Chapter 539: Big event (below)

After saying this, both of them seem to have thought of something, all of them have reacted. Damn, this is not their arrangement, but the World Trade Center was attacked! I don't know if this is an accident or a specially arranged terrorist attack. Anyway, Building No. 1 is burning.
"Quick alarm! What are you doing?" The other guys on the roof of the camouflage staff are still worried, and the department head screams.
The captain of the private team said nothing, picking up the phone and starting to call 911. However, it is clear that dialing 911 at this time has been a bit unresponsive. Someone has already grabbed the front, and the phone line of a series of toots can't be entered.
The sounds of police cars and fire engines have been madly ringing. In the surrounding streets, in the various buildings, countless people are stunned by the scene of the in front of them. They can’t believe their eyes. An airplane actually hit the World Trade Building? Oh, God!
"Crowd, there are too many people calling!" Standing on the observation deck of Building No. 2, watching the blazing fire on the opposite side, the captain of the private team showed horror.
"Fast, evacuate the people in the second building!" After the department supervisor was confused for a while, he shouted madly at his subordinates. At this time, no matter what reason it stood on the roof of the building, I saw such a terrible scene. In any case, I have to evacuate the entire building. This is their duty as a special service personnel.
"Thank God, the made an appointment to close the roof to shoot!" After yelling, the supervisor reached out and drew a cross in front of him: "Now there are no tourists!"
"Fast! Help evacuate!" The captain of the private team also madly ordered: "Everyone on the floor, organize everyone downstairs, fast! Fast! Fast!"
"Attention, the people in these high-level offices are not rich and expensive, and the attitude is good and good." The department head immediately reminded him and then urged him: "Hurry!"
The disguised staff quickly ran downstairs, and one floor began to knock open the door of the office one by one, and the people inside the office began to evacuate. People in the direction of Building No. 1 need not be reminded, they have already seen the horrors of Building No. 1 and have evacuated them in an orderly manner. However, people in other directions are more troublesome. Building sound insulation is also a big problem. The big movement on the North Tower is not heard here. Some people have to evacuate and disturb their normal work, and the mood is certainly not too good.
Fortunately for those who work, they are wearing camouflage uniforms for the staff of the building today, which saves them a lot of interpretation. Despite some dissatisfaction, the people in the office still left the office in a very cooperative manner, and evacuated to the bottom under their command.
Twelve or three minutes later, the supervisor and the captain who were still watching the situation on the top floor of the first floor received complaints from the players. The official broadcast in the building announced that the South Tower (Building 2) was temporarily safe, and worried that the outside streets were dangerous because the North Tower fell heavily than the South Tower, and did not want excessive congestion to affect the North Tower evacuation. Some Nanta staff heard the broadcast. After that, I chose to go back to the office to continue working.

Is it so important to make money?
The players who returned to the top of the building were almost exhausted. They climbed the stairs continuously and evacuated. The physical exertion was very high. When they returned to the top of the building, they sat down on the ground regardless of their image. Shaking his head and complaining: "In this case, is there anyone still going back to the office to continue working?"
"Do you think they are you? It's all high-paying people who are in a good position. Their salary may be higher than our annual salary." The captain has no way. The official broadcast announces the safety of the South Tower, and they are no longer so Worried, you can only comfort your team members.
The official broadcast security, let everyone breathe a sigh of relief, do not evacuate without evacuation! They couldn't help on the first floor. The captain also found a place to sit down, rest for a while, and they were ready to evacuate. Out of this kind of thing, today's task must be ruined. In fact, even if they didn't even think about this continuous attack, it was estimated that it was only an accident, so the captain and the supervisor actually kept watching the opposite building on the top floor.
"What sound?" After the first building was hit, a department head of a cup of bow and snake shadow now hears something that is not right. I just heard the sound of the engine of the plane. Is it wrong?
As the spring bounces off the seat, the supervisor rushes to the direction of the sound and gets the edge to see it.

had not yet reached the edge of the building. The supervisor saw an airplane and ran straight to the second building where he was located:
I know the official broadcast can’t stand it!

The sound of the bang, the sound of the crash was accompanied by the boss and a group of action members on the roof madly cursing the loud noise of the official broadcast. They visited the people on the evacuation floor but forgot about themselves. Of course, the main reason is actually their own numbness, plus the addition of official broadcasts, so that even they believe that there will be no more impact. But now, some people are evacuated, but they are still on the roof.
"Retreat! Retreat!" The crowds ran wildly down the stairs, escaping, and they were more professional than ordinary people who were not trained. Only after running a dozen layers, I had to return. Some of the people who were still in the high-rise office came up from below. The stairs below had been crashed and they could only go to the top of the building to wait for helicopter rescue.
The fireworks began to spread along the stairwell, and everyone could only go back to the top of the building with those trapped, but what was desperate was that when they returned to the top floor to prepare to rush out of the roof, they suddenly found out that The fire door on the top floor could not be opened because the smoke triggered the safety mechanism. Hundreds of people were trapped in this narrow corridor, and countless people were full of horror on their faces.
Fortunately, there were professionals in both teams, and the tools that were taken on site opened the closed fire door in a few minutes. Hundreds of people swarmed up and rushed out of the smoky fire door and ran to the open top of the building.
Until this time, the captain and the supervisor were relatively calm. They probably calculated it. There were more than 300 people trapped on the roof. Even if it was a helicopter rescue, a dozen or so people would have to get twenty or thirty. At present, as long as the fire door is closed at the top of the building, it is still safe for the time being. The supervisor should let everyone not run around and concentrate on the place and wait for the rescue.
Boom, watching the South Tower of the World Trade Center, which collapsed on TV, Chu Fei’s face was scared. Fortunately, today’s fat man is late for the time difference, otherwise they should be at the top of the South Tower of the World Trade Center at this moment!
Hey, the door of the hotel room suddenly sounded knocking at the door. Guo Tailai appeased Chu Fei a little, and went to the door to open the door. Outside the door was a sweaty Anderson, and his side was a sweaty suit man.
"G, we need your help!" Anderson saw Guo Tailai as soon as he could, and said nothing immediately.
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