Chapter 95: Under new materials

Do I have any questions? Guo Tailai was confused for a while. When did he say that he would ask the materials experts for questions?
"Kevlar material." Looking at Guo Tailai's doubtful expression, Zhao Xiangbei knew that this guy must have left behind the words at the time, and hurriedly reminded. "
Oh! Guo Tailai sighed, and then he was still confused. Did he say that he was looking for a material science expert?
I asked if you can optimize the body armor, you said it is very difficult. "Zhao Xiangbei helped Guo Tailai to recall that he knows that Guo Tailai must remember that this guy's memory is absolutely metamorphosis."
"I said so!" Guo Tailai nodded as he nodded. "I also said that I am not a material expert. But I did not say that I can optimize the body armor?"
"You said it is very difficult." Zhao Xiangbei laughed: "I did not say that I can't do it."
Guo Tailai is about to collapse. What is the reason? Too much logic, right?
The stone teacher next to him smiled and looked at the two men, but most of the time they stared at Guo Tailai, and seemed to be very curious about him.
"The problem of quality control that you produced has been solved?" Guo Tailai also asked the teacher Shi next to him, and asked Zhao Zhaobei.

Thanks to the suggestion you made last time.
I said that Zhao Xiangbei was happy:
We went to the watch factory to find three masters, and the assembly accuracy really improved. The factory used to produce only large size, did not do it. It’s so small, no experience, or the master of the watch factory.

What about the group? solved? Guo Tailai asked again. Just Zhao Xiangbei seems to answer Guo Tailai's question, but if he doesn't know what is being produced, Shi teacher must not understand a word.
"Almost, the retired have already completed the formalities, and the transfer to the post has also been completed, and the rest is smooth and smooth." Zhao Xiangbei is very busy these days, but also busy and very happy. "
That, Zhao Shushu, Kevlar bulletproof vest, for the time being, can only look forward to improving the material properties and enhancing the protection. Guo Tailai did not continue this topic, and returned to the bulletproof vest: "At most, it is a bulletproof plate with metal or ceramics, which can increase the bulletproof ability. Teacher Shi is an expert and should understand.

"Yes." Shi teacher is very timely interface: "At present, the bulletproof vests of various countries are basically this idea. Of course, the difference in the Kevlar materials of various countries has also led to different bulletproof effects. The same is to see the breakthroughs in materials in various countries."
Kevlar body armor is made of aramid-based organic fiber material and was first developed by DuPont. This kind of macromolecular organic fiber material is only a large category, but it is not a fixed one. It may be in this category in various countries, but the polymer molecules are definitely slightly different, which also leads to different bulletproof effects. This
The materials are widely used, military, and common in civilian use. For example, Guo Tailai used to make shoes and stab pads. In the 1980s, when Huaxia imported DuPont's products, the US government did not allow DuPont to export Kevlar brand products to China, and then slowly released after the domestic research began. "
If you want a high level of bulletproof, you can only thicken and increase it. Zhao Xiangbei also did his homework: "The domestic troops have not been distributed in large quantities, but a small number of special forces can be used to improve their protection in certain battles.

Guo Tailai understands that this is talking about Zhao Wei. It may have been distributed, but it may not be the best, so it is very difficult to hear Guo Tai, and he will find the door to let Guotai come to find a solution. give
Zhao Wei is doing, Guo Tailai is still happy. However, Guo Tailai is not sure. After all, the breakthrough in material science is not to say that the pat on the head can be solved. It is difficult to say how long it will take. However, looking at the stone teacher next to him, Guo Tailai suddenly had an idea in his heart. "
Is there any problem with bulletproof vests in China now? Guo Tailai asked naturally, while preparing the chopping board for the dough stick, and took the corn starch out and sprinkled it on the panel to prepare the noodles.
"The problem of the old talk." Zhao Xiangbei replied: "The anti-ballistic board is heavy, and the effect of not inserting the bulletproof board is not enough to prevent the rifle bullets. It is not very comfortable to wear, and some angles are not comprehensive enough."
"Put this water in three portions of starch." Guo Tailai took a head-sized pot and gave it to Zhao Xiangbei, let him go and: "Stir well, stir as well."

Zhao Xiangbei looked at the starch and asked, but did not wait for Guo Tailai to answer and did according to Guo Tai’s. stone
The teacher looked at Guo Tailai's skilled face and smiled. "
Did the stone teacher think about changing the way of thinking? Guo Tailai asked the teacher Shi: "For example, do you want to make a bulletproof garment with a comfortable material?" ""
As you said, it's hard! "Shi teacher shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The world's body armor manufacturers are probably thinking so. If you want a good protective effect, you will have excellent mechanical properties and thermal properties. The chemical properties will be stable and the acid and alkali resistance." Corrosion with organic solvents, which inevitably leads to materials that are not as soft as clothing and certainly not comfortable to wear. At present, it can only be called a bulletproof vest, and it is not a complete bulletproof vest. ""
Being able to save lives is first, and comfort can only be ranked behind. Zhao Xiangbei stirred the noodles with chopsticks and walked over and interrupted.
"If the material is right, it is lighter and thinner, and it can wrap a wider body. Is this the best?" Guo Tailai asked.
"Of course!" The obvious truth, Zhao Xiangbei replied naturally. "
Then look for this material! Guo Tailai said with a smile: "Look for the material that is usually soft and comfortable, and hardened immediately when attacked by bullets or bayonets!" ""
It’s easy to talk about it! "Shi teacher laughed and said nothing, Zhao Xiangbei directly criticized Guo Tailai: "You seem to really do not know the hard work of materials research, is this new material so easy to find?" You know that you don't know how many people have to pay for it, and you have to have good luck. Do you think that something like iron meteorite can come out casually?

Material Science Guo Tailai certainly knows the complexity and knows the hardships of this, but isn’t it for his girlfriend?

Is this material difficult to find?
Guo Tailai’s expression of disbelief:
Even if it’s hard to find, but this big type is easy to find?

You give me a look! "Zhao Xiangbei is extremely contemptuous of Guo Tailai's unyielding behavior. It feels that it is a mistake to bring Shishi today."

Guo Tailai grabbed a very uniform corn starch paste that Zhao Xiangbei had already mixed. He reached out and made a crack like a bean curd. He grabbed a ball and spread his hand and immediately flowed away from his fingers. . Guo Tailai easily inserted a finger into the liquid paste: "This, is it soft?"
soft. Zhao Xiangbei nodded: "You are a bit thicker."

Guo Tailai ignored him and took out his hand into a fist and punched it down. Oh, the liquid paste seemed to be suddenly hard and hard, and Guo Tailai’s fist was bounced back. "
Is this hard? Guo Tailai looked up and looked at Zhao Xiangbei.
The eyes that met Guo Tailai’s eyes were Zhao Xiangbei and Shi’s two surprised faces. Js3v3
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