Chapter 581: Communication channel (below)

Some things Guo Tailai wants to tell the country, especially to let the top know.
However, if you are rude, Guo Tailai really has no qualifications for the top to see him alone. Just listen to his bizarre experience of going abroad.
Not enough! Tell the sister and then report up to the next level?
It seems that it is not suitable. Some things are not suitable for many people to know. A small number of people at the top of the high level know what to do. There is no need to handle many people.
In this situation, Guo Tailai needs a channel that can convey certain words to the top, without having to deal with many people.
To be straightforward and arrogant, Guo Tailai needs a communication channel of
Going to the Sky
The current limitations of the sisters are too great. She is in the military and is an officer who prefers technology. Therefore, it is necessary to report at different levels.
Zhao Xiangbei is also inappropriate. He is only the leader of state-owned enterprises and cannot directly reach the above.
To be appropriate, Haige is appropriate. He can report directly to Zhang Lao, but Guo Tailai is not sure whether he has the authority to know some sensitive information. Another such thing should not be handled by Hai Ge.
Therefore, Guo Tailai weighed, still chose Zhao Laozi.
Before he retired, Zhao’s father was originally a high-ranking person. He had a direct connection with the top management. He could directly find the No. 1 head on one call and the communication was very convenient.
And for some high-level secrets, the father's judgment is also very accurate, how to say how to express more professional than Guo Tailai.
The most important thing is that while the permissions are sufficient, it is still secretive. Don't worry that many people will report it to many people.
Anyway, Zhao’s father is also Guo Tailai’s elder, and he has worked hard.
This matter can also increase the influence of some retired Zhao’s father, good things.
The sister also understood the meaning of Guo Tailai. Without saying anything, the phone called his grandfather and said that he would bring the fat man to lunch.
When the two arrived at the compound, Grandma Zhao had already let the babysitter wait for lunch.
It is lunch, but it is already afternoon.
The plane landed at noon, waiting for the generals to send the soldiers to handle the matter for more than an hour, and now it is three o'clock.
The old man of Zhao is old and fine. When he hears that Zhao Wei is coming with a fat man, he knows that there must be something.
When the young couple came over, even Grandma Zhao was only happy to welcome them into the door. She went out with the babysitter and left the room to Zhao and the young couple.
The sister had been waiting for Guo Tailai at the airport, and had not eaten. He came to Grandpa here, and he went home. The young couple were also not polite, and there was a rush of clouds.
Rice is specially made for them. Zhao’s father can’t eat it. He is watching the young couple eating with a teapot.
After eating and drinking enough, Master Zhao went to the study with two people and asked about things.
Guo Tailai only sat down at this time and began to talk about his own trip to Iraq.
"Where do you have enough to go to that place?"
When Guo Tailai took the initiative to go to Iraq, Zhao’s father gave a gimmick.
That is, he didn't know before, but if he knew it would stop it! So dangerous, isn’t it a little bit worse?
Although he was defamed, Guo Tailai still smiled.
This is the concern of the elders. Others want to be stunned by Zhao’s father. There is nothing to talk about in Dubai, nothing more than a luxury set.
However, there is a point that Guo Tailai specifically mentioned: "Prince Sheikh and the king of Dubai have said that they have greeted Saddam and can ensure my safety.
I don't know what cards they have, but Prince Sheikh told me in Iraq that as long as we are not provocative, Saddam will still be jealous.

"Well, that should be a means of checks and balances."
Father Zhao also nodded: "What is specific, let the diplomatic experts combine the intelligence over there to speculate.
Go on!

The next step is after Guo Tailai went to Iraq. Before going to Guo Tailai, he said hello to his sister, and he will definitely give care to Saddam’s father and son.
This is actually a matter of fact in China. This is not a big deal. At present, Saddam’s father and son are both in their prime and in their health. Without Guo Tailai’s care, they will not collapse in the short term, only the impact of care and Not too big.
The gold stored by Saddam, Guo Tailai deliberately described it.
After listening to Guo Tailai's description, Zhao Wei finally understood why Guo Tailai would say that the 71 tons of gold brought back was only a little bit.
In a palace, the number of bricks is not more than one hundred tons, and how many of the twenty-four same types of palaces will be?
Not to mention Zhao Wei, even Zhao’s father listened.
The old revolution of a lifetime, the big landlords before liberation are already extravagant, right?
Compared with Saddam’s father and son, it is simply a country rich man! Ok, in fact, they are the landlords of the country.
"Do you bring back 71 tons of gold?"
Zhao’s father retired, so many things will not tell him. Now, when he heard Guo Tai’s morning work, Rao was well-informed by Zhao’s father and was shocked and stunned:

In the cognition of Zhao’s father, gold is generally calculated on the basis of
Modern use is gram, it is much smaller.
In the past, I have seen one or two small yellow croakers, or one of the sixteen pounds before liberation.
He has never heard of it, personal gold is calculated in tons.
Open your eyes!
These are the expenses I have earned in Iraq.

Guo Tailai replied with a smile: "71 tons, equivalent to 710 million US dollars."
"What care did you do?
Want to be so expensive?

Father Zhao immediately realized that the care that Guo Tailai did was definitely important news.
Guo Tailai uttered his experience in Iraq in chronological order.
Hearing that Guo Tailaiguang had given care to a cruel Uday, he received 400 million, and the guy heard Guo Tailai’s diagnosis and shot directly. Zhao’s face was white.
Father Zhao is very appreciative. If you dare to pull the gun, I will dare to collect 100 million more. The fat man's approach is in line with his appetite.
Next is the Uday armed coup, suppression, plastic surgery, and substitutes.
Especially in the period of the coup, the grandfather of Zhao asked for the very detailed, but also the loss of Guo Tailai memory is good, the description is very clear.
"That is, Uday has changed one person."
After listening to this, Master Zhao concluded: "And Saddam and Cousy, including the bodyguards around them, have three substitutes.
Every team that appears to be Saddam and Cousse is probably not their own?

Guo Tailai nodded: "So, Grandpa Zhao, I think it is necessary for this to let the country know."
"Fat, you are right."
Grandpa Zhao does not need Guotai to say anything more. He already understands the meaning of Guo Tailai: "If you go outside, don't say a word, I will convey these news."
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