Chapter 656: Pay attention to (below)

After pondering the taste, finally Guo Tailai finally came to the conclusion that Mi Feifei fox fake Huwei.
The leader of the army is going to visit the company, and this must be received. But what does it mean to appoint Guo Tailai to accompany him? After thinking about it, it seems that he has not gotten into trouble recently. The explanations have also been explained to General Liu and General He Jun. It should be a good thing, so go. Of course, this is not what Guo Tailai can decide to go.
Guo Tailai was not the first to receive leadership inspections. When the company just opened the door to dig people, Guo Tailai also received the father of Zhao and the leaders he invited. But at that time, Guo Tailai was a small character, and he had to rely on the face of Zhao’s father, the fox and the tiger’s town. It’s not the same now. Don’t ask Zhao’s grandfather to come forward and invite the leader to come over.
Early the next morning, Guo Tailai rushed to the company before the morning peak. No way, it should be that a certain leader of the army is coming. Although it was notified yesterday, it will definitely not be said in advance, so the company’s people can only come early and then accept security checks and defenses.
Fortunately, the company is a separate building with its own yard and walls. The surrounding area was originally secretly controlled by the military. A group of guards came to a clearing road around the road and basically solved it. The internal inspection is even simpler, and it is enough to take over the security work directly from the security company.
What surprised Guo Tailai was that in the team that came here, he actually saw a T-head armed bus that he had personally made, which was mixed in the fleet of the Security Bureau and directly entered the company's compound. The car stopped, and then four people came down from the bus.
Guo Tailai and Mi Feifei Lin Jiayi Zhang Jie stood in front of the high-level of several companies and quickly greeted them. The four people who came down, Guo Tailai, all know each other, even if they haven’t touched it before, they have seen it in the news network.
Zhang Lao, Xiaohui's grandfather, senior. The leader of the army usually has the kind of high-level who does not wear military uniforms. The third and fourth individuals have relatively low levels, and two parents in Beijing. They all came down directly from the armed bus. The bus is safe and comfortable, and it is very convenient to work inside and open a small meeting.
At this level, this configuration is definitely the second news or the third news lineup on the news. All the people who saw these people were all uplifted and their chests were straight.
All the way to introduce, Zhang Jie introduced Christina, Mi Feifei specifically introduced the Justice Square Technology. Even if the high level has a certain understanding of the company, these procedures are also essential. Guo Tailai accompanied the whole process and did his best. Next to CCTV's camera has been followed, I want to come to these are night news.
Guo Tailai’s identity and company under the name are not secret in the eyes of some foreign institutions, so there is no need to cover up. Let them see the domestic attention, and Guo Tai will be safer when he goes out.
When several leaders were very happy and satisfied to sit in the confidential meeting room, it was more than an hour later.
In the conference room, there is only the leader of Zhang Laohe’s army. This time, only Guo Tailai is alone. Some things are not suitable for others. Even the parents and the sisters of Mi Feifei sit in another conference room and ask whether the company needs the policy support of the government department in the daily work and development process, and needs specific questions such as no need for loans.
"Xiao Guo, how did you suddenly think about suggesting that the country launch a helicopter?" No outsiders, Zhang Laohe and the leaders of the army rudely tasted the "standard reception coffee" in Guo Tailai's company. Zhang Lao also asked with a smile.
"One is that we have this technical condition." Guo Tailai did not feel that one person was nervous about not facing the two leaders. Perhaps there were too many big people seen abroad, and Guo Tailai adapted to this identity change. Naturally, I replied: "Another, this time in Guatemala, I was chased by a helicopter used by five Americans in the Vietnam War. It was like a dog who lost the family. I was thinking that our country must have this ratio. They have better performance armed helicopters."
For the top management, there is no secret to Guo Tailai’s passing to Guatemala. All the way is Lao Zhang’s practice, and returning to China will definitely report. At that time, he was attacked by a helicopter. As Guo Tailai said, the equipment was insufficient. People attacked a few kilometers away. Guo Tailai could only escape and have no temper.
"The upgraded version of the Osprey that you mentioned, when the final assembly and the Air Force put the report on it, looking at the design and the model, it really made us look drooling!" The leader of the army seemed to be able to understand Guo Tailai’s mood at the time. I sighed and sighed: "If it can be done, the Air Force and Lu Hang will not know how happy they will be."
"The Americans hold the Wassenaar agreement and always want to suppress our development." Zhang Lao also took the slogan: "We must have our own research and development of their own technology, even if it is no longer expensive, but also to launch. The Gulf War, the Afghan War, let us see the gap in our technology and see the dangers of national defense. We should do it, and we will do it.
"Today, one is also a formal look at the company's situation. The other is to support you and give you a guarantee." The leader of the army also smiled and said: "In the future, like this good idea, it should be brought out. Take out some of the cutting-edge technologies that you want to develop, and be bold and bold in research and development. With results, don't be afraid to be in your hands, the country will help you. If you need any support, you will come up with the country and try to help you solve it.

Guo Tailai nodded and promised, the high-level face so, Guo Tailai can still not content?
"You don't want to be afraid of what kind of criticism your current family will bring." Zhang Lao still said with a smile: "The country still allows some people to get rich first, and we are clear about how you come from." The money earned is clean and clear money, neither embezzling state assets, nor illegally operating tax evasion and tax evasion, taking care of the peace of mind, and spending the righteousness."
Guo Tailai nodded again.
"The development of the aircraft materials that you used to do is very meaningful." The troops leaders went on to say: "The military vehicles and the weapons are also doing very well! The mission to Moscow is also very good. Fat, don't mind me. Call you?"
"Of course I don't mind." Guo Tailai replied quickly. The leader called himself a fat man, that is to express his intimacy!
"Fat, thank you!" The leader’s gaze was praised, and Guo Tailai said something seriously, and then added: "Redouble your efforts!"
"I will!" Guo Tailai replied resolutely.
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