Chapter 731: He is strong and he is strong (on)

Actually it is a series of tricks, Guo Tailai expressed quite admiration for the two companies, but also quite disdain, have this good brain, can not talk seriously?
However, Guo Tailai wonders, as two listed companies, they do not know the other company before they conduct business negotiations.
The financial situation may not be very well understood, but at the very least, you have to know the shareholder structure of the other party?
Can find the credit department manager of the four major branches of the state-owned Beijing branch, it is difficult to find the industrial and commercial department to check the company's shareholder structure?
However, the external financial situation is very accurate. I know that Justice Square Technology has owed more than 10 billion loans, so it has been specially taken from this place.
Public pressure?
Guo Tai came to be not worried.
Now Guo Tailai is very disgusted with this kind of compulsory moral abduction. When talking about business, talking about business, why bother to pull this banner?
You are patriotic, why didn't you see that you sold your goods cheaply?
"What two companies?"
Guo Tailai was very disgusted with this routine and asked in a bad tone.

One is Huayuan Chemical Fiber Group and the other is Xinfeng New Material Company.

Mi Feifei immediately replied: "There are all a listed companies, and the market value exceeds 10 billion."
"How much do you offer?"
Guo Tailai asked again.
Companies with a market value of over 10 billion are expensive, are they too slaughtered?

The three different strength carbon fiber production processes include a set of experimental equipment with a total price of 10 billion.

The boss asked about the price of Mi Feifei. Of course, Mi Feifei immediately informed: "We have spent two to three billion experimental production lines built in the test factory. There are still no one-hundred-ton production lines in China. ""

Is this expensive?

Guo Tailai frowned directly: "Buy from abroad, can this price be won?"
"You can't take it twice."
Mi Feifei laughed without hesitation: "Even if you have money, others will never sell it to you.
From the United States and Japan, experts are invited, not particularly powerful technical experts, and the annual salary is not enough.
Strictly guarded against death, a businessman bought a few kilograms of t700 carbon fiber when he returned to the United States at a price of two thousand dollars a kilogram. He was suspected of being a spy when he left the country and was captured by the US Department of Homeland Security.
In addition, Japanese laws prohibit the sale of technologies such as carbon fiber and semiconductors to foreign companies without permission. Otherwise, they will be fined up to tens of billions of yen and will be in jail.

"I know."
Guo Tailai certainly knows this situation. Is the Wassenaar agreement not a joke?
Is the embargo prohibitive output technology to play?
How can people still think about it in China?
Since this method is used, Guo Tailai is also welcome: "The next time I talk, the price will be doubled to three times, and I will not buy it! I will say that if someone dissatisfied, let them come to me. ""
"I am the general manager, of course, looking for me!"
Mi Feifei is not a weak woman, but she has more responsibility than many people, and she laughs directly.
It’s not the first time to take the black pot for the boss. In the presence of several generals, there’s no such thing as flying in the air. Are you afraid of this?
The two of them did not take care of the bank loan. The bank had to lend in advance, and it was on the list. The account was not without money.
Even if the Justice Square technology is not enough money, can there be any investment company that can borrow?
As for the pressure of public opinion, no one cares.
There is a kind of smearing the Justice Square into a traitor enterprise to see what colors will be on the faces of other shareholders or the military.
It was a digging of this, Guo Tailai was a little unexpected, quite unexpected.
I used to dig someone else, but I didn’t expect to be dug up on my head.
"Are they dig people successful?"
Guo Tailai asked curiously.
The Justice Square technology self-inquiry treatment is certainly not low. I dare not say that it can exceed the treatment of Europe and the United States, but it is definitely top in the country.
But there is no absolute thing in the world. When you dig people, it will shut down the business of 10 billion yuan, and it can be opened beyond the expectations of employees.
For example, Mi Feifei just said that the annual salary is ten thousand. Maybe the other party is willing to give it. If you dig into the person, it means digging into the technology. Maybe you don’t plan to buy the technology of the Justice Square technology, directly in the cottage, and the lawsuit is also Not afraid, will local governments go to a private company without taking care of local listed companies?
"not yet."
Speaking of this Mi Fei Fei Le: "They dig people first to understand the market! Our technical staff normal salary plus various bonus commissions, one million a year is an ordinary level, they only open an annual salary of fifty Wan, but also listed companies, I have to dig for them to dig cold! But this salary should be able to dig into our several good project logistics."
The logistics of the project is only to help the technical staff to do the service. It is also the most common technology for the technology. What is the use of digging them?
However, they can access the documents of specific projects, but if these people dare to take out a document, the fear is not only to sue the company's trade secrets, but to disclose state military secrets.
During the training, these were repeatedly and severely warned.
Which project logistics has not seen security with a gun patrolling the company?
"Would you remind them, let them raise the price tag, don't say the annual salary, you have to say hello to five million?
At the end of the year, the company took one or two million cars.

Guo Tailai also laughed: "They are too stingy, and they are listed companies! The technicians of our company have not poured coffee on the other side's face."
"Come on!"
Listening to the boss's unreliable advice, Mi Feifei couldn't help but turn a blind eye: "When you look at the residential area of ​​the capital, you have to qualify for it. You will be stupid to change jobs at this time?"
Mi Feifei did not mention that Guo Tailai had forgotten that he had also built a community for his employees.
On the mainland side, the location is close to the subway station, or the Shangdi Experimental Primary School District. How many people will give up in order to change the annual salary?
"There are two or three people who want to go out to start a business every year. Jiayi has invested seven or eight."
Mi Feifei went on to say: "The business plan of only two technicians did not pass the assessment, but it was also a company that accepted the six-month denial and signed the two-year non-competition agreement.
This is a good gathering.

"Oh, yes, our company has to leave the company and talk about it."
Guo Tailai thinks that the company still has the problem of densification. It really feels sad for those companies that want to dig people. Six months of denial and two years of competition agreement, according to the regulations, can not be engaged in related work for two and a half years.
I have to pay for two and a half years before I get up, very good, very powerful! "Boss, then I will raise the offer tomorrow."
Having said that, Mi Feifei also knows Guo Tailai's attitude. It is really comfortable to have a boss who is dying to support himself.
"Well, then let's do it first!"
Guo Tailai smiled and said: "Tomorrow, you will go to the loan first, not enough to find Lin.
We are not used to their problems!

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