Chapter 780: Different welcome ceremony (on)

Arranging the submarine to Dubai at this time, Guo Tailai is also useful.
At least on the surface, it attracts a lot of attention.
Guo Tailai did not mention that Xiao Fenen took the initiative to mention the submarine, but after Guo Tailai made it clear that he went directly to Basra, he was relieved with a small sigh of relief. Guo Tai came to see it very clearly.
Perhaps Xiao Fen’s face was well concealed, and other experienced security guards did not see it. However, Guo Tailai felt it from Xiaofen’s heartbeat and breathing.
Perhaps they are still skeptical of Guo Tailai's purpose in making submarines. Perhaps because they can't find Iraq's gold, Americans are still looking forward to opening a breakthrough from their only one who has received tyrants and fathers before the war, but Guo Tailai will be so easy. Was it fooled?
The luxury private submarine, designed as a civilian submarine, is almost the most obvious target under the military's sonar scanning.
Will Guo Tailai use the submarine so blatantly?
Obviously impossible! The more Guo Tailai appears to be bright and upright, the less they will doubt that Iraq’s gold is related to Guo Tailai.
Of course, Guo Tailai will not leave this impression on them. It is a fool to go around the road.
That batch of gold is a fate for Guo Tailai. It doesn't matter if you can't get it. You don't have to deliberately.
You can make some preparations in advance, and you can take them when you meet them, but you will never force them.
However, Guo Tailai was very close to himself, but there were some arrangements, which really made him speechless.
The plane landed at Basra International Airport and immediately received a report from the captain of the tanker. The old tanker has already docked at the No. 3 loading terminal at Fao Port.
It’s too clever. If you don’t try it, Guo Tailai is a bit too much to be so coincidental.
At this time in Iraq, it can be said that everything is under the control of the US military.
In addition to sporadic guerrilla rebellion or a roadside bomb from time to time, in most cases the US military said how.
Mr. Finn and the senior commander of the US military in Iraq must have a very deep friendship. It can be said that it is almost a hand, so when the plane landed, it came down from the ramp, and the six Hummers of the US military were directly parked on the side of the plane. Military vehicles, each with a driver and a heavily armed soldier.
"The battlefield, there are no luxury cars, and the big red flags in Baghdad are too late to be shipped, only military vehicles."
When I got here, Xiaofenen seemed to be the master, and reached out and invited Guo Tai to get on the bus: "But it will give you a feeling of entering the war, try it!"
Guo Tailai certainly does not care, and Xiao Fen went to the middle of a Hummer, Lin Jiayi did not say anything, followed by sitting in.
Other security personnel looked at each other, and no one said anything. They were on several military vehicles before and after.
Lin Jiayi is going to follow her life. Since Guo Tailai played a space parachute last time, she decided to go out and never leave her boss.
However, the delicate Lin Jiayi followed, it seems that Xiaofenen seems to be more reassured.
"g, are you interested in shooting anywhere here?"
After the car drove out of the airport, after getting on the road, Xiao Fenn smiled and pointed to the standing position in the middle of the back row of the horse, and suggested to Guo Tailai.
Americans are incapable of being here. Everyone is riding a military vehicle with a good eight-pass. The machine guns on the roof are all equipped with live ammunition. If Guo Tailai is happy, you can stand directly at the m2hb heavy machine gun that controls the roof of the machine gun. As suggested by Xiao Fen, just shoot in any direction, as long as you don’t care for yourself.
Until now, Americans have not found even a weapon of mass destruction in Iraq.
However, the United Nations seems to have forgotten the reasons for this war. There are only sporadic sniper voices, and it is extremely disappointing.
"That's boring!"
Guo Tailai shook his head: "I would rather look forward to the surprise that your father sent me. You know, I have been to the National Museum of Iraq."
In the United States, Xiao Fenen took Guo Tailai to play machine guns. He did know that Guo Tailai didn't like the m2hb heavy machine gun very much. It was almost the same as the Minigang fire artillery.
"You can rest assured that I will never tell you before you see a surprise."
Xiao Fen haha ​​laughed, but always kept secret.
The car went all the way to the port of Fao, although the country is now controlled by the US military, but in most places outside the US military barracks, security is not high enough.
The port of Fao is an important crude oil port, and the US military controls it very strictly. This is a very safe place.
Guo Tailai wants to receive some items on the tanker, so living directly on the tanker is safer than other places.
As the team was on the move, Guo Tailai’s face changed dramatically and screamed:
Fin, let everyone stop! Someone is ambushing in front!

Xiao Fen didn’t know what was going on, but Guo Tailai suddenly became so nervous. He heard Guotai’s ambush in front of him, and suddenly he was shocked.
Not waiting for Xiaofen to order, the soldier who served as the driver had already stepped on the brakes, and then parked in front of the car with the radio crazy.
The car before and after was very vigilant. He heard the shouts in the radio and immediately stopped the car.
Without explanation, Guo Tailai stood directly at the machine gun position, a gun machine, aimed at a certain direction, and did not hesitate to shake the trigger.
In the distance, in the direction of the muzzle, behind the low wall of a wrecked 500 meters, a head wrapped in a headscarf came out, as if to observe why the team suddenly stopped.
Guo Tailai’s heavy machine gun also happened to sound at this time. Hey, a short shot, the head of the guy who stood up instantly turned into a broken watermelon, red and white.
With the sound of the guns, the front four or five hundred meters, standing up seven or eight figures, the hand ak47 crazy in the direction of the team.
However, ak is not a heavy machine gun, although it can shoot beyond 800, but after more than four hundred meters, there is no point, and it can only be luck.
Without more instructions, the machine guns on each Hummer began to roar.
The six 12.7mm caliber heavy machine guns on the six cars all roared, and the seven or eight figures in the distance were killed in the first half. The only two people were suppressed by the machine guns and the heads were lifted. Not up.
Looking at all of this, including the small Finn, the soldiers on the car all grew a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, some people saw it. If they didn't notice it at the time, the team would drive over and, at close range, the Hummer could not stop the AK47's shot, and it would definitely be shot into a sieve.
However, this tone has not yet relaxed. Guo Tailai’s muzzle turned, pointing to the direction of the roadside, and madly shooting at a debris pile.
"g, are you crazy?"
The debris pile is still not high in the calf, how can anyone?
Xiao Fen looked at Guo Tailai’s movement and shouted incomprehensibly.
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