Chapter 64: ready

"Well, the next press conference will be hosted by 'Nuwa', and 'Nuwa' will grant second-level permissions to everyone present." Chen Qiang knew that these reporters will have a lot of questions, so he temporarily opened some Permission to these journalists.
At this time, Reuters ’s blonde and beautiful girl near the water tower first got the moon; "'son-in-law', are you artificial intelligence?"
A very simple question, but this is a question that everyone is concerned about. Because if you get a positive answer, then the world will completely enter the era of intelligence.
"No, artificial intelligence is a discipline that studies the use of computers to simulate certain thinking processes and intelligent behaviors of people (such as learning, reasoning, thinking, planning, etc.), mainly including the principles of computer-implemented intelligence and the manufacture of computers similar to human brain intelligence To enable computers to achieve higher-level applications. Artificial intelligence will involve disciplines such as computer science, psychology, philosophy, and linguistics, and my function is only to speed up the ability to analyze data. If it is spoken in simple language, It's a deeper application of big data. "'Nüwa' replied.
Through the answer of son-in-law, the interest of the reporters also disappeared, and some reporters were relieved.
"Why are you so much more advanced than other companies?" At this time, a reporter from the New York Times stood up.
因为 "Because I adopted a new language and a new structure." 娲 Son-in-law answered, even if the other person spoke English.
"May I know what language it is?" The New York Times reporter continued to ask.
"Insufficient authority to tell." Nu Wa's answer at this time was a bit mechanical.
All reporters once again set their sights on Chen Qiang, but Chen Qiang said: "The company is confidential and cannot be informed." Disappointed, very disappointed. However, Chen Qiang's next sentence raised hopes for reporters again. I saw Chen Qiang said: "But I will announce it one day in the future."
In the next time, the questions of journalists will be a bit normal, because the biggest purpose of this press conference is over. Since Xingkong Biology announced that the artificial intelligence in his hand is just a deep-level application of big data, other companies and countries will reach this level someday in the future, it may just be that one point has not been figured out.
As long as it is not a technology beyond the times, there is a possibility of duplication. But what they don't know is that ‘son-in-law’ uses some special neural algorithms, and this algorithm is only Chen Qianghui. However, there will always be geniuses in the world. He may develop a neural algorithm that is not inferior to Chen Qiang. But in this era, Chen Qiang has stood at the highest peak.
In addition to several net gas plants developed by Chen Qiang at this global press conference, Xingkong Biological also has several plants developed by the current net gas plant research project team. This has greatly increased the variety of net gas plants, and also made journalists who came to the conference worthwhile.
The global launch conference of Xingkong Creature was not broadcast live, so the outside world did not know much about the conference of Xingkong Creature, but recently, the starry sky creature began to advertise. Advertisements of starry sky creatures appeared on various Internet sites, which made many Chinese netizens call starry sky creatures to follow the wave. Some people even listed in the video the top ten most mysterious companies in the world, of which starry sky creatures directly topped the list.
In fact, the starry sky creatures only existed in very few reports before. They never advertised, and people sold the things they bought, and they were also sold hot. Even the outside world knows little about the company's structure, which is even better than the old godmother.
The next thing is very simple. It is enough to distribute the goods directly. Because the star gas biological species are only supplied to the government, the orders of the five major cultivation centers are relatively neat. The local government that bought it pulled it away.
As for the net flower plant of small flowers, Chen Qiang was not so anxious to sell it, because Chen Qiang posted an advertisement for a recruitment agency at the press conference. This is a result of discussions between senior executives such as Chen Qiang and Anderson. Now that Star Sky Logistics is overloaded, it is necessary to expand the number of employees. However, Chen Qiang felt that such simple labor to hire workers was too unworthy, and Chen Qiang planned to turn the entire starry sky creature into a scientific research enterprise, and did not want too many managers.
Net gas plant, this is a 100% profit-making business, so no matter which company wants to step in. However, after Xingkong Bio posted the conditions for the agents, many companies were dumbfounded. Because one of the conditions of this enterprise is that it must have five years and more than five years of experience in flower agency, which makes enterprises a little puzzled. However, companies have their own methods ~ ~ I don't have that qualification. It is enough to buy a puppet, just buy one. So in the period before the dealer conference, the transaction volume of flower companies around the world increased linearly.
Alas, this has nothing to do with Chen Qiang, because Anderson is enough for these things. Dealer conferences only. Those big companies have no energy to run for this benefit. If it is the technology of clean gas plants, then this conference is a bit promising. But that is impossible. No one will sell his own secret recipe.
As for where Chen Qiang is now, he is closed. This is the reason for Chen Qiang to speak to the outside world. The fact is that Chen Qiang noticed that the memory has a tendency to burst, so after the completion of the explanation, he came to the underground base and began to lie in a glass tank filled with cell activating fluid, waiting for the memory to burst.
At this time, Mu Bing was still at home silently. Mu Bing was curled up on the bed with a quilt, and she cried quietly. She did not dare to cry out loud, for fear of being heard by the parents next door, because Chen Qiang Say you don't want anyone to know about it.
Mou Bing touched the watch on his wrist and couldn't help thinking of what Chen Qiang said to Mu Bing last night: "Binger, take this watch with you. I need three months to retreat this time. If I have n’t had three months, If it appears, you can press the largest button. Someone will guide you on how to do it. There will also be a phone number suitable for the Secretary of the Prime Minister, Secretary Xu. After you have processed the company, give him a call. "
Wu Mubing's tears grew more and more, but there was no sound of crying, because the family might be supported by her in the future. At this time, Mu Bing wanted to rush to the company and drag Chen Qiang out. However, Mu Bing knew that Chen Qiang had no choice but to do so. If there was a way, Chen Qiang would not tell him this. Maybe this is unforgettable.
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