Chapter 545: Mechanical geek (below)

In "Terminator 2", the Governor of the Governor opened the motorcycle with one hand, and turned the gun to the shotgun, aiming and firing! This one-handed action makes the shotgun play like a yo-yo. I don’t know how many fans I have lost. It has become a very classic shot in Terminator 2.
The crew has a pursuit, this is a good thing, but is this sudden visit belonging to the original content of the script? Temporary change of the script, Hollywood looks like this habit is not much, right? It is the same time that Xiangjiang often played before the collapse.

Why me?
Guo Tailai asked inexplicably:
There should be a motorcycle sponsor for the famous sequel to
Terminator 3
? Although I am a Hollywood amateur, I suddenly change the story or important props. Should I increase the cost of shooting a lot?"
"G, in fact, they suddenly saw our documentary only temporarily." James explained. Although he no longer continues to direct the Terminator series, but does not hinder his feelings for this series, the crew has new pursuits, he is also willing to help.
Because Guo Tailai, the state of Mr. Governor is better than before. The governor is already fifty-four years old. Before Guo Tailai’s nursing, he was already old-fashioned. Not only did his body fail, but his movements could not be as relaxed as he was young. The shooting state of the old man is definitely not able to play the power of the Terminator. But now it is different. The governor has restored the level of the strong man. No other aspect. This alone has increased the level of excitement by more than 20%.
In addition, the addition of Chu Fei also made the producers and directors shine.
The model actor in Guo Tailai’s memory, although a good figure, did not reflect the enthusiasm and wisdom of the new generation of Terminator TX. Compared with the liquid robot actor in Terminator 2, it’s just that the eyes don’t know how much worse. Not to mention acting and action.
Although Chu Fei is a newcomer, but the appearance is absolutely better than the original model, and in the global popularity, it is also rolling. Do not say anything else, just say a few first-line big brand spokesperson, let Chu Fei's image spread all over the world. What makes them even more ecstatic is that Chu Fei’s skill is simply amazing.
In order to design the action for Chu Fei, the action guide is also racking his brains at the beginning, but also beautiful and sexy, but also to be pleasing to the eye, but also to have lethality, headaches. But when they designed the action Chu Fei did not need to substitute, directly and easily completed, the action guidance team immediately realized that it was a treasure. A slightly more complicated movement is equally easy, and then the difficulty design is getting higher and higher. When it comes to Chu Fei, there is still no problem. It was this discovery that allowed the producers and directors to quickly change some of the T-X settings, and it was no longer the simple design of the flower rack.
Of course, no one knows that during the few days that Chu Fei and Guo Tai came together, Guo Tailai also helped Chu Fei to strengthen the main skeleton of the body. After the strengthening of Chu Fei, even if it is the martial arts blockbuster action of China, I am afraid it will be very easy.
The changes set by Chu Fei brought a new problem, that is, how to match Chu Fei with a more colorful image. Just at this time, James’s documentary exploded, and the reputation of Guo Tailai’s mechanical geeks also rang, and it’s time to draw everyone’s attention.
"If the film adds a superb motorcycle that Mr. T deliberately created for the Terminator T-X in the film, would it be better?" Someone made this suggestion and got everyone's unanimous approval. Mr. T's design is definitely full of expectations.
Will Mr. T design a motorcycle? of course! He once designed a series of motorcycles, which are currently very popular in China, including internationally, and the production of homes desperately to expand production capacity can not keep up with the hot sales.
Since a post in China has been published to support Mr. T’s products, the fans have only found out that the support fans have found that the work of Mr. T, which seems to be supported by them, is only the guards of Wanxin Power. A series of motorcycles.
Just that event, the sales of the Guards have doubled, and the manager has desperately expanded his production capacity. He can only deliver the goods in installments, and he is happy and happy.
Since Mr. T can also design a beautiful motorcycle, why didn't the crew try to find Mr. T? Of course, this is just the idea of ​​the crew. Mr. T will not agree, not yet known. Chu Fei will not make it easy for Guo Tailai to suffer because of her relationship with the fat man, so she always said nothing, but let the producers and directors discuss with Guo Tailai.

It’s very interesting to design a motorcycle with the ultimate performance.
Guo Tailai is not against it. Anyway, there is no harm to himself, and the Terminator watch is also a sponsor. The better the quality of the film, the greater the benefit to Guo Tailai, so Guo Tailai does not Will be excluded, but he will not serve the crew for free: "But the cost? Can your crew afford it?"

Our motorcycle sponsors are willing to work with you.
Upon hearing the door, the producers came to the spirit and quickly said:
Of course, if you want, our car sponsors are also happy to work with you. ""
The implication is that there is no problem at all. A motorcycle designed by Mr. T, and the ultimate performance of the motorcycle, can be said to be the ZondaT or Chiron in the motorcycle industry, there will be no manufacturers willing to cooperate? If Guo Tailai is willing to choose a car factory, I am afraid that the sponsor can laugh and live without taking care of himself.
Guo Tailai did not expect motorcycle sponsors and car sponsors to cooperate. If this is the case, Guo Tailai’s mind is to find a motorcycle product from a car manufacturer, and it is definitely the ultimate performance that meets their requirements. The shape is also very cool. , interesting!
"Maybe, playing a motorcycle with a car manufacturer is also a good idea. What do you think?" Guo Tailai finally spit up. When the words came out, the producers suddenly overjoyed.
"I immediately contacted our car sponsor!" The producer said nothing, immediately stated. Mr. T’s work, I believe it should be interested?
The producers took the phone and went out. After a while, the producers came back and looked a bit frustrated: "Toyota is very interested, but they have an agreement with Yamaha, Toyota does not enter the motorcycle. The field. Mr. T, can other manufacturers be? I can contact you now."
"I don't care!" Guo Tailai shrugged. "This is your crew. But the final conditions for cooperation still require our three parties to agree."
This time, the producer’s face showed a happy color, and he said to Guo Tai:
I will contact now, I believe that there will be results soon.

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