Chapter 903: Safe return home again (below)

Guo Tai came to build a luxury helicopter, and no one thought it was incredible. Because Guo Tailai got Ge's engine in advance, it was just a helicopter body. Even if it was slightly different, the difficulty would not be unimaginable.
But for Guo Tailai to build a supersonic private jet, few people are optimistic. Including the friends of Guo Tailai's VIPs, even many people in China have the same idea, and some of them are related researchers. It seems that only the sister has been unswervingly convinced Guo Tai to come, right?
Of course, the people around him will definitely support Guo Tailai without reservation, regardless of success or failure. Chu Fei doesn't understand, Mi Feifei knows a little bit, but she and Lin Jiayi certainly have the same idea, isn't it just money? The boss is happy, can't he spend some money for fun?
That is, Guo Tailai has not formally established the project yet. It is estimated that after the project is really established, there will be a lot of people who care about Guo Tailai and persevere in persuading Guo Tailai. Do n’t invest a lot of money into this dissatisfied black hole project. For projects played by the team, personally try to do some projects with small investment and quick results. They are kind, but they may not understand.
take it easy! Guo Tailai pondered, while visiting the production line of Boeing aircraft, while listening to the introduction of a vice president of Boeing. This is the last stop in the United States after Guo Tai visited Gulfstream, the famous Boeing company. As a private customer, Guo Tailai has placed two orders for bbj2s at Boeing. Boeing attaches great importance to his important customer. The specifications of the reception are very high, and a vice president is directly responsible.
The vice president took Guo Tai to visit the bbj production line, and asked Guo Tai to try two different planes, bbj and 747.
But they know that this is definitely a big family. As long as they are willing, they can just like the big dogs on the bay. The flight attendant explained a very beautiful stewardess with a beautiful smile, as if Guo Tailai could take her away whenever she wanted.
I know that Guo Tailai is going to set up a business jet company in Huaxia, and started to make small planes with only a few planes. If I do it in the future, I'm afraid I will buy more planes. With such high-quality customers, Boeing will definitely meet all reasonable and legal requirements of Guo Tailai. For example, visiting the production line, such as watching the assembly at close range, watching the details of some parts, visiting the cockpit, etc., everything is fine.
Guo Tailai left with satisfaction. He had achieved his purpose and had perfect speeches when he returned. Private jets take off directly from Boeing's airport and fly directly to European Airbus headquarters.
Aircraft manufacturers are good at this. They always have supporting airports. This is true of Gulfstream and Boeing. Of course, Airbus is not bad. Anyway, just one word, convenient.
I have a long relationship with Airbus. Although I have not bought an Airbus aircraft before, the outer skin material of the Airbus 380 was developed by Zhengyifang Technology at the beginning. This time it was two more business jets, and Airbus let Guo Tai feel the most noble customer treatment.
Anyway, several aircraft manufacturers have made a round, whether it is Boeing or Airbus, plus Gulfstream and other large and small aircraft manufacturers, all know that Guo Tailai wants a supersonic private jet. Unfortunately, their production research and development plan There are no suitable models in China. In short, Guo Tailai's idea of ​​a supersonic private jet is now known to everyone.
Not surprisingly, billionaires have their own unique hobbies, which is quite normal. Guo Tailai just likes flying at high speeds, so he did not hesitate to ascend to space with a balloon to play a parachute physical breakthrough of the speed of sound. He also built a MiG 29 and even bought b1b Lancers and Valkyrie from Americans. These anecdotes are basically known to the vast majority of aircraft manufacturers.
Therefore, Guo Tailai could not buy a suitable model, and it was not surprising that everyone wanted to develop it himself. As far as Guo Tailai's idea is concerned, as long as Guo Tailai asks face-to-face foreign industry insiders, they all express their firm support. Even if Huaxia's aviation industry has a poor foundation, everyone is convinced that as long as Guo Tailai has this faith and is willing to invest, he will succeed! This is the world-famous Mr. T. What machine does Mr. T want to play, and what else can't he do?
As for how they think and laugh in their hearts, I'm afraid they only know it.
In the face of everyone's approval, Guo Tailai also made a trip to London to discuss with Rolls-Royce the technology introduction of a small turboshaft engine.
Originally, according to Luo Luo's idea, that small turboshaft engine Guo Tailai wanted them to be available in unlimited quantities. After all, it was just a small engine of more than 200 kilowatts. It was neither the latest technology nor any particularly high technical content. It's not worth the trouble to play with technical blockades and the like.
However, Guo Tailai asked Luo Luo to make some improvements on the basis of that engine and increase some power to 300 kilowatts. If Luo Luo only responds to a customer's request, this is a bit worthless.
Therefore, after a long time of consideration, Luo Luo was willing to transfer the production technology of the turboshaft engine for half a sale for half a million dollars.
If Guo Tailai is willing, he can invest for optimization. Luo Luo and Guo Tailai have cooperated once, a good partner, not to mention Charles's relationship, such a trivial little thing, an ancient engine, and sold.
Instead, Luo Luo also began to look forward to Guo Tailai what to do with this engine. But their patience is obviously better than Xiao Fen's, without asking, just looking forward. Produced by Mr. T, if you do well, do you still have to bring Luo Luo?
The lap from the United States to Europe and then to the United Kingdom was almost two months away. It started in early June, and when it came back from London, it was already the end of July and it was about to enter August.
The plane landed safely at Jingcheng Airport. From the airport, Guo Tailai did not accidentally see the waiting sister again. The moment she saw Guo Tai came, Zhao Yanyan also exhaled. This time Guo Tai came out to provoke right and wrong again, but fortunately, he did not kill anyone.
Guo Tailai was honest to the public, but when he got in the car, Guo Tailai gave his sister a severe kiss, almost choking.
While driving, Zhao Yanyan was listening to Guo Tai to talk about what happened on this trip. He heard that Guo Tailai even ordered another eight planes, and Zhao Yanyan was speechless. Dead fat people are a bit of a bad money now, but Gusu's business airport does need a business jet company, which is reasonable.
"Fat, what exactly did you say in the previous video?" After returning to the courtyard where the two were in love, after being "treated" by Guo Tailai, lying in Guo Tailai's arms, the sister asked Guo Tailai at the time. What the satellite video says.
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