Chapter 591: Planetary development

Although the cabinet ’s big move has made many people a bit uncomfortable, most of the business people and the people are accustomed to this way of governing, so they quickly adjusted it. Then a vigorous moon-building movement began, and the mining industry in the entire solar system began to flourish, and the entire empire began to rush past with a positive attitude.
In the year 2100, it was already the twenty-second century, and the empire was established seventy-eight years ago. Human development has also stepped out of the earth and began to enter the entire solar system. The moon has long become a new type of industrial base. The most people here are workers, and there are more than 10,000 types of spacecraft on test flights every day, but compared to the hungry market, it is still not enough.
Mars also undertook a major development in Anderson's second term. It can be said that during Anderson's entire term, it was a golden period for the development of human space. Throughout this empire, a series of explosive technology products and various construction achievements have emerged through this shareholder style.
"Your Majesty, there are currently more than 300 million new immigrants on Mars. This is already our largest resource capacity. So I hope to reduce the size of immigration. Ten million people are about the same every year." Lei Jun has now become the assistant of the cabinet Compared with the previous cabinet, the current cabinet has a lot of power in various aspects, but the organization has been streamlined.
Chen Qiang is more than ninety years old. Although there is vitality in his thirties, he still has traces on his face. His hair has long been white, and age spots have appeared on his face. This is unavoidable, because human beings will have their first true end of life in 2075. Of course, more elderly people choose to freeze their bodies until the empire finds a solution.
At present, a human body freezing place is not expensive. After all, this technology does not have any difficulty for human beings at present. This has also led the medical industry to slowly shift from various fields of cultivation or medical pharmacy to human research. And more and more capitalists have begun to build human freezer.
Chen Qiang is not actually involved in government affairs now, and everything that the royal family takes care of is taken over by his daughter Chen Lu. However, some big things still need him to get an idea, after all, he is still the monarch of the entire empire in name. After listening to Lei Jun's report, he asked, "What did Chen Lu say?"
"Director Chen agreed to this plan, but she did not agree with the number of immigrants of 10 million per year. Her goal is 25 million per year." Lei Jun is now also an old man with white hair and white beard. He spoke The beard was very cute.
The Mars plan was promoted by Chen Qiang, so he also hopes to complete the development of Mars as soon as possible, but as the empire monarch, he still has to consider the bearing capacity of the entire empire. After Mars completed construction, he went to see it several times. The continents were almost connected together, and did not appear like Earth.
Mars is about half the diameter of the Earth, with a volume of 15% and a mass of 11%. Its surface area is equivalent to the land area of ​​the Earth, which is about 150 million square kilometers. After the transformation, the land area of ​​Mars accounts for about 68.24% of its surface area, which is 98 million square kilometers. There are mountains and forests to go out, so the area where humans live will not exceed 40% of the surface area of ​​Mars.
And forty percent of the surface of Mars is 57.64 million square kilometers, while the area of ​​Asia above the earth is 44 million square kilometers. So Mars is not actually a planet that can inhabit many people. According to the planning of the empire, the population of Mars was controlled at about 8 billion, and Lei Jun also planned to reduce the intensity of Mars migration because of this.
"I know what you think. You are planning to train the 300 million people who are now Martians. This is a very good idea, but the population of the earth now exceeds 20 billion, so the place where the mouth is vented is Mars. Our biggest vent. "Chen Qiang can only sigh. He originally thought that a Mars could meet the needs of the entire human population for the next 500 years, but he did not expect that the population would grow so fast under the empire's massive stimulus policy.
Lei Jun was also helpless at this time: "Your Majesty, in fact, I did not expect that the population growth would be so fast. I originally had opinions about the development of Mars, but now I have to admire His Majesty's foresight."
"Then come according to your plan. At present, the moon can carry two billion people, and Mars can carry eight billion. At this population growth rate, humans will exceed 50 billion in two hundred years. So the Cabinet and the Academy of Sciences and the military Fang is going to make a plan for the transformation of the rest of the planets in the solar system, and it is time to put it on the agenda. "Chen Qiang also thought about the transformation of the planet for a long time.
Lei Jun apparently froze, because when the former Shoufu came to power, the empire carried out a lot of development and made a lot of investment, and the fire was very hot. But when he came to power, he did not carry out these large projects. The only project was the military's communication system construction project ~ ~ But this is a military project and not a cabinet project, so he did not have any Performance.
He has also been thinking about the feasibility of some achievements in the past two years, but in the end all the projects have been eliminated. Because he is a person who seeks stability, he is unwilling for some projects with too much risk. For example, he has seen detailed plans for this solar system planet reconstruction plan, but the investment of the entire project is too huge, and the risks are very high. High, so I gave up.
He was suddenly put forward by His Majesty, but he was still a little hesitant, but he quickly responded: "This project actually has some plans over the Academy of Sciences, but I have kept them because the current investment is too much. It's huge. "
"The empire can take time. From the end of Anderson's last three years, the empire's finances started to have a surplus. This is not in line with the policy of taxing the people for the people. I think it is better for the empire to bear a little debt. Let ’s hold a seminar in the name of the cabinet, and gather all the funds of the Empire to do it. Over the years, the three major guilds and the gladiatorial court have made a lot of money.
Chen Qiang laughed, this is an open secret. After all, the mining business is already booming in the Kuiper Belt.
This time, all the mining companies did not directly transport the ore, but set up a smelting plant in the Kuiper Belt. Finally, all kinds of pure metal blocks or powders were transported back. Of course, these metals are of very high value, otherwise the money earned on this trip will not be enough for the entire expenditure.
"I'll set up a seminar first, and listen to opinions from all quarters." Although Lei Jun had some intentions, the first thing he did as the assistant was to consider the impact of this incident on the empire. Although the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, Maybe he needs to minimize the disadvantages.
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