Chapter 521: Developing half is also a product (below)

Today's camera equipment is not as good as the pinhole size in the future. With this device, it is possible to find the existence of the camera and the sniper lens. Discovering the camera is a function. If you need it, as Guo Tailai said, the laser can be accurately emitted to the lens. The power of the laser can be adjusted. The light can interfere with the other party's camera. If you burn the CMOS chip in the other camera, you can always effective.
"No!" Zhao Wei has not yet opened his mouth. General Liu has been directly smashed by the side and said: "This is the advanced technology of our country. How can it be used for civilian use?"
Guo Tailai is not surprised by this attitude of General Liu. In fact, not only general Liu, but many domestic technology research and development are the same idea. Last time, if Guo Tailai was not under pressure, it was argued that the A380's airframe material technology could not be exported at all. One in the country is poor, and the other one is blocked and blocked. It’s hard to get a good thing, and I’m reluctant to show it out. This idea of ​​General Liu represents a large group of people, too normal.
Guo Tailai sells the fuselage material technology, which is because it is a product of a private company, but the anti-sniper detection system is a research of some research institutes, and the nature is completely different.
"Chechny Gronitz's street fighting last year was all concerned?" Guo Tailai said slowly and slowly: "What do you think?"
In February last year, the fighting in Gronitz broke out again, and almost all the military attention in the world was concentrated there. What else can you feel? It’s too bad! Zhao Wei even suspected that Guo Tailai’s series of large-scale killers for infantry were prepared for the Battle of Gronitz.
The snipers played a huge role in the battle, and almost half of them died under the sniper's muzzle.
"Then you think, old beauty, old Maozi, did they find that there would be no movement after this situation?" Guo Tailai asked with a smile: "They will definitely not invest in the anti-sniper detection system, nor will they Studying any results, we can hold this technology alone and lead the world?"
"That will definitely not." Zhao Wei shook his head directly: "The Americans themselves need to, as long as they decide to invest, they will be able to catch up with our current progress within two years at the latest."
"So the system that we invested heavily in research and development has become a technical reserve." Guo Tailai nodded and turned to General Liu and asked: "The R&D unit can't create a little benefit, light input, no output, Is it for a technical reserve? Anyway, we will not face such a fierce war in a short period of time, nor will we be able to get a real test, so we will spend a lot of money to reserve it?"
At present, the system of R&D institutions at all levels is basically the same. The state allocates funds for R&D. As for whether it can recover the investment, it is not the matter of R&D institutions. As long as the results are finally obtained. In the past, this mechanism was still able to adapt to the national conditions of the time, but now all walks of life are reforming, but the development of this piece can not keep up with the pace, and it is also related to the delay in the improvement of this system.
From this perspective, General Liu also felt unreasonable. However, the things that have been studied by myself are not easy to use. The military has not used it so easily. It is so easy to take it out and put it into the civilian market. Is it a bit of a loss?
"Now the old American old Maozi and the Europeans have not reacted yet. When they are short of shortages, they don't want to sell them to earn some money, or change some suitable technology. Do you have to wait until others have also researched and waste your own technology? Guo Tailai could not understand the idea of ​​General Liu: "If it is really a key technology that can greatly enhance the national defense force, big mushroom bombs or aero engines, it is understandable to do so. How long can you lead such a small thing?"
"In addition, even if it is an aviation engine, Liu Shu, the old Maozi has not sold? Or the Americans have not sold? Our country's civil aviation is flying its own aircraft?" Guo Tailai continued to ask General Liu: "We are not jealous. When others do not respond, they occupy the market, earn money and continue to invest in research and development to continue to lead the market. Do you have to hold the technology and feel that you are leading and then watch others occupy the market? Let the ready-made blank market be handed over to people? Go to the actual test? Close the door to build a car? Slowly let the advanced become backward?"
"Then we sell it, can someone else be copied?" General Liu indulged for a while and asked: "There was no other person. This is not to provide others with research and development ideas, and immediately others have found the direction of research and development."
"Liu Shu, how much confidence do you have for our researchers?" Guo Tailai shook his head. "If it is a technique that others can catch up with at a glance, what is the meaning of hiding in your possession? Are we still copying others before? Why haven’t we seen many industries surpassing others? Instead, others are getting ahead and we can’t catch up with them in the back? First, step by step! Liu Shu!

Just take this anti-sniper detection system.
Guo Tailai went on to say:
Others have not, we can already use it. Selling them, they have squeezed their R&D funds, they have made profits, and they are even better than them. Get detailed data and verification on the battlefield first. When they want to do it, maybe there aren't so many opportunities for actual combat testing. Our sensitivity has been 100, they may only do 80, and we have to buy our latest. Product. Leading technology, is it reflected in this little bit of detail?"
"I will find a time to make a report and let the superiors have a meeting to study it!" Liu Shu also knows that Guo Tai is justified, but this kind of thing, he said that it is definitely not counted, it can only be decided by the above meeting.
"I just said this." Guo Tailai immediately shivered the shabu: "I suddenly thought that this thing can prevent sneak shots. It doesn't matter if I can. It's okay to modify the design of the studio door. You can't see the inside yard from the outside." simple."
This is definitely not the decision of the three of them to be able to open a small meeting. After finishing the business, General Liu took Guo Tailai to the canteen to eat. After the meal was handed over to Zhao Wei, let her take Guo Tailai to continue to settle in the last small guest house.
General Liu’s arrangement was also very happy. After the meal, Zhao Wei drove the Guotai to the dead skin and used the drink to threaten the warrior assigned by General Liu. To this end, Zhao Wei also took Guo Tailai excited to go to the tank test site and turned a big circle, tested the off-road performance of the car, the more the teacher opened the more like.
"Today's business, your new sniper rifle has been known to the major military regions." Back to the guest house, Zhao huddled in Guo Tailai's warm arms and said with a smile: "There will definitely be people coming over, you see, tomorrow will definitely test There will be people from all major military regions."
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