Chapter 668: Doctors and doctors are different (below)

When Guo Tailai’s words were exported, Finn directly stunned. Even Anderson was surprised. Looking at Guo Tailai, he could not believe it.
In the car accident seven years ago, the broken bones have now grown, and the injuries have already been cured. Is it strange?
"The car accident at the time was actually not fast, and it was not fast, right?" Guo Tailai, regardless of the surprised look of the two, asked directly to Finn.
"Yes!" Finn finally opened his mouth: "But because I didn't wear a seat belt, I was smashed out. The back waist was unfortunately squatting on a railing, causing a fracture of the lumbar spine, now on the lumbar vertebrae. Also hit the steel plate."
"It's really unfortunate." Guo Tailai looked at Feien with sympathetic eyes and shook his head and sighed: "Poor child! Sitting in a wheelchair for so many years."
"Is there any problem?" Finn looked at Guo Tailai with amazement. Guo Tailai’s tone seems to be a pity for him, but what about the sympathetic gaze?
"You are the only son of your father, are you?" Guo Tailai suddenly asked without a margin.
"Yes." Finn became more and more confused, what is his injury and his relationship with his only son?
When Anderson heard Guo Tailai's question, his face changed directly. He is an old fox, and the only son of a big man is inexplicably injured. There is nothing wrong with it! Do you actually have to get involved in this kind of thing?
Guo Tailai seems to be looking at the six-way general, slightly turning his head to give Anderson a smile. Anderson suddenly noticed why Guo Tailai asked himself to call instead of letting Finn directly contact his father. Isn't this obviously an opportunity for him to please a big man? What's more, Guo Tailai, who introduced himself, already said that 90% of the efforts to cure Feien, then what can be said?
Unexpectedly, Anderson immediately began to call. Now that the reaction came over, Anderson realized why Guo Tailai had been asking Feien to do various checks. He had never done similar steps when he showed it to others. It was obviously to drag the time and wait until the day in North America. Just call this number.
When the phone was opened, Anderson first whispered a message with the opposite person, and then let Finn and the other party pass two sentences, which opened the hands-free.
"Mr. G, are you looking for me to have something to say?" There was an old voice in the phone, and asked directly to Guo Tailai: "Is it related to Finn's injury? What is it?"
"Sir, those doctors who had surgery on Finn, can you still find it now?" Guo Tailai also asked what the other party should call, called Mr. directly, and immediately asked a question.
"Maybe." The opposite person did not know what Guo Tailai asked this question, and ambiguously answered one sentence.
"It's best." Guo Tailai's answer is also very inexplicable, and people are puzzled.
"One of them is my own." Finn's father added another sentence.
"Then he must have rushed over later." Guo Tailai said calmly: "Finn is lucky."
"What is the problem with Finn's injury?" After all, the other party still cares about his son. He did not say anything on this issue and asked directly.
"I checked the body of Mr. Finn on the plane. In order to confirm, after coming to Switzerland, I checked it again with the instrument." Guo Tailai said quickly: "I now have Finn detailed CT scan and X. Light film."
"Continue." The old voice on the phone said almost without emotion.
"Look at my many years of experience." Guo Tailai did not talk nonsense, and directly clarified: "The injury on Finn's leg is in line with the situation of the car accident at the time. I asked Fern, the accident at the time was really unpleasant. However, the lumbar fracture The part needs to be fast enough to break into such a way, even if it happens to hit the railing, it is only a bone fracture and will not break. The late metal plate fixation treatment is a part of the lumbar fracture, but also because Two of the screws pressed the lumbar spine, causing Finn's lower body to squat."
"Do you have any evidence in these judgments?" Although the opposite side of the phone did not change, Guo Tailai also heard a trace of anger, but it was well hidden.
"If you keep the case and X-ray photos of the time," Guo Tailai said calmly: "So you can find an experienced..."

I have looked for three highly experienced specialists.
The voice on the phone directly interrupted Guo Tailai’s words:
They have seen cases and photos, and they have seen the effect of surgery. Fen’s injury at the time can be treated. That is already a very lucky result."
"I mean, find an experienced forensic doctor." Guo Tailai waited for the other party to finish, and then quietly said what he had just finished: "There is no more experienced specialist, just knowing that this is happening." How to treat the injury, but they may not know how the injury came, but the forensic doctor can know. The injury caused by the car accidentally hitting the body is slightly different from the injury caused by the blow. I asked Finn After the accident, he was completely ill after the accident. He didn't know what happened in the process. However, believe me, Finn is still very lucky. He can survive the kind of injury. He is lucky to be at the extreme. ""
Hey! Anderson listened to Guo Tailai's words over there and sucked in a cold air. The whole side of Finn has been stupid. What does Guo Tailai mean by this? If Guo Tailai’s ability to express is not a problem, and his understanding is not a problem, that is to say, his car accident at that time was only broken his legs, and then in other places, the ambulance or the lumbar vertebra on the operating table was broken. And still artificially broken?
Guo Tailai’s luck in his mouth is that he has survived in the process of breaking his lumbar spine? At that time, some people wanted to kill themselves by car accident. Then maybe the father’s person responded promptly, so he could only do his hands and feet on the operating table. The father’s person arrived on the operating table in time, so some people could not do anything, and then they survived.
"I heard Mr. Anderson say, you have a good grasp to cure Finn?" The voice of Finn's father was finally a little more excited, but he was still recovering from Finn.
"Yes, sir." Guo Tailai replied with a bit more affirmation: "In fact, now I have more confidence."
"Thank you for your call." The other party thanked him very seriously: "Thank you very much! Please pay more attention to the news about Mexican anti-drugs in the past few days. Please be sure to cure Finn."
"I will, sir." Guo Tailai laughed: "You are welcome!"
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