Chapter 878: This is the command (below)

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However, the requirements of the fat man must always be resolved.
He couldn't afford the money and effort, and he was still uncomfortable.
"As for the fat man who wants a bigger and more comfortable space ... Well, Xiao Zhao, you tell him that now that he is sure, try a three-meter or larger diameter of a single pressure tank."
The director thought for a moment and said, "To meet his requirements for spaciousness and comfort, he also required him to develop a larger overall processing technology and equipment."
Knowing that Guo Tailai can now be manufactured at a high cost, the head is very happy, which also means that there have been technically solved problems, and it is time to sprint for the better.
However, Guo Tailai could not be allowed to pay only without gains, so the director immediately instructed him: "In addition, let him rest assured that the materials he has studied before, as well as the investment in technology, the country will give him sufficient compensation at a suitable time in the future .
We must need good technology, and don't worry about the large investment will be wasted. "
Needless to say, although Guo Tailai never asked for too much in return, he did not make every investment.
The materials and technologies that were urgently needed by the country before were all purchased at a price higher than the cost of research and development. In addition, there were continuous licensing costs for subsequent production.
Of course, most of them are corporate behaviors, such as the internal digestion of several military industrial groups, the cl20 factory, and the carbon fiber production group, including those of aircraft carrier deck steel and arresting cables.
The advantage is that the state does not need to invest in the project when it is established, nor does it need to consider whether the project will be successful.
Anyway, the country buys all the projects that have been successfully developed. It is simple and straightforward to see things pay.
In the case of tight funding, limited funds can ensure that the corresponding technology is obtained, and there is a safer insurance factor than R & D projects with uncertain results after investment.
After all, many things and technologies are not necessarily successful if you want to research and develop. In many cases, the detours and failures experienced in technology research and development are all necessary explorations on the road to success, but this will inevitably bring funds. waste.
In the current situation where the national military expenditure is still not high, even the military cannot afford such losses.
The cooperation mode with Guo Tailai is very good. Don't worry about it at all.
Even because of the emergence of Justice Square technology, many domestic research institutions have added a strong competitor, forcing those research institutions to carry out research and development.
Years ago, the positioning of Zhengfangfang technology was fully rewarded, and the catfish effect played very well, even to the point of excellence.
"Yes! Chief!"
Zhao Yanyan once again straightened her waist and promised loudly.
Doing a single larger-diameter pressure tank submersible should be able to meet the requirements of the fat man who wants to be spacious and comfortable?
"Lao Chu, keep this file after collating the information. The corresponding research institute will study the technical route of this deep submarine. The performance data of some technologies of Zhengfang Technology can be opened to them."
The chief continued to order: "Nuclear power may also be considered when appropriate."
This time, General Chu, promised loudly.
"Also, in response to this top-secret intelligence, please ask Colonel Lin Tianhua!"
Finally, the chief mentioned the reward of this intelligence: "Wait until the fat man has successfully made a deep submersible, and then sum up all the technologies developed by the Justice Square before summing up, and award the award to Colonel Lin Tianhua!"
General Chu and Zhao Yanyan Qiqi agreed.
Especially Zhao Yanyan, his voice was loud and crisp, and his face couldn't hide the joy.
When Guo Tailai fell asleep until he slowly got up in the morning for breakfast and then drove straight to the airport, two naval generals hurried from the naval headquarters to the final assembly.
One of the two major generals, who is also an acquaintance of a fat man, often deals with General Liu, the general assembly side.
Another Guo Tailai has not seen her, she is a little younger, and her last name is Lin.
"What's the matter?
So urgent? "
After entering the conference room, General Liu went to the conference room. Only the head of the assembly and General Chu were sitting at the conference table. In the corner, Zhao Yanyan was holding a record book to prepare the record. Why was this posture a bit wrong?
General Liu wondered for a while.
The two generals in the final assembly did not look very good. They looked as if they owed them a lot of money. General Liu and his companions glanced at each other and immediately realized that something had happened.
"You guys."
The chief did not treat the two generals politely, reached out and asked them to sit down, and then pushed the information that had been pressed in his hands directly: "Are there similar intelligence and news inside the Navy?"
General Liu took the information with a frown, and bowed his head.
To be precise, it is only half of the information, just the performance parameter part of the nuclear-powered deep submersible vehicle in the front. There is no pressure chamber structure at the back. How to realize it is not necessary to let the navy know for the time being, it is also because of protecting the fat.
After just scanning the first few parameters, General Liu stood up in shock, his voice trembling: "Where's the intelligence?
Is it reliable? "
"A absolutely reliable source of intelligence!"
General Chu did not provide a specific answer source, but gave General Liu such a guarantee.
General Lin, who came from another navy, did not know what was happening. In this posture, he couldn't help but grab the information from General Liu and quickly browsed it.
After completing the data in one glance and ten lines, General Lin's first reaction was to yell out impossible: "Dive six kilometers?
how is this possible?
How can there be such a thing?
Could it be that the intelligence personnel made a mistake? "
When the head heard the words, his brows frowned slightly.
"Our intelligence is absolutely reliable!"
General Chu frowned and emphasized again.
The frowns of the two generals expressed the same meaning. Calling you to inform you of the situation so that you can respond early, not to ask you to come and question our intelligence source and reliability.
When General Liu was not good, he hurried his companion and rushed to say, "We have no intention to doubt the authenticity of the information, but this is too incredible."
"That's how we felt when we first got the information."
General Chu did not blame it, but simply echoed it: "But I'm sorry, after some of our experts' evaluation, this performance is theoretically achievable."
"Achievable in theory?"
General Lin next heard the news again, but then frowned and retorted: "The chief, I didn't raise the bar. It can be realized in theory but not in reality.
A two thousand ton nuclear submarine can still dive six kilometers deep. Which half-spider expert is this?
An expert in science fiction?
Can you investigate if someone wants to cheat money again? "
"Head, it matters."
General Liu was more euphemistic in speaking, and also meant to remedy: "Which one of the domestic experts can we be more justified when we report to the Navy Chief."
The head of the final assembly for a while, nodded at General Chu.
"Captain Lin Tianhua of a base in the Northwest Military Region."
General Chu nodded to the chief and immediately said the name.
"It's him! I'm fine."
General Liu laughed after hearing a moment: "We will go back to report immediately, I believe that the Chief of the Navy will not question."
General Lin next to him didn't understand the situation, and there was fog, who was this colonel?
It sounds like a technical officer. What do you study?
Why is it okay?
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