Chapter 863: A series of good news (on)

The West-to-East Gas Transmission is China's national strategy. To say nothing else, gas pipelines are thousands of kilometers long, and dozens of booster stations are needed to pressurize the pipelines. Gas compressors are used for compressors. Both Luo Luo and General Electric are fighting for this list.
Although Guo Tailai did not cooperate with the gas turbine mentioned above, but after knowing that Guo Tailai had hit a wall at Luo Luo, he did not know who coordinated it. The Luo Luo team that was negotiating in China had received a message. If civil gas turbines are to be blocked from Huaxia in this way, then Huaxia has reasons to question whether the future maintenance of the gas turbines in the West-to-East Gas Transmission Project can still be carried out normally. Will it require any kind of approval from the UK's Trade and Industry Committee if something goes wrong?
Now Luo Luo was panicked. While being angry with Americans, they also have to accept Huaxia's question. I am afraid that billions of big businesses will fail because of the obstruction of small civilian equipment. Is this okay? Reporting China's doubts, the masters in Congress could not sit still.
If Luo Luo is out, then it seems that only Ge and Pratt & Whitney are American companies. No wonder the Americans are exerting strong pressure. The original source is here! The promise to Guo Tailai from the United States is that he only needs to undergo regular inspections. When he comes to Luo Luo, he can't live or die. Why? It ’s too ugly to eat, right?
The Trade and Industry Commission is extremely efficient, and within a few days, it has been released and decided to release the acquisition. As for how to argue with Americans, isn't that the trick of those in Congress?
"Fat, why should you buy one more?" When Guo Tailai received the news, Zhao Yanyan also knew the news, and immediately called through Guo Tai's satellite line, asking for details: "Isn't it enough to have two? What is the plan for the remaining one? "
If the extra one is for the country to use for research, it looks like there is no need to take this risk. It is too late for the state to protect Guo Tai. How can this dangerous thing cause him trouble? So Zhao Yanyan asked Guo Tailai's thoughts as soon as possible.
"Well, the first plan was to attract Luo Luo or Ge through their interests to break through the blockade above." Of course Guo Tailai faced her sister and said truthfully: "The excuse is to use it as a backup device. But since they have Let go of it, that's easy. "
"How can it be easier?" Zhao Yanyan asked puzzledly: "This gas turbine, with such high power, is also troublesome to put on, and there is no suitable ship if used."
"Why not?" Guo Tailai smiled with a righteous smile. "A super yacht of my size is mostly at sea except when there are strong winds and waves. How can the supply be solved? So I entrust some domestic The unit designs and manufactures a small supply ship that requires parallel supply on both sides of the ship. It must also be at least 10,000 tons or more. Using a mt30 as power, it is usually delivered to my superyacht and submarine group. Supply, pure civilian ships, is it okay? "
"Small supply ship? Supply on both sides of the ship?" Zhao Yanyan is a person who knows the domestic military equipment well. Guo Tailai said that, does she still know what Guo Tailai is doing? It is itself a 10,000-ton supply ship, and it is necessary to supply more than 200 meters of yachts. If the super-yacht is larger, is it not an aircraft carrier without weapons and carrier-based aircraft? Isn't this the exercise of future aircraft carrier maritime supplies with smaller ships?
Said to be a civilian ship, to put it plainly is that while the fat man spends money to enjoy himself, it also adds a lot of other experiences to the country. However, this is also the original purpose of the fat man when talking with Zhao Yanyan, the fat man has always remembered, never changed.
"You're too brazen, right?" Knowing Guo Tailai's goal, the sister was also comforting and looking forward, but could not help but worry: "Needing replenishment is need replenishment, but it is too obvious, it will always make some people unhappy of."
"Rest assured that the yacht and submarine group will become a holiday care center at sea, one yacht, one supply boat, several luxury yachts plus those fast yachts, and a batch of small speedboats, and one-stop vacation care "Guo Tailai said with a smile:" As long as it is not a big storm, my customers can take a helicopter to enjoy it at any time, and show them brightly and brightly, and support the civil ships that I enjoy luxuriously. Who can say something? "
"You add a few frigates directly to a fleet group, do you still want the state to introduce you to a group of captains suitable for command and dispatch?" Zhao Yanyan was also speechless. The fatty of his own family is getting bigger and bigger, is it an exaggeration?
"That's the kind of love!" Guo Tailai also smiled and smiled blushingly in response to her sister's uncle: "Don't say that my customers are rich or expensive, and require some careful security guards, right? Or me Order several frigates with weapons? How many more helicopter gunships? "
"Stop it, fat man!" As Guo Tailai grew more and more unspeakable, Zhao Yanyan couldn't help but yell at the phone: "Don't think about so much mess, get the gas turbine first."
"Okay!" Sister Guo Tailai definitely listened to her words, and promised honestly.
"The matter over there is resolved and return to the country." The sister once again exhorted.
"Good!" Guo Tailai promised again honestly.
"I miss you, fat man!" At last, sister Shi left a sentence with ease.
"Me too!" Guo Tailai was also full of thoughts.
Hanging up the phone, Guo Tai had a silly moment, and Lin Jiayi rolled in with a big dizzy eye before returning to normal.
"Boss, this is today's agenda. First go to the artisan entertainment, and then to Marvel." The actor is already in the group. Would you like to visit the boss, boss? "
"Well, we haven't officially started filming yet. In the evening, we will invite domestic people to have a meal together." Guo Tai came to think about it and answered, "Just arrange it at home!"
"Okay." Lin Jiayi nodded, and then handed Guo Tai a pda: "There's news here, you must be interested, boss."
Guo Tai came for a moment, took a pda, but it was a news of a common traffic accident. What does this have to do with myself? Guo Tailai couldn't help looking at Lin Jiayi in doubt.
"The driver was the Marvel employee who was fired from us last time and discriminated against the boss." Lin Jiayi laughed. "The drunk car. The car that was hit was a vice president of Warner Brothers. Both were injured and fractured. "
"I rely on it!" Guo Tai came to hear, and was shocked. He quickly picked up the phone and dialed over to Xiao Fen: "Did you let the traffic accident happen? Is it obvious?"
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