Chapter 764: Record (on)

The monitoring equipment on the ground, there are three or five seconds of instant, as if all the signals were lost at once, the screen is empty, and the sound of Guo Tailai is not heard. The following people are shocked.
"G, how are you?" Xiaofen is the most anxious one. If anyone in this group is most unwilling to let Guo Tailai have an accident, then besides Guo Tailai’s security guards, it must be Xiao Fen, and he will almost be crazy, and yelling at the intercom.
"...嘶...I am very good! Hee hee..." The radio is full of current noise, which contains the sound of Guo Tailai's slightly intermittent tone, which is very strange.

Xiaofenen asked aloud to the NASA expert next to him:
What is going on?

"Probably due to some space radiation caused by charged particles." Compared to Xiaofen's anxiety, NASA experts are very calm, this situation is too common in space, satellite recovery cabin often passed in the recycling process When I was on the ionosphere, I couldn’t get a signal for a few minutes. Only Xiaofen’s layman would be surprised.
"I feel very good!" Sure enough, after a dozen seconds, Guo Tailai’s voice came from the radio clearly, which sounded very normal.
"Thank God!" Xiaofenen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and involuntarily painted a cross in front of himself, too scary.
"G, try to talk less and maintain your posture." NASA experts reminded me: "Your heart rate is over one hundred and forty, take a deep breath and keep it!"
"Can you see my speed?" Guo Tailai asked.
"Yes!" replied on the ground.
"Tell me when you break through the sound barrier." Guo Tailai reminded him, then stopped talking and maintained his body posture and jumped down.
"500 miles, 600 miles, 650 miles..." The ground station monitors a number every time it breaks through an integer speed.
"3,2,1, yeah!" The sound of the ground monitoring station was clearly transmitted to Guo Tailai's headphones: "We have observed a small sonic boom, G, you successfully broke through the sound barrier!"
The standard value of the stratospheric sonic velocity is 1062 km per hour, and it is basically stable, slower than the ground, about 295 meters per second, about 660 miles per second. Once the speed of the object exceeds the speed of sound, a shock wave is generated, which is called sonic explosion. This also means that Guo Tailai really broke the speed of sound.

Congratulations! G!
The voice of the ground monitoring staff was also excited:
You have created history, you are flying faster than 99% of the passenger airliners!

Although the person in space parachute is Guo Tailai, everyone on the ground who is monitoring is cheering. The human body has broken through the speed of sound, this is the first time since the beginning of the world!
When I fell for a minute, Guo Tailai's speed has reached 700 miles per second. Listening to this mile speed, Guo Tailai also wants to vomit. Good metric units don't have to use English units. The Americans are really awkward.
700 mph is equivalent to 1126 km/h, but this is obviously not the limit. Guo Tailai can still feel that it is still accelerating.
"800 miles!" Guo Tailai's speed is still increasing, and soon broke through 800 miles per hour.
"I feel a lot of resistance!" After breaking the speed of sound, Guo Tailai finally felt the sudden increase in strong air resistance, but the speed of landing was still increasing.

Maximum speed of 843 miles! Mach 1.27!
Ground monitoring personnel also found that the speed curve on the monitoring equipment peaked at this time, and quickly reported the highest speed:
G, your heart rate is now one hundred and thirty. Keep breathing deeply!"
"When I jumped out, it was difficult to adjust the stability of the body under weightlessness." Guo Tailai was so flustered when he had just jumped out. He said calmly in the air: "When you jump a little, you will lose your balance in the air." Not bad, I controlled my body."
As Guo Tailai said, the most terrible thing about space parachute is that it loses balance in the thin air of the stratosphere. Just like an airplane entering a turbulent flow, a little bit of external force will rotate when the weight is lost, and it is difficult to change the balance. And the human body rotates faster than the plane, and the danger is even greater. Uncontrolled rotation causes blood to flow to the head, which is severe enough to cause loss of consciousness, red vision, and brain damage.
Guo Tailai is different. He has two trillion nano robots. These nano robots can fly. Although each thrust is extremely small, in this weightless state, Guo Tailai’s flight status can be changed without too much thrust. .
When Guo Jielai was just jumping out, Guotai was indeed rolling in an uncontrolled rotation, but it took only a dozen seconds. Guo Tailai adjusted the condition of the body and maintained a stable landing. It may be dangerous for ordinary people to last for thirty or forty seconds or more. Of course, even if there is a long-term rotation, Guo Tailai will not appear red, and there will be no brain damage.
Because of the increase in air resistance, Guo Tailai's speed has also begun to slow down.
At this point, the people on the ground have already put down half of their hearts. As long as Guo Tailai can maintain a normal parachute state, when the umbrella is opened normally, it is basically confirmed that the space parachute challenge is successful. It can be said that it has been halfway through now.
"The speed is 180 miles, you can open the umbrella!" The ground monitoring personnel are always monitoring the speed and altitude, and after the predetermined value, the sound is quickly reminded.
At this time, Guo Tailai had fallen in the air for four minutes and fifty seconds. When he heard the prompt, Guo Tailai did not reluctantly and quickly opened the parachute.
The process of opening the umbrella was flawless, there was no twists and turns, no tying rope, no parachute tearing, no accidents, and the parachute was successfully opened. The body of the body fell, and the speed began to decrease further.
The ground personnel put down the remaining half of the heart again. The last question is left safely.
"It is estimated that the drop point, area No. 5!" Guo Tailai controlled the parachute, the slow fall, the ground personnel who have quickly calculated the approximate area of ​​the landing, reported to Xiaofenen.
Two helicopters took off immediately, one of which was Xiaofen and his security and Guo Tailai’s three security guards. The other helicopter was NASA’s medical staff and ground support personnel. The helicopter flew quickly to Area 5. .
The landing process after the opening of the umbrella also lasted for eleven minutes, adding up to a total of 16 minutes.
The standard landing action, the legs slightly removed the impact of the landing, Guo Tailai stood firmly on the ground, the huge parachute also slowly landed. Not waiting for Guo Tai to clean up, everyone who has arrived in this area two minutes in advance has swarmed up and rushed to Guo Tailai.
Guo Tailai just picked off the astronaut's helmet and saw Xiaofen's excited face.
"G, you did it!" Xiaofenen was as excited as he jumped from above: "You created the record!"
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