Chapter 937: Startled (below)

After a lot of confusion, I finally stabilized the old expert Niu's condition, and at the same time made the two aerospace system leaders even more deeply impressed by the power of this propulsion system.
The technology that can make experts in their own department directly shock the heart attack, one can imagine what level of technology this is.
Two experts, one old and one middle-aged, holding those technical materials and real objects, as if holding all their net worths, cautiously, wishing that even walking they would have to worry about whether the person who appeared in the field of vision was a robber.
Seeing the performance of experts in his own department, the leaders of the two aerospace systems were also decisive and immediately transferred four security personnel with guns from the department to them back to the experimental base throughout the process.
Comrades in the final assembly said that they still need to do internal evaluations to evaluate their opinions, and they must definitely conduct some detailed evaluations.
Anyway, it must be a good thing.
The final assembly may not be used here, so it was sent directly to the system on the Beijing side.
If you can master this technology, of course, it is the credit of the system on the side of Beijing. You can't let other satellite bases take the lead.
Thanks to Guo Tailai, who was conveyed by Zhao Yanyan, the leaders of the two aerospace systems were very helpful.
Before Guo Tailai placed an order for a six-satellite launch mission alone, it has been a great help. Now because of the negotiation with Luo Luo, he has also specially sent such a gift. This is definitely an old friend of the aerospace system! Leaders will of course do things. Not only did Zhao Yanyan express his gratitude to Guo Tailai, he also made a special call on Guo Tailai's work, expressing his personal thanks, all kinds of praises, all kinds of gratitudes, kind attitudes, kind words, and very concerned.
I even patted Guo Tailai on the phone to pat the chest. If Guo Tailai had aerospace-related matters, contact them directly and they will definitely do it properly.
Such a fat man who has money, technology, ability and willing to support the work of the aerospace system will come, oh no, thin, not right, who is not happy to know the former fat man?
Who is not happy to have a good relationship?
In short, let Guo Tailai feel like a spring breeze. In addition, the negotiating team at Gusu will communicate with Guo Tailai and report to Guo Tailai. If there is any demand, I will definitely support it in the system! In this respect, the comrades in the aerospace system are more atmospheric than some comrades in the shipyard.
Who, like some comrades in several shipyards, would be stupid enough to push the God of Wealth outward.
Of course, they do not understand Guo Tailai's financial strength and influence, and misjudgment is inevitable.
But these are all gone. Now everyone talks about Guo Tailai, that is a good comrade, and we should strongly support it.
In short, this trip to Zhao Yanyan and General Chu is also considered to be a complete merit. Seeing that the fat man's technology is so highly valued by the aerospace system, the sister is also very happy.
In particular, seeing that the old Niu expert was shocked by a heart attack because of his own fat man's technology, although the process was a bit dangerous, the final result was still good, which also made the sister more and more proud of her fat man.
"Chief, there is another request from the fat man."
After he was busy docking with the aerospace system and transferring the technical materials, he returned to the final assembly. Zhao Yanyan mentioned the second thing about Guo Tai.
To be honest, Guo Tailai paid to ask the national team to help him come up with a balanced weighting plan. Zhao Yanyan is actually not optimistic about this matter, or a little not recommended.
This is a bit of a private use of public equipment. It is different from some projects that are already open to foreign businesses, such as blowholes or shipbuilding. They are originally open to foreign businesses. Guo Tailai has no problem in placing orders.
However, this design team country does not provide external services, and even the entire team has not yet, so it is really necessary to set up a team to do things for their own fat people. It seems a bit too publicity.
Because of this, the first thing after Zhao Yanyan came back was to report and deliver the propulsion system, and he only talked about the fat man ’s request after finishing it.
"Chief, the fat man is a bit out of order, so he said that you don't have to be embarrassed, I just turn around and refuse."
In fact, Zhao Yanyan can not say it, but there is something about the fat man in it, and she also wants to let General Chu know.
"We set up a team to help him come up with a counterweight plan?"
General Chu listened but his eyes brightened: "Afraid?
Not difficult! Fat people are willing to pay, which is a good thing! In this way, I report to the leader to see if my superior can agree. "
However, General Chu is more optimistic about this operation of Guo Tailai than Zhao Yanyan: "Relax, if you can, you will not let your fat man suffer, the radar and weapon system used, we are responsible, the fat man will help us verify the idea, and we ca n’t let him Contributing money and effort, let me see how to coordinate and compensate the fat man from other channels.
By the way, what kind of military car do fat people want to find out? "
Speaking of this, Zhao Yanyan also smiled bitterly.
Judging from the materials requested by Guo Tailai, one should be able to guess a general direction, but no one knows exactly what it is made of.
The fat man refused to say that he wanted to surprise everyone.
"He didn't talk about life and death, saying it was a surprise."
Zhao Yanyan can only reply in the original words.
This made General Chu more and more looking forward to the surprise brought by the fat man, which would certainly not be a simple surprise.
"By the way, the chief, the fat man's situation, the current studio is not convenient for making things."
After Zhao Yanyan finished answering, he thought of some suggestions: "I'm afraid that the processing and assembly workshops on the airport side need to be expedited, or at least half a year to a year, fat people can't do anything else."
There is no way to influence the objective situation.
Because of the first large lens test before the Spring Festival, the Large Magellan Telescope project team has signed a second lens processing agreement with Guo Tailai, and the lens is ready to be shipped to China.
In this case, the original studio is no longer suitable for some confidential things, so it is imperative to change places.
And because several projects add up, even the military is eager to Guo Guolai to accelerate here.
"I will report to the Chief Executive."
General Chu also understood the joints, and a sudden flash of light flashed: "Maybe you can consider a separate finishing workshop next to the airport. You don't have to wait for the airport's overall design to be completed, and then you only need to build a connecting channel.
We do not use the civil engineering team, let the engineering troops build secretly, build a finishing workshop and assembly workshop of the highest level with quality and quantity. "
The idea came out of his mind. General Chu thought more and more that this was more reliable than disguising directly in the airport hangar: "Isn't the fat man going to pay for the counterweight program?
Let him pay, and we will send him a larger finishing studio here.
The design of his airport does not need to be changed, and the hangar still retains processing and assembly functions. Some unclassified aircraft can be made over there, making it easier for people outside to rest assured. "
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