Chapter 755: Liu Chengyin

Xingkong Hospital, which is one of the empire's top medical institutions, does not have one. Here are the top human doctors. Each of them is the strongest in the field of human research. At this time, they are gathered in a ward to operate various instruments. These instruments are linked to the already in bed. Wu Jing was lying on it for almost half a year.
"My God, Wujing's cell strength has now increased by a factor of ten." A researcher using a scanning electron microscope yelled in surprise.
"What, let me see?" For a moment, many white-haired elderly people began to swarm past the display of the scanning electron microscope, and even forgot that they could log in to the hospital's internal website to retrieve this display through their virtual bracelet. data of.
Of course, some researchers have already obtained relevant data from their bracelets at this time and began to observe and analyze slowly. After seeing the data to perform a simple analysis, many people can't believe everything in front of them. Many people even shed tears involuntarily. Because the problem that has plagued humanity for two hundred years can be resolved at this moment.
"Immediate comprehensive examination of Wu Jing's body, this is our best research data." Although George is no longer the director of Starry Sky Hospital, but as the founder, he has the prestige to give orders, after all, was present All are his disciples. As for him to go out to report to Chen Qiang after the order was completed, we must know that he thought he would not see this moment in his life.
After receiving the message from George, Chen Qiang was a little bit embarrassed because the military side was in a deadlock. He didn't expect the blooming incense in the wall. There was a dawn on Wujing's side. Wu Wudi immediately rushed over to the earth.
Because a lot of people were present and analyzed the corresponding results themselves, because the news spread quite quickly. Soon relevant information appeared on the Internet, and those big companies and big families knew more details. They all sent relevant personnel to the Star City, so that they could get the relevant information about breaking through the Emperor Wu as soon as possible.
Because of this news, the price of vitality blocks on the market has risen, and some people have begun to hoard the vitality blocks in response to the next great progress in human strength. This is what Chen Lu did not expect. The impact of the one trillion star coin issuance also disappeared in this acquisition.
"How about, when will Wu Jing wake up?" Chen Qiang did not go home after reaching Earth, but went directly to the Starry Sky Hospital. At present, the hospital has been blocked by the 'Dragon' Army sent by the royal family. Anyone cannot enter without a certificate. If they break in, they will be killed immediately. This is the most promising time for human beings at present. Neither the military, the royal family nor the cabinet want to be broken because of external factors.
At this time, George had a thick test report in his hand. He helped his glasses and said, "Your Majesty, we don't know yet. His whole body is being rebuilt once. According to the current speed, there are about three more. The construction was completed in hours. But you also know that the human brain is a very magical organ. If Wu Jing does not have the desire to wake up, then we will not be able to do anything. And we also have concerns. If his intellect is also reconstructed this time, It ’s changed, then everything will be a dream bubble.

Chen Qiang was clear about George's reminder, but he did not make a decision immediately, because if precautionary measures were taken now, Wu Jing would certainly be chilled if he woke up. Now this is human hope, so he hesitates a bit. However, after a while, he showed a firm gaze: "Evacuate all the staff of Xingkong Hospital immediately, and let the Purple Dragon of the 'Dragon' Corps come over to make a new defense line in this inpatient building. There is also a defensive force of Star City Move up and load all the weapons waiting for orders. "
The destructive power of a person who has lost his mind is amazing, not to mention that Wu Jing is now ready to break through the rank of Wu Huang. No one can guarantee that there will be no accidents in this process. The strength of the Emperor Wuhuang is now very clear in the empire, so these precautionary measures have not caused Wu Invincibility to cause discomfort. Moreover, Chen Qiang did not doubt the loyalty of the old man, so he did not solicit this opinion.
"Yes." A guard from Chen Qiang replied and then went on to convey the order. At the same time, many of the staff of Xingkong Hospital began to evacuate slowly under the command of the current director. They are the most respected doctors for their lives. Therefore, many orders were executed meticulously, and many big people who were healing in Xingkong Hospital were directly invited Went out, even if they were against it.
The operation of Xingkong Hospital quickly alarmed the core personnel of the major families, who did not understand this phenomenon. But when the old people behind these people heard the message, they understood why Xingkong Hospital did this. War Syndrome ~ ~ This is a kind of emotion that everyone will have after slaughter, especially when the wounded recover from serious injuries, the incidence is quite high. A small number of people were killed in the hospital in the battle with mutant beasts because they became ill and killed many, many doctors and nurses.
"Lao Wu, don't be nervous, it seems that Wu Jing is about to wake up." Chen Qiang felt that Wu Jing's breath was getting stronger and stronger, so he asked Wu Wudi, who was armed next to him.
Wu Wudi said without any hesitation: "Look at the kid's name, I don't mind playing against the first human Emperor Wu Emperor." The underlying meaning of this sentence is that if the kid from Wujing breaks through, everything is easy to say But if the breakthrough fails to kill, he does not mind killing the people.
Of course, the other warriors present also started to prepare for attack, even if Chen Qiang was ready to leave his position at this time. Wu Huang's breakthrough is unknown, and there is still some communication with the Zerg. Chen Qiang had to take such precautions. After all, who knows whether the current Wujing is the former Wujing. These days, the Zerg has brought too many surprises to humans.
According to military estimates, the spiritual force that can invade the spacecraft can easily destroy the human brain's center, and it is still silent, which is also an important reason for the military to stop operations. You should know that this time the Zerg only used this method on the spacecraft. No one dare to ensure that the next time the Zerg will not use this method on the Wu Zong strong. If this happens, how many Wu Zong strong will be included. Will be killed in the first place.
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