Chapter 639: I hate that feeling (on)

"Their civil war has been playing for more than 30 years. From the 60th year to the end of 1996, this has just been peaceful for a few years." Lao Zhang closed the door and said: "Government army and guerrillas kill and kill, soft, local The Mayans are almost genocidal. Don't say that these are not a mix of good things. Sometimes a child who looks harmless to humans and animals may have blood on his hands. Here, be very careful."
Listening to Lao Zhang’s words, Guo Tailai and the security guards around him all played their spirits.
"Today we are not living in the city." Lao Zhang said directly to Guo Tailai and Zhang Zhenhai: "To go to Tikal National Park, the straight line is only over three hundred kilometers, but the country must have at least eight hours to break the road. We have a safe house on the way to accommodate everyone to rest. The conditions are simple, don't be surprised."
"This safe house, we can't use it after we used it?" Guo Tailai asked a lot.
"Compared to what you brought us, a safe house is nothing." Lao Zhang turned and smiled: "Don't care."
Last time Guo Tailai was donated to the North American department for 200 million U.S. dollars, and there are more than a dozen safe houses in Mexico. This time it was only the price of a safe house. Compared with Guo Tailai’s gift, it is really Not worth mentioning.
Knowing that I asked a silly question, Guo Tailai no longer said anything. The bus is very old and looks very ordinary. The old Zhang is driving along the road and it is in good condition. From the airport, there was no one to follow except the two punks. Lao Zhang’s experience is also very rich. Although everyone is vigilant, they have not encountered any abnormal situation.
The car leaves Guatemala City, all the way northwest, heading towards Tikal National Park. More than an hour after driving out of the city, the car parked in a parking lot, and everyone quickly changed a small car that stopped there for a long time and continued all the way.
In the middle of the journey, after more than an hour's drive, the car was changed. The people changed into three cars, one car and two CMBs. After two hours of walking, the sky was already dark. Arrived at the safe house. However, even if it is a safe house, it is not the car directly stopped, but got off at a simple repair shop, from the back door of the repair shop through a covered alley, turn left and turn right before entering a three-story Small courtyard of the building.
This safe house is in a town that looks small and not too small, but there are many living facilities, such as repair shops, which are very convenient. This yard is close to the edge of the town, but it is not the edge, but the three-story building plus the height of the attic gives it a wide view and the movement in the surrounding direction. Turning over two or three yards, you can get close to the edge of the virgin forest, and it would be convenient if you fled. Of course, those who need to escape into the virgin forest have a wealth of experience in the wild.
There are some long weapons in the hidden places of the house, ready for use by people who use safe houses. However, luck is good today and nothing happened.
The security personnel took turns alert, the sleeping sleep, the duty on duty, until 6 am, there was no special situation.
When they left the safe house, everyone walked another small alley, turned to the other direction of the garage, and boarded a school bus that looked good and went all the way to Descartes National Park.
Careful and cautious along the way, but no one feels inappropriate, or feels a big problem. On the contrary, these security personnel came to Guatemala, but they were very excited. In the country, in London, it is safer, there is no chance to play so wild. For these fighters, coming to this environment is like returning home, very excited.
Tikal National Park is an open tourist destination, and people are slowly getting more. After the larger city of Flores, from the town of Eicure in the east of Peteng Itza to the direction of Tikal in the north, it is not a high-grade road. The tens of kilometers along the way are all rugged. Dirt road, the car with not enough chassis can not get through. This is true after twenty years, let alone the current situation.
However, there are quite a few towns along the way, many people, watching this school bus drive past, many people are very curious to watch. Especially when I saw the faces of a group of foreigners inside, I was very curious.
"Boss, I am afraid that our whereabouts will be leaked." Zhang Zhenhai saw such a situation and said helplessly.
Regardless of how safe the house is used, no matter how carefully the car is changed on the road, it is at best to continue the safety of everyone in the line. So many people have seen the situation in the car, and it is impossible to conceal it. I believe that if there are some eyeliners in the organization, the news will soon spread. Obviously, there must be eyeliners of different organizations here, and Guo Tailai’s whereabouts will be leaked out.
It was this last 30 kilometers of dirt road that was fully open for an hour. No way, even if you want to be fast, you can't get up quickly. The rugged dirt road is originally a seaside country. There is plenty of rain in summer. This car has not been stuck in the crater on the road. It has already performed very well. The road conditions are poor. Very speechless.
It took a full hour and a half to get from the dirt road to the Tikal National Park. There are also many locals in Tikal. Looking at a group of foreigners in a school bus, they are also very curious. Only a few years after the end of the civil war, everyone can basically realize the ceasefire. From time to time, it will be fired. It is really rare to have foreign tourists to visit at this time.
The car can't get close to the temple, only everyone can walk in. The facilities in the National Park are also ragged. Lao Zhang found a local tour guide and took everyone to the temple group that Guo Tai said.
Along the way, all the way out in the lush virgin forest, everyone walked for ten minutes, not yet to the destination, the nano-robot released by Guo Tailai saw several helicopters from two directions above the height of the canopy. Fly over.
"We have visitors." Guo Tailai had to be very disappointed to remind everyone. The experienced security guards immediately dispersed carefully into a battle formation. Zhang Zhenhai and the other two security guards Guo Tailai and Lao Zhang in the middle.

What happened to the boss?
Zhang Zhenhai asked for a calm and self-sufficient command, and asked Guo Tailai:
The face is very unsightly.

Guo Tailai sighed:
I felt uncomfortable when I thought of going back to a psychiatrist who had to talk about it.

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