Chapter 950: Challenge (Part 2)

Humans dare not say that they have conquered the universe, conquered the Milky Way, and even the poor solar system has not figured it out, but in this small space area on the earth, humans still dare to say that we have been there many times, have seen I know a lot.
However, the sky I have looked up has gone, but it is deep in the sea of ​​the planet at our feet. There are still most areas that have not been explored in detail.
There is a precedent for overloading people into the Mariana Trench, but at that time it was just to dive down to that depth, scientific research work? Not at all, even the two people who took the submersible did not see what was outside.
Now, all countries actually have deep submersible vehicle programs and various experiments. This is true of Japan's deep sea submarine 6500, and the US's Alvin deep sea submarine.
The Alvin submarine carries out about 150 to 200 dives each year. During its decades of service, the Alvin submarine has carried out thousands of submarine detection programs; it transported more than 12,000 passengers to the deep sea and retrieved more than 680 kg of samples. Alvin's career includes major missions such as searching for "missing" nuclear bombs in the sea and exploring peculiar lifeforms at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. In July 1986, Alvin dived 12 times to the sinking place of Titanic to test a certain type of underwater robot and took pictures of the wreckage of Titanic.
However, the deep sea 6500 manned pressure shell is two meters in diameter, and the Alvin is similar, with a maximum number of three people. In the future, there will also be China Dragon's Jiaolong, with an inner diameter of two meters and one, almost the same size. Displacement, carrying equipment, underwater cruising time, etc. are all similar. Although the life support system is sufficient for 72 hours of use, the dive can be no more than eight hours at a time, four hours of round trips, and four hours of work.
This condition is already the best deep-sea scientific research condition in the world. The dive depth is 6,500 meters, enough to explore 99% of the world ’s oceans, and countless ocean researchers are rushing.
However, this documentary was born, and it has allowed countless scientific research institutions and researchers to see another super-class deep diving device with a fashion brand logo.
According to the introduction of the beauty star Finix, the internal diameter of the manned pressure shell of this deep submersible is three and five meters. At this size, all other "newest technology deep submersibles" are spiked. What's more, this submersible can continue to work under water for more than 100 hours, with a displacement of more than 300 tons. How many equipment are there? Think about it, which of four hours of underwater work and eighty hours of underwater work yields more results?
boast? Obviously not, Mr. T and James also filmed the interior of the manned pressure shell in the documentary. The luxurious two sets of first-class aircraft seats have made countless researchers who have been able to squeeze in small spaces almost have to beat their chests. Cursed. Prodigal! How many scientific research equipments can be installed without those two space-consuming things?
The documentary even said that Mr. T found it inconvenient to be underwater, and actually asked to install a toilet in the pressure shell, oh my god! What do these researchers say about countless hardships? How envious? There seems to be only one word to describe their feeling of being trampled by 10,000 alpacas, big dogs!
As for battery life? James and the driver spent more than thirty hours underwater, and it was very leisurely. They were all recorded in high-definition video. How could it be fake?
The ultimate dive depth is still uncertain, and it is still being tested gradually, but the depth of the North Pole is more than 4,000 meters, which shows that the dive depth of four kilometers must be no problem. According to the introduction of Belle Finix, the pressure shell is made of high-strength titanium alloy with a wall thickness of more than fifteen centimeters. According to the strength calculation, in theory, it can withstand a depth of 13,000 kilometers without any problem. And James made no secrets in the documentary. This submersible named Abyss was designed to bring Guo Tailai and James to the Mariana Trench.
Obviously, the two men dived into the Mariana Trench not for scientific research, but for their diving dreams. The whole world knows that these two guys are diving freaks.
You know, a few years ago, Guo Tailai wanted to hire a few submarine experts at a high price, but now there is such a big guy Abyss that surpasses all existing submersibles. I can imagine that he is on this Abyss. How much has been invested. I'm afraid that the number involved will definitely not be less than that of the 800 million-dollar yacht. Maybe it's more than that. Not a big dog, can you play this kind of game?
Envy jealousy envy jealousy, but the smart people have seen a little, this is Mr. T's personal toy, not Hua Xia's confidential equipment. If the test proves that it can go down to the Mariana Trench, after Mr. T and James have played, can this Abyss be considered for loan for scientific research?
There are more than one or two smart people. During Guo Tailai's nursing in Beijing, at least dozens of marine research institutions around the world contacted Lin Jiayi through various relationships, hoping to discuss the matter at an appropriate time.
Guo Tailai knows nothing about this. He is very disciplined and closes his nursing care, regardless of what is happening outside. Lin Jiayi also knows what Guo Tailai is doing, so he hardly makes any sounds about anything, and he should not disturb his boss and disturb his work during this time.
Guo Tailai didn't make a sound here, but some people seemed to be provocatively addicted. The previous statement that Mr. T was just relying on Cosworth's engine technology to become a big man in the supercar world seems to have shown signs of rise. It was very interesting this time. I even interviewed those who were originally acquired by Ford Cosworth. Those people did not express any opinions on this, but they vigorously praised the former colleagues who were recruited by the engine studio in the UK. Boasting is almost rare in the sky.
Since those former colleagues are so powerful, this is simply a side evidence of the previous statements. There was another fierce debate on the global network, and Guo Tailai still remained silent and did not have any excuses, including the former colleagues of the engine studio, who did not say a rebuttal because of Lin Jiayi ’s request. When the other party saw it, he thought he had hit the point and became more and more crazy.
"Xiao Guo!" Guo Tailai ignored the public opinion outside, but a few retired old men watched the news every day. They are now retired. Regardless of their work, it is normal to care about Xiao Guo who is nursing them. One day when doing nursing, an old man took the initiative to open the mouth: "They say you outside, don't you explain it?"
Guo Tailai asked a few more words, and after understanding the situation, he had an idea in his mind: "Don't worry, this should be some people want to step on me. And let them jump on and off, wait for those who really want to step on me People jump out and talk. "
"Well, when they jump out, you beat and beat well, and we will support you when the time comes." Of course, the retired old men are very clever and they nodded their heads when they heard the news. Of course they know why Guo Tailai did not explain it. On the road, they can make Xiao Guo wronged?
The tide on the Internet has intensified, and finally for the most part of the month, at the end of September, the real mastermind jumped out.
A Swedish automotive design team posted a challenge on the Internet and wanted to compete with Mr. T on the off-road capability of the vehicle.
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