Chapter 745: New choice of T prefix (on)

Hanging up Zhang’s total phone call, Guo Tailai did not delay for a second. He immediately found the phone number of Colonel Liu and dialed it.
There was no nonsense, and when he said his thoughts, Colonel Liu was not calm at once.
Colonel Liu gave a simple statement: "I am going to report!"
In less than twenty minutes, Colonel Liu’s phone called back:
I need to see specific information.

"Liu Shu, would you like to drive you to see you?"
Guo Tailai and Colonel Liu were also welcome. They directly suggested: "I have already come over with FAW Zhang Zongyi, and I have some information models and everything is done here. How do you see it?"
"I will leave now!"
Colonel Liu did not insist, and made a quick decision.
There is no secret production place in Beijing. Guo Tailai is the most suitable place in Gusu's studio. It is just a sneak peek. It is not an unacceptable thing.
The team returned directly to the studio, and the sister smiled and waited for Guo Tai to come back.
"Sister, how did the leader suddenly inspect Zhengfang Technology?"
Guo Tailai gently embraced the sister, and confirmed to the sister.
When I was on the boat, I couldn't confirm it. I finally came back and asked: "Is it because of this shaftless pump?"
According to Mr. Mi, the leader not only inspected the company, but also took photos with Mr. Mi, and finally wrote the word for Justice Square Technology.
This is a glory! For this reason, I have been excited for a long time.
"There is a certain relationship."
Zhao Wei certainly knows that the leader has inspected the Science and Technology Square. She knows a little more and smiles and replies: "There are still many, including the location of the Patriot missile and the s300 that you brought back before. The company's project results during this time. Including the production process of carbon fiber, these are all remembered! This time someone is unruly and the leader is angry."
As Guo Tailai guessed, this leadership inspection was both a reward and a relief, as well as a warning to shock some unruly guys.
In short, this is a good thing for Guo Tailai.
"I plan to upgrade the armor of the big red flag t-head and the armored bus."
Guo Tailai did not conceal his intentions, and the sergeant said it.
"You..." The sisters didn't know what to say.
What is this, dead fat man reciprocating?
Is the leader so pleased?
"Sister, I am expressing my heart."
Guo Tailai quickly explained: "Nothing else."
"Knowing that you are a heart, nothing else."
The sister-in-law knows the character of her own fat man: "If you really want to give a gift, maybe you will send something bigger and more valuable."
Or the sister-in-law understands his own fat man, if the fat man really wants to send something, some of them are more valuable things, and there are even other methods.
Updating the armor is really just a thank you.
However, what makes Zhao Xiao laugh and cry is that the fat man feels that he can express his feelings to the leader.
Sometimes it looks like a honest and honest fat man, a childish and a child.
However, since the fat man wants to express his feelings, Zhao Wei does not stop him.
Anyway, there is no private matter in it, it is just a matter of business. It is not a bad thing to upgrade the armor.
Zhang Zong came very quickly and arrived at Gusu that night.
The same Colonel Liu also arrived in Gusu that evening.
Both of them did not live in Guo Tailai's treasure ship hotel, but Guo Tailai still settled them into the industry of his own community.
Those houses are very good, and they are specially designed to entertain some close guests, comfortable and safe, and will not exceed the standard.
The next morning, Guo Tailai, Zhang Zong, and Colonel Liu met at the studio.
"what do you think?"
Zhang Zong said nothing, directly asked Guo Tailai.
The phone only said that the armor should be upgraded, but what is the specific situation, Zhang is not clear at all.
Colonel Liu did not understand the situation on the side, waiting for Guo Tailai to answer.
Guo Tailai first gave the test report of graphene armor to two people.
This is Guo Tailai’s request for the generals through the sisters yesterday. The latest graphene armor is kept secret to others and will not be kept secret to the Central Guard Bureau.
Of course, this level of Zhang is definitely allowed to participate.

This new armor material is the latest research result of our company.

When Guo Tailai watched the experimental report, he said: "There is a very good ballistic performance, and at the same time it has the characteristics of light weight. If it is combined with the bulletproof armor of the original t-head, it can greatly improve the vehicle. Anti-elastic energy."
The specific parameters Guo Tailai needless to say, just look at the test report.
There are numbers on the top, there are photos, very clear.
Looking at the report of this experiment, Guo Tai is not at all imaginary. If the two are combined, I am afraid that there will be more than double the anti-ballistic performance.
"Fat, how do you think about it?"
Mr. Zhang definitely has no say in technology, so he directly asked Guo Tailai's plan.
"I mean, this new material has good ballistic resistance and light weight, so I think it can be based on the original composite armor, and then a new layer of graphene armor."
Guo Tailai did not sell off, directly said his intention: "I probably calculated that the weight of the whole vehicle may increase by 300 to 500 kilograms, but for the car's ballistic performance, it has at least doubled.
Moreover, the engine performance of the t-head has increased by 500 kilograms, and at most, the speed is as low as twenty or thirty kilometers, but it is still able to maintain a speed of more than two hundred and forty kilometers.

"As for the armored bus, as long as a layer of five centimeter thick graphene armor is added to the inner layer, double the safety performance is completely unproblematic."
After saying the big red flag t-head, Guo Tailai began to talk about the armored bus.
Since you want to upgrade, you can upgrade all.
To increase the safety of the leadership car, the Central Security Bureau will not be happy?
I hate to see the finished product right away.
But Colonel Liu still has some concerns: "How are you going to upgrade?
How many wheel flow upgrades?
Or is it a one-time upgrade?
There must always be a plan.

Guo Tailai and Zhang Zong looked at each other and saw the intentions of the other party. They gave each other a tacit look and reached a tacit understanding.
"I mean, I and FAW's masters first built a prototype car for the joint use of two bulletproof materials, and then fully tested it."
Guo Tailai first said his intention: "When the test is successful, the results are satisfactory, then start the upgrade."
"If the leader has any new requirements for the model or style during the upgrade process..." Zhang always took the call and said the latter sentence: "We also just re-adjusted by the opportunity of armor upgrade."
"Is there any new style to choose from?"
Colonel Liu asked a faint question.
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