Chapter 709: a big fat year (on)

Do you still invest in domestic companies?

When Hai Ge heard Guo Tailai's words, he couldn't help but have some accidents.

How fresh!

Guo Tailai is speechless: "I have good investments at home and abroad?
Others you don't know, FAW Dongfeng, you don't know?

Is the investment ratio large?

Hai Ge asked a curiosity.
"Not big."
Guo Tailai smiled and shook his head: "The basic is no more than five percent."
"Five percent of the shares, can you let the company you invest in open the R&D department here?"
Hai Ge is also a bitter smile.
Lvge can't say this, but Haige and Guo Tai have been there for too many years. There is no taboo: "The environment of the capital city of Beijing is more suitable for retaining talents?"
"Can you come, it depends on you!"
Guo Tailai smiled and said: "As long as there is a good enough talent policy here.
Urban environment, housing, travel, children's education, cost of living, etc. If all kinds of hardware and software are really competitive, why not?

Lu Ge shrugged his shoulders. This really depends on the talent policy here. If you can win the talents, you will have a chance.
Otherwise, if the R&D centers to be invested are not able to recruit people at all, then if you build a framework, there will be no one to recruit.
If this problem cannot be solved, I am afraid that the plan of such a large high-tech industrial park will become a joke.
"I will do my best to fight for it."
Although Lu Ge knows that the embarrassing situation will certainly not appear at the beginning of the preparation, it is necessary to take precautions for the long-term consideration.
"FAW Second Automobile can actually open two automobile research institutes here."
Hai Ge laughed and said to Guo Tai.
"Dont look at me."
Guo Tailai couldn’t help but look at Haige’s eyes:
Are you new to the department after the year?
If you are in charge of the assets of state-owned enterprises, you can get it.

Hai Ge nodded and agreed.
"I said, Hai Ge, you have made so many projects, isn't it sincere to directly take Lu Ge away?"
Guo Tailai asked inexplicably.
There is still a sentence in the back that has not been asked, Lu Ge left, if the park side is up to an unhandled director of the management committee, Guo Tailai is not going to take the wax?
But Guo Telai did not ask, Hai Ge must be clear, Guo Tailai had expressed concern when he called him on the phone.
"Lao Lu has been in this position for several years.
In fact, when Singapore did not hand over, Lao Lu was equivalent to the director of our management committee.

Hai Ge explained: "When this project cooperation agreement is finalized, basically Lu can be promoted."
The rest, all these projects are implemented, the higher education district, the high-tech industrial park plus the fashion week, can completely land, and can push a person up.

Guo Tailai nodded. His simple political mind considered the possibility that so many projects would be a waste of credit for one person. They could also support two people separately: "Is there a lot of projects?"
"The more good things, the better."
This time, Hai Ge and Lu Ge answered in unison.
This is definitely the voice of the two people. This kind of project that takes the initiative to find the door and is also influential, as a local government official, is there too much?
"You don't have to worry about anything else.
No matter who gets in, they also need to know who brought these projects.

Hai Ge then smiled and said: "You can put a hundred hearts, as the head of the local government, no one will make a joke about their future.
And you don't have to worry about whether you will promise to not cash in and shut down the dog after the investment falls. These investments are internationally famous people with great influence, and there is no problem here.

"Okay, then I am relieved."
Guo Tailai did not understand the bending of the officialdom, but Haige knew that since he said no problem, it would be no problem.
Of course, there is a problem Guo Tailai is not afraid, there is this confidence.
After discussing it in the morning, Guo Tailai and Hai Ge returned to the Bao Ship Hotel.
Lu Ge used the fastest speed to contact the leaders of the city government to report this matter.
When the phone was connected, Lu Ge had just said the beginning. In fact, only one sentence was said that the big men who lived in the hotel this year wanted to invest locally, and the leaders of the municipal government could not sit still.
Originally, they did not have a real holiday this year and have been waiting for it. I hope that good news will appear.
The result has been waiting until now, on the third day of the New Year, it is the news they want.
The municipal government immediately met, and several major leaders arrived at the meeting and listened to Lu Ge’s report in the conference room.
When they heard that Lu Ge reported one by one to report the projects that those people wanted to invest, everyone was surprised and happy.
Several high-tech IT company R & D centers, research and development centers for biological and medical technology, real estate, hotels, shopping malls, top luxury appreciation centers, clothing and other fashion brand OEMs, each of them make everyone excited.
However, if these high-tech investments are really put to the ground, the economic promotion of Gusu City is actually not particularly strong. After all, they are all R&D centers, most of which are burning money.
However, the higher education district plus these R & D centers, the integration of production, education and research, can bring a large number of talents to attract the gathering effect.
This is very beneficial to the long-term development of the industrial park and the entire Gusu city. As long as it attracts talents, is it afraid that it will not do anything?
The most directly able to drive economic development and increase employment, but also those clothing and fashion brand OEM, as well as the development of real estate hotel shopping malls, the foundation of the construction, the investment is a multiple of ten times the economic benefits linkage.
Now that the economic construction is the center, the economy has gone up, and nothing is afraid.
But these are not the biggest surprises for the city leaders. The most surprising thing is the imagination of the International Fashion Week and the choice of Miss World host.
If you can really make these two items, Gusu City can almost say that it will become famous internationally at once, and the influence it brings will simply break through the sky! Of course, when appropriate, Wei Mi Daxiu is not impossible to organize! Lu Ge introduced the details in detail, and even reported that the foundry industry is willing to hand over to the city for distribution.
Naturally, the Gusu Fashion Week and the Miss World contest are also branded in the city. Several leaders can hear a beautiful picture of the future.
"Fashion week, this may be a bit of a hassle."
After Lu Ge’s report was finished, he raised the problems that he might encounter:
The Devils started to organize the first fashion week as early as 01. If we want to organize here, so close, maybe There will be some opposition voices."
"What is against?
What is it against?

A city leader directly yelled out loudly: "Modu Fashion Week is mainly facing the fashion week of domestic independent brands. We are international-oriented, and the targeted customers are different. What can be opposed?"
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