Chapter 580: Bigger again (on)

Although today's currency is no longer based on gold, gold is still an important foundation for sovereign currency credibility, which is why the Fed chairman can openly declare that he can feel safe when he sees the gold reserves in the US Treasury. The reason for sleeping at home. Because in the crisis, even if the banknotes can be worthless, gold is the last credibility and settlement means.
That is, this year, China's gold reserves have been adjusted from 394 tons to 500 tons. This year, China has canceled the plan management system for gold
comprehensive purchase and distribution
and adjusted the domestic gold price according to changes in international market prices.
Last year, domestic gold production was ton, and this year is ton. Domestic gold production can not meet the enthusiasm of consumers, and it needs to import a large number from abroad.
In short, the more gold reserves the country has, the better it is for the country. Guo Tai can bring back some gold, and Zhao Wei’s understanding of Guo Tailai, he said a little bit, certainly not a few hundred grams a few kilograms, at least it must be calculated in hundred kilograms, so much gold brought back to China, of course, domestic It is welcome.
Prince Sheikh also said nothing about his plans. Gold is in his private 747, no need to move, just fly back to China.
A contact between the air traffic control and the plane of Prince Sheikh was very efficient. The route was confirmed on the same day. In the evening, Prince Sheikh once again hosted Guo Tailai and his security team for a delicious meal, and then Guo Tailai sent them to the plane.
This time, Prince Sheikh also knew that the gold on the plane was important, so there was no more model flight attendant, but two ordinary flight attendants were responsible for the service in the cabin.
Going back with so much gold, obviously can't fly the devil, the plane flew directly to the capital. When the time of Beijing was approaching noon, the plane landed. According to the guidelines of the air traffic control, it was not directly connected to the boarding bridge, but stopped at a slightly remote apron.
The ladder truck came over and the door was opened. Guo Tailai first came out from the door of the cabin and then saw the smiling face of the sister.
Zhao Wei was wearing a military uniform today, and there were other people around him, so Guo Tailai did not show any special intimacy, just walked with a smile. Behind him is all the security personnel who traveled this time. After the team members ran down quickly, under the command of the captain Zhang Zhenhai, the doors of the front and rear cargo compartments were all held.
Under normal oil conditions, the commercial load is 65 tons. In order to pull the gold, the fuel has to be reduced. It’s the same from Iraq to Dubai and from Dubai to Beijing. Fortunately, the maximum range is 13,450 kilometers, and less than 6,000 kilometers from Dubai to Beijing, barely can be considered to fly back.
Behind the sister, there are two captains in the army. In addition, there are two middle-aged workers in casual clothes who don’t know where. Not far from there is a cash truck with a driver and four escorts, and two banks that should be on-board.
What surprised Guo Tailai was that Lin Jiayi was also there, and her two assistants were also on the side, laughing silently at their boss.
"Come back!" The sister smiled and greeted Guo Tailai, and did not show too close: "I introduce, these two are the comrades of the People's Bank, responsible for counting and receiving the gold you bring back. Specific handover Let Lin Jie and the comrades of the two banks handle it."

On a cash truck?
Lin Jiayi is here, Guo Tailai is sure to be assured of the transfer of these golds, but the bank has only brought a cash truck here, so many people in the car, remove those places that can be installed. gold? Guo Tailai couldn't help but feel a little shame. She didn't tell the teacher about the quantity before.
"Comrade Xiao Guo!" The older banker who looked like a leader heard a smile and reached out and kissed Guo Tailai: "Don't look at the car, but the load is completely fine. Hundreds of kilograms Gold is completely let go, rest assured!"
"That, it's my fault! People don't dare to expose the real situation easily, so they hide some." Guo Tailai was very embarrassed, and he didn't make it clear, but let the sister-in-law carry a reputation that communication is not detailed enough to do things. Remedy: "The gold I bring back can be more than a few hundred kilograms."
"I understand! I understand!" The two bank staff glanced at each other and were a little surprised. The leader smiled and said: "There is so much gold in different places, caution is appropriate. But Comrade Xiao Guo, you can rest assured, even if you There is no problem with one or two tons. This car can carry three tons and can be taken away at a glance. Miss Lin said that it is completely unnecessary to prepare a few more cars."
Guo Tai came to see Lin Jiayi, Lin Jiayi smiled at her boss. Can't help but say that Guo Tailai's way of doing things is the best. Lin Jiayi, the longest assistant at Guo Tailai's time, has asked the boss that dozens of hundred kilograms are not worthy of the boss's opening, at least a few tons of dozens of tons. A three-ton truck-operated truck is certainly not enough.
"How do you say that?" Guo Tailai suddenly did not know how to speak. The comrades of the two banks are full of confidence, and Guo Tailai seems to be telling the truth that it is too shocking.
Forget it, don't say it, look at it yourself!
Guo Tailai directed Zhang Zhenhai to say: "Let the captain open the cargo hold."
Zhang Zhenhai ran up the ramp. After a while, the airport opened a ground power car, plugged in, and the cargo door opened. The airport ground staff looked up casually and stupidly went straight. The whole person was stunned.
The two bank staff began to be unsuccessful. When they saw that the ground staff were not right, they walked over and saw that the two instantly turned into stone statues. So many golden bricks, how much?
Zhao Wei just walked over and glanced at it, and he stumbled on his forehead without words. She knew that her fat man would definitely be a big deal, so she thought about how many hundred kilograms she had to get.
"Close the cargo hold!" Zhao Wei decisively issued an order. These golds are not suitable for more people to see.
"Uncle Sun, I am at the airport, I need support!" The cargo door slowly closed. Zhao Wei had already dialed out the phone: "The fat man brought back some gold. At the airport, he needed a batch of transported trucks, and there were troops. Escort."
"Golden?" The caller was the Sun General of the Beijing Military Region. Once he was brought back by the fat man, he agreed to it immediately; "Yes! How many cars do you need?"
"Fat, how much gold is there?" Zhao Wei did not hold the receiver and asked Guo Tailai directly.
"Seventy-one tons!" Guo Tailai quickly replied quickly.
"? How many" Zhao Yan Yan gas almost all want to beat the fat meal: "This is what you said a little gold?"
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