Chapter 684: 1 connection

With more and more areas attacked by mutant beasts, and the front line of the capital has now been red-eyed, more than five samurai soldiers have died. Therefore, for the situation reported by Australia, the General Staff's General Staff immediately monitored this assembly of separate mutant beasts. And analyzed where these mutant beasts might go next, so it ’s better to arrange troops in advance to prevent them.
But after analyzing the trajectory, they discovered that the ultimate purpose of these mutant beasts was not to attack the military defense line on land, but to go to the vitality nodes controlled by each family. There are many children of these families in the military. When this analysis came out, many people began to send messages to their families. The same news was also reported to Chen Lu and Chen Jun.
When she saw this information, Chen Lu didn't expect that the mutant beast would have such a mess. She dare to make sure that all the families that have the vigor node now know the news, and the first thing these families need to do is to organize the family. Strength strengthens the defensive power of the vitality node. This will greatly increase the difficulty of the Dragon Army's attack on these vital nodes. Even if it can be taken down at that time, it will lose its meaning.
"Xiao Lu, let your troops stop advancing, let those families and mutant beasts fight, we can just wait for the end." Chen Jun laughed suddenly when he saw the news, because this was naked to send mutant beasts Into the military and royal hands. No matter how strong a family is, it cannot resist the attack of mutant beast tide, and it is still in the sea. In the past, the military and these families were jointly defended. Of course, the military produced in the vitality nodes held by these families also had 30% of the military.
Now even if the military wants to help, it can only be helpless. After all, the military is now fighting various mutant beasts in various regions. And when the clan and the mutant beasts separate the victory and defeat, the military accepts the next thing with the statement that it finally draws its troops to support, then it can be done logically. Of course, there is a hidden danger in this. It is basically torn apart from each family, but what about it? After all, you can't stand it yourself, we get the vitality node from the mutant beast.
Sure enough, on the mission websites of the three major guilds and the gladiatorial arena, various families began to recruit high-level warriors to guard the vitality node. And this time, these families also gave out a lot of blood, and the minimum number of vitality blocks was 100 yuan. It should be known that the price of a block of energy on the market is around 100 million Sincoins, and 100 yuan is 10 billion.
In fact, this price is also the purpose of Chen Lu to get the vitality node. The price of the vitality block on the market is simply unreasonable, because the major vitality block production families are united. The Chen family only mastered a vitality node in the Arctic, so the limited production could not pull its price down. If the price of the vitality block cannot be pulled down, the social class of humanity will become more and more fixed in the future. This empire does not want to see it.
"Report, Colonel Jiang Yu came to report." A colonel at the Bohai Rim Command gave Chen Haijing a gift.
"Colonel Jiang Yu, what are you doing here when you are not fighting in the front?" Chen Hai asked with a frown. Because Chen Hai deployed most of Tangshan's direct troops to support the capital, the mutant herd that had accumulated strength in the sea began to attack the Tangshan defense line. However, because the strength of this mutant herd is not very strong, and the weapons and equipment on the command side are quite luxurious, so far it is still in the anxiety. This Jiang Yu is a main officer in the logistics of the headquarters, and is now the commander of the front line of Tangshan.
"Commander, let me go back home. It said that the vitality node of the family in the South Pacific was attacked by mutant beasts, which required a large number of experts." Jiang Yu is actually not like saying these words. The deserter is a shame to a soldier. And still under such circumstances, he was filled with guilt at this moment.
"I see, let's go. I will let others take over your place." Chen Hai didn't hesitate but let it go. This surprised Jiang Yu a bit, because this was a deserter and he was shot during the war. Although he is a child of the Jiang family, the commander must at least show an angry expression.
In fact, what Jiang Yu didn't know was that Jiang's vitality node in the South Pacific was indeed attacked, and he felt that it was a reason the family made up for his safety until he left Tangshan. As for his ease of release, Chen Hai also received a message from the headquarters, that is, all family members of the logistic forces were released as long as the family called for them.
This is the cruelty of Chen Jun. He not only wants the vitality nodes in the hands of various families, but also weakens the strength of these families. All the family children in the military's logistics department are cultivated by the family. After all, if these people are placed in the front line, the sacrifice is inevitable. After all, the ground forces need to be stationed in Australia and the mutant beasts. Will not be the attack on the coastal defense. The logistics department of the military is much safer and can enjoy various benefits and treatments of the military.
In fact, for the children of these families, the sudden war made them panic, because this was the first time they had contacted and died at such a close distance. Although they are in the logistics unit, the logistics unit will still be on the battlefield ~ ~ Just like Jiang Yuming is a logistics officer, but when there is no additional combat unit, the logistics unit is the combat unit.
As for escaping from the army, this is even more impossible. If you escape during a war, it will be a capital crime if you are found. Even if there is family protection, they ca n’t survive this iron law, so they would rather walk around on the battlefield than be a deserter, because they all know that they may still be alive when they go to the battlefield, but when the deserter will surely die .
The attack of mutant monsters on various vitality nodes was quickly spread. Although various families began to desperately organize manpower to rescue them, most of the high-level warriors were currently recruited by the military. All these families can collect are crooked dates, and some families intend to use the amount to win, but the government affairs agency has heard that the martial arts advanced martial arts cannot be recruited.
Therefore, these families can only recruit their own children's children, and then organize a group of martial arts soldiers above the senior level to support. However, this has become a fueling tactic, but many families do not like to give up the vitality node and can only support it.
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