Chapter 700: Foreign exchange plan

However, this time Yang Yuanqing was obviously wrong, because Chen Lu had a more daring plan, which was to use the qi block as a shuttle device for space shuttle energy.
In fact, Chen Lu did not have any expectations for this technical line, but after Chen Qiang went to inspect and then personally allocated 10 million pieces of vitality. She also gradually began to pay attention, and obtained detailed data for some inspection. In the end, it was found that this was a very mature technical route, and what made her most happy was that the first experiment on the ship was very successful.
This also weighed on the last straw in Chen Lu's heart, so the goal set by her at the beginning of her term was opened again.
When Chen Lu came to power, he had an idea to promote the exchange between human beings and the outside world. To achieve this goal, a fleet with space shuttle capabilities was needed. Such a fleet is completely difficult for humans in the past. After all, humans have not mastered the space shuttle technology, and human life is not very long now.
Now human beings have this opportunity, and the technology is quite mature, so promoting such a plan is like pushing the boat. As for the cost, this is not considered by an empire. For ordinary people, it is quite a luxury to use the vitality block as the driving force, but for an empire, there is no luxury in front of the general trend, only whether it should or should not.
Moreover, Chen Lu also made a lot of preparations to promote such a plan, for example, all the insect warships were sealed and repaired as soon as he came to power. In order to extend the life of this type of warship, if humans have not yet developed sufficient space shuttle devices in the future, then these warships will be used to form the first human exchange fleet.
There is also that the Imperial Army has been hunting mutant beasts over the years, storing mutant beast meat as a commodity for human communication with the outside world. This is also the only thing that human beings can understand as a universal commodity. As for energy blocks, which can be mass-produced, they are even in an unlimited amount of reserves.
It can be said that Chen Lu's plan for promoting human communication with the outside world is almost complete. The only thing missing is the space shuttle power. Now that this momentum has been achieved, she intends to promote this exchange even at the highest cost.
If this plan is announced, there will definitely be many, many people opposed. Because this is to lead the wolf into the room, after all, humans have just experienced foreign invasion, and finally survived in the gap. And at present, human beings have had some conflicts with the power of wandering merchants. Although Caro may be dead, who knows if he has any other way to convey the message of his death.
But only those who have really come into contact with the top tiers of the Empire's industries will understand that humans really need to communicate with the outside world. Otherwise, according to the current level of development of human beings in various industries, the consequence of self-esteem is that everyone will be destroyed together.
The strongest feeling for this is the warrior. Until now, the peak of the king of war has plagued humanity for almost a hundred years. Relying on the current wisdom of human beings, it is impossible to break through this layer of obstacles. This is the consensus of those who reach the peak of the warrior and have the idea of ​​the previous layer.
There is also the scientific and technological development of the empire. At present, although the empire has invested in basic research on a large scale, and has produced many, many achievements. But in general, humans are still digesting the technology passed by aliens, and have not developed their own technology.
And because Chen Qiang brought a lot of extraterrestrial science and technology to the Earth, although it has greatly increased the speed of the development of science and technology on the earth, it has also distorted the context of the development of science and technology on the earth. At present, the context of human science and technology is a hybrid of various technical theories, so many scientists have a headache. You can think of it as an alien technology, but using existing technology theory in the process of using it is extremely dangerous.
Therefore, Chen Qiang also intends to obtain a large number of alien scientific theories through foreign exchanges, and then use these theories to complement the part that humans are missing now, and to form a very pure scientific development of the Empire through multiple hybridizations. the way.
Of course, with the current level of human science and technology development, these extraterrestrial technologies now available are sufficient for human studies for millennia. But the time of thousands of years is not very long. If the exchange fleet is really sent, then it will be hundreds of years, which is really very short.
"Dad, according to news from the military, Academician Hu's team has developed a sufficient space shuttle device. It seems that the catfish that can shuttle space is real." Ma Chao came after receiving this news. Report to Ma Yunhui in the family backyard.
Sometimes it is very correct for an old man to have a treasure. If Ma Yun is not in front of him, I am afraid that this time the Ma family is really over. In recent years, as the leader of the entire Chinese business community, the Ma family and Interstellar Aerospace can be said to be stronger than the Empire ’s Ministry of Commerce. Therefore, slowly developed an arrogant attitude. If Ma Yun was not trembling in person to deal with this crisis, I am afraid that the Ma family could not hide.
Ma Yun watched the news leisurely on the lounger at this time. He heard his son's report and did not speak immediately but took a sip of tea before saying, "Why, what's your heart? Are there any gains from the capture team in that family?"
"No ~ ~ Not only our large spacecraft production companies such as Interstellar Aerospace, Musk's Space Technology Exploration Company, Arabian Aerospace, etc. have sent teams to capture catfish, and there are also related on the military mission website The task. But so far we have not achieved any substantial gains. I think maybe we can wait for the decentralization of imperial technology. "Ma Chao said carefully.
"Huh, decentralized technology? Haven't you woke up yet? Do you think the empire will open such an important technology to us?" Ma Yun is now seeing this son more and more unpleasant.
Ma Chao immediately lowered his head and squeezed and asked, "What shall we do?"
"Send more teams to collect catfish, don't limit it to Shishi catfish, as long as it is catfish. If you don't have the space shuttle ability, you can give it to the biological company, aren't they doing some experiments. Tell those crazy people that as long as a catfish with space shuttle ability is cultivated, I can give each of them a potion to increase life. "Ma Yun was stern.
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