.
"Lolo, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If we can't pass the exam, we will go to the city's technical college. It is also very promising to come out there." A woman said to her daughter who was holding a writing instrument and was going to enter the school gate.
"Mom, I will definitely pass the exam." Student Luo Luo was obviously very confident.
Many people are calling for the written test method to be cancelled, but the system has not been cancelled after the Imperial Ministry of Education's investigations. Because this song method can test the students' various thought levels, and the entire examination process is also an aspect of the assessment, you can understand some of the student's situation from the emotions of the students answering the questions. This has become the major university choice of schools A standard.
This is an era of just the Big Bang, which has resulted in extremely heavy burdens on students. Although these children have been transformed in their brains since they were young, they are also overwhelmed. If the knowledge structure of these children is compared with the previous knowledge structure of high school graduates, it is already comparable to previous university graduates or even master graduates.
As for entering the university, it is a load-bearing burden, because they will find that what they have learned before is very basic, but after the university, the university teachers will not give them a buffer time. It does n’t matter how much you understand directly in class, so college students are now carrying some academic books they have never seen before, and even being introduced by some project teams.
Of course, if you ca n’t keep up with the whole rhythm, you will be eliminated for a maximum of one year. The current universities are all eliminating unlimited systems. It is also normal. The reason for this system is very simple. Today's universities can only issue diplomas. As for degree certificates, college students need to take the exams themselves. Of course, this degree certificate is not a simple certificate, but a graduate certificate of recognition and status.
There are only two types of scientists and engineers for this kind of certificate. Among them, the scope of engineers is relatively broad and the requirements are relatively low. But scientists are simply looking for an all-rounder, so no more than 300,000 people get this certificate every year. Of course, obtaining this certificate does not mean that you can rest easy. It only means that the parties have obtained the qualifications to practice. And this certificate has a period of time, if it is not promoted within ten years, it will be cancelled directly.
So going to school in this era is really not a very cost-effective thing, but this channel is still a rising channel for people living at the bottom. And the empire is based on science and technology, so the status of scientists in society is very high, and everyone hopes that themselves or their children can become scientists.
Perhaps there is no way to reject an exam in the human era, because this is the fairest way. Now many private universities can arrange a few students to enter the school as long as they have a high sponsorship fee. In fact, this does not violate the law, because many schools rely on these sponsorship fees, and the students are very smart. They didn't have enough strength to enter this university, but they failed when competing with others.
Education has never been a fair thing. This was only realized after Chen Qiang formally understood many of them, so he kept his eyes open for these things. Now he is no longer a former gimmick, and in his current status, a word may cause uproar, and it is him who finally cleans up the endgame, so he will not do such a troublesome thing ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Your Majesty, we expect to recruit 3 million more students this year than last year. This is the number after strict calculation by our Ministry of Education, but major universities are still somewhat unwilling. As the Minister of Education, Wang Peng monitored all the examination rooms in a virtual screen today, but he did not expect Chen Qiang to come and ask some things.
"There are a lot of three million people. What we need now is the trained talents. Don't make the final trained talents unqualified because of wasteful food." Chen Qiang was also surprised when he heard the figure of three million, because the entire empire's expansion last year only 800,000, it has indeed tripled this year.
"In fact, this is a figure after the Ministry of Education cut off a part of it. As of yesterday, the Imperial Ministry of Education has received applications for the establishment of 50 universities such as Mars University. These universities can digest nearly 500,000 people. There are also universities For the expansion, we have all allocated the money. If you do n’t see the results, then I ’m a little sorry for the hard work of the Ministry of Education over the years.
Wang Peng said proudly.
Today's education does have proud qualifications. The entire educational environment has undergone tremendous changes since the Empire was founded. This is the biggest achievement of the Ministry of Education in these years. Now the Empire has formed a new type of education system and scientific research system, and the effect of this system is much better than the previous one. The cramming education is no longer suitable for the current empire. What is needed now is the all-round talent with both knowledge and creativity.
"You pay close attention to this matter. Education is a millennium plan. The information we have obtained from Carlo so far is only digesting one-tenth. I hope that the level of human science and technology will be 50 years later. The earth-shaking changes can no longer eat the old man. "Chen Qiang sighed.
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