Chapter 6: Paper Publication

I thought of this, and Chen Qiang's heart surged again. Chen Qiang understood Kong Yi's meaning, so he didn't have any tangles. He directly prepared the paper in accordance with Kong Yi's modification, and sent it to Kong Yi on the computer, and asked Kong Yi to contribute for himself. In fact, this is also a hidden rule. With Kong Zhi's academic status, submissions will be answered immediately, without waiting too long.
After a while, Chen Qiang revised the paper. Chen Qiang opened the mailbox and sent out the revised paper.
"Ah, it's finally done." Chen Qiang stood up and stretched his arms.
Chen Qiang walked to the window and looked at the dark night, but Chen Qiang's eyes appeared with the slightest brightness.
"Chen Qiang helped me see the results of this experiment."
"Okay, here it is." Chen Qiang put down the magazine in his hand and walked in the direction of his voice. On the cover of the magazine on the table, there was a stark note of nature. Naturally, it is divided into a research monthly magazine and a review weekly magazine. The weekly magazine is published every Tuesday and the monthly magazine is published on the 25th of each month. Chen Qiang's paper is published in the monthly magazine.
"Senior, your formula is correct, but when you heat up, the temperature is too high, and the components in the culture medium decrease ..." Chen Qiang looked at the culture medium in front of him and looked at him again. Formula and found the problem.
"Hey, Chen Qiang, you just looked at the formula and the culture medium, how did you find the reason so quickly." A thin but not tall boy asked aside.
"Senior, teach you a trick, add a few more mediums, and look at the color, you will understand." Chen Qiang pretended to be profound.
"Cut, you're still deep." After the boy gave Chen Qiangshu a thumb, he went into the experiment again.
Chen Qiang saw the busy seniors and sisters in this laboratory and thought of his madness during that period of time, but now they are all suffering.
But Chen Qiang thought he was caught by the teacher, and he was helpless. Chen Qiang originally wanted to relax in class with classmates during the period before graduation. But after less than three days of class, he was called by the tutor to throw it into the laboratory, and asked him to guide the experiment of the senior and senior sister.
There is an unwritten rule in the Life College of Lianda University. The graduation thesis must have experimental procedures and data. However, this regulation has led to a strong research atmosphere in the Institute of Life. Every proud man here will have his own laboratory as his goal.
"Didi, Didi, Didi" Chen Qiang just sat on the chair and the phone on the table rang.
"Hey, hello, whoever." Chen Qiang took the phone and answered it.
"Hello, is Mr. Chen Qiang Chen." The other end of the phone was a thick middle-aged voice.
"Yes, I am, may I ask who you are." Chen Qiang heard a middle-aged person, and his heart suddenly jumped, but still suppressed that trace of excitement and asked.
"Hello, Mr. Chen, I am the general manager of Leica. I want to talk to you about your recipe. May I ask if you have time, I will come to the city." The middle-aged person across the street was also anxious and said quickly.
"Okay, I have time at any time, you can contact me when you come to Liancheng." Chen Qiang didn't hold back anything. He has his own plan, and this recipe is only the initial capital. Since the other party is so sincere, and until now No other company has contacted him yet.
"Okay, Mr. Chen, I will hurry up now." The middle-aged man was very excited, and he had seen the dawn of his promotion.
强 Chen Qiang hung up the phone and picked up the natural one, the first text of which was Chen Qiang's serum-free medium. This book naturally arrived yesterday. According to the release date, today is the first day. Chen Qiang has been waiting for a call to purchase the formula, because when Chen Qiang was developing the formula, his ultimate goal was to sell it and get the first funding to support his future development.
Almost at night, Chen Qiang was going to eat, but was interrupted by a phone call.
"Excuse me, Mr. Chen Qiang. I'm from Leica. We contacted today." A strong male voice came from Chen Qiang's mobile phone.
"Oh?" Chen Qiang didn't even expect the other party to come so fast.
"Mr. Chen Qiang, I'm at the gate of Liancheng University. Do you have time now, let's sit down together." There was some urgency for the thick male voice.
I heard the urgent voice on the phone. Chen Qiang felt that there was something wrong with this matter, but he didn't want to understand the joints. Chen Qiang completely put aside this doubt. He said to the receiver, "Well, wait for me at the school gate, and I'll come over here."
"Okay, Mr. Chen Qiang, my license plate number is ki4155158." The voice on the phone was a little rejoicing ~ ~ Chen Qiang went straight to the school gate after hanging up the phone. On the way to the school gate, Chen Qiang has been thinking about why Leica is so anxious. Chen Qiang feels that although his serum-free medium formula is particularly powerful, it is limited to scientific research. For ordinary people, there is no help at all, and the audience of serum-free medium is too narrow and it is not too profitable. Great potential.
Chen Qiang's phone rang while Chen Qiang was thinking. Chen Qiang looked at the phone and found it was an American number. Chen Qiang was very puzzled, but instead of hanging up, he answered.
"Hello, hello." Chen Qiang was very puzzled.
"Hello, I'm the manager of Monsanto in the United States. May I ask if there is any possibility of transferring the serum-free medium formula of Mr. Chen." Inside is a woman's voice, which is very capable.
"Yes, the possibility of transfer, this needs to be discussed." Chen Qiang's voice was very calm. Although Chen Qiang agreed to meet with Leica, he did not agree to sell them the formula.
"Well, Mr. Chen, our company will send a professional team to discuss with you tomorrow. May I have time tomorrow?" The voice of the woman finally fluctuated.
"Well, see you tomorrow. Chen Qiang is getting more and more confused now. Because Meng Shan is a seed company, but he is interested in serum-free media.
强 Chen Qiang hung up the phone and continued to walk towards the school gate, his pace slowly accelerated, because the phone call has been delayed for some time, Chen Qiang did not want to leave a bad impression on the other person when he first met.
But things didn't go as expected, and the phone rang just a minute after Chen Qiang left. Chen Qiang picked up the phone and looked at it, again from the United States. Chen Qiang picked up the phone again: "Hey, hello."
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