Chapter 9: Into the lab

As long as Zhao Wei promised, the titanium powder thing is basically a nail on the board.
Guo Tailai personally looked for the same thing as a headless fly, but the State Key Laboratory of Shuimu University was simply looking for it, and the two were not at a single level.
Although his second brother is also in the national key laboratory, he is only doing mixed work now, but Zhao Wei basically has the final say. There is no need to trouble the second brother, and the explanation is saved.
In a good mood, Guo Tailai finally had the mind to appreciate the beauty again.
It cannot be said that in the school of Shuimu University, which has a male to female ratio of six to one, there are fewer girls, and there are fewer women in science and engineering. Zhao Wei, such a stunning, is simply rare, and can be regarded as the leader in school flowers.
"Thank you!" After a few glances, Guo Tailai felt that she was somewhat rude. She had a big fat t-shirt and shorts and slippers. It seemed to be uncoordinated to face the uniform Zhao Yu, and then it was too impolite to stare more. I found a topic opening.

Zhao Wei asked inexplicably:
You promised to help me, I should thank you for it!

"Thank you for buying my patent." Guo Tailai smiled and said: "There is not much complexity in that thing. I am afraid you can see it at a glance. You can do it at any time. Thank you for maintaining my dignity. However, work hard to take it. Money, justified, I will not be so sour."
In this era, it is not a fake to apply for a patent in China, but it is almost impossible to really want to put the patent and patent proceeds into practice. Guo Tailai's patent registration is only for the purpose of ten years or even longer. He never thought that he would get benefits now.
Guo Guolai is so clear, I believe that Zhao Wei understands better. In this case, she still wants to buy a patent, apparently to take care of Guo Tailai's face. She fears that giving him money directly will make him feel disrespectful, so he used such a curve to save the country.
Just as the tide of laid-off, the national up and down thoughts have not been completely liberated, the iron rice bowl is orthodox, and the making of the sea is still the most shameful era. Directly giving money will make some people feel insulted. Zhao Wei is thoughtful and considerate.
However, it is obvious that Zhao Wei mistaken Guo Tailai's character. He is not the kind of sour literati who thinks that this will be contaminated with copper smell. As he said, it is a fool to work hard to get money.
"Tomorrow to the inertial laboratory to report it!" Zhao Wei suddenly felt that this fat man is quite pleasing to the eye, swearing: " By the way, your design is hung under the name of the lab. My tutor said, the paper can be hung His name, I am your essay instructor."
"Thank you, my sister!" Guo Tailai once again thanked him sincerely. This is a big gift, and the name of the sister is blurted out.
Zhao Wei’s mentor is not an ordinary tutor. It is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a doctoral tutor. He is willing to give Guo Tailai the title of this undergraduate thesis. It is simply to lift Guo Tai.
Basically, as long as the name of the instructor is written, as long as Guo Tailai can write a paper that conforms to the normative framework, even if there is nothing, the undergraduate graduation is no problem. Who wouldn’t go to the graduation thesis of a small undergraduate and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?
It can be said that this sentence allows Guo Tailai to use the entire Big Five without worrying about it. For Guo Tailai, who is only seeking safety graduation for the time being, it is enough.
Until returning to the dormitory, Guo Tailai was still relishing Zhao’s pair of talking eyes. It’s so beautiful, it’s really exciting!
"What do you think!" At the entrance of the dormitory, Guo Tailai shook his head hard and almost pumped his own mouth: "That is a white swan, don't even think about it!"
The status of the two people is even one in the sky. A white swan like Zhao Wei will look at Guo Tailai, and is it a fat man?
Even if there are nano-robots, Guo Tailai is not confident that she can attract the attention of the goddess Zhao Wei, that is, her work skills can make her look at the professional high!
The animals in the dormitory didn't sleep at all, they were waiting for him to come back while playing cards, waiting for the torture to interrogate him and Zhao Lan's gossip. When Guo Tai came back, everyone shouted, and then a group of people pressed Guo Tailai to the bed and began to ask questions.
"You think more." Guo Tailai certainly chose to confess: "She just wants me to help her with some artifacts."
"You promised?" Liu Yang asked him according to Guo Tailai's arm.
"Do I have reasons for refusal?" Guo Tailai struggled and could only answer with grief.
A few animals think about it too, Guo Tailai fits a good job, this is the source of family studies, facing the invitation of beauty, do not agree to blame.
"Later she promised to be my essay instructor, her tutor was named after my supervisor." After sitting up, Guo Tailai was able to bear the smugness and slapped the words behind.
I am going to enter the laboratory tomorrow. This is something that I can't help, so Guo Tailai doesn't mind saying it. It is a matter of money, Guo Tailai will not say more than half a word.
"That is, fat man can you appear in front of Zhao Shijie every day?" Liu Yang hates, why not himself?
In addition to the name of genius, Zhao Wei is one of the best in the entire Shuimu University. I don’t know how many admired animals are drooling every day. Even every day, people are said to be waiting for flowers at the laboratory door, but they have never had the chance to say a word with Zhao Wei.
Who can think of the fat man actually relying on a good fitter, but you can just appear in front of the beautiful sister in the day, even through the opportunity to discuss the paper, ah ah ah!
"I can't stand it, flatten him!" Several people swarmed up and pressed the fat man who just sat up and smuged into the bed again.
Fortunately, everyone was joking. After the end, Guo Tailai was forced to make two big meals, which made the four animals not to be held accountable.
On the second day, Guo Tailai followed Zhao Wei’s embarrassment and went straight to the 9oo3 of the Department of Fine Arts. Zhao Wei said, let him not be late, he will buy his patent today, and may pay in advance. Of course, it’s just a matter of drafting the intent, and it’s unlikely that you will receive the money.
However, after all, it involves the collection of money. Guo Tailai will definitely not be active. If he is not wearing an exoskeleton seat, Guo Tailai can even run around.
Zhao Wei’s efficiency was very high. The thing that was settled last night, when Guo Tailai arrived at the laboratory this morning, he had already registered him.
The patent has not yet been approved, but Zhao Wei has already checked that there is no similar patent in China, so a transfer agreement has been drafted, and the two have signed it first. After the patent certificate is issued, a formal agreement will be replaced.
"Right, your information shows that you are a four-dimensional myopia." After signing the contract, Zhao Wei collected the contract, and then looked like he casually asked: "But I did not see that you have such a large degree. Myopia, the glasses you are wearing now, is a flat mirror?"
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