Chapter 998: Do not forget the original intention (the finale)

After arguing for a long time, Guo Tailai's wrong punishment was finally settled.
In fact, the senior officers of the three armed forces have basically understood Guo Tailai's behavior this time, but making mistakes means making mistakes, and the punishment is certain.
Because it has been reported and has normal production qualifications, the country itself has not been held accountable for the production of aircraft and ammunition. Fly out of the country and fly back again. In this respect, the country has not been held accountable. It is because the flight test has a technical problem.
The final count was based on Articles 35, 36, and 37 of the National Basic Flight Regulations, and Article 118. Guo Tailai, as a pilot, took off without permission, the circumstances were serious, and his flight license was suspended. Monthly, and severely sentenced Guo Tailai to control for three years according to law, implemented in Gusu Baochuan Hotel.
Overall, the board was raised high and gently lowered. As soon as the verdict came out, the senior officers of the three armed forces and the family of sisters all breathed out. Good regulation does not restrict Guo Tai from all kinds of research, but can also forcefully stay in the country. There are legitimate reasons not to go abroad, which is good.
Of course, when it was announced, Guo Tailai went crazy and forced the MiG 29 to fly into the sky at night.
When this sentence was pronounced, a group of VIPs in the beauty salon had a black line on their heads. With Guo Tailai's previous obsession with supersonic flight, I'm afraid he really did. The result of this guy's wanton behavior is that he can't go abroad to provide nursing services for everyone. If he wants to enjoy the service, he has to fly to Huaxia Gusu.
Fortunately, the Treasure Ship Hotel provides global VIP pick-up and drop-off services. The business jet company dispatches luxury private jets to pick up every VIP at any time. Most VIPs do not hinder anything, so they should relax when they come to China. It's just that those politicians, such as Emperor Charles of the Great Emperor Yi, etc., have to find a way to visit China if they want to enjoy nursing.
What is even more sad is that Guo Tailai only got a practicing doctor certificate for several years because of the violation of the law, which was once again withdrawn by the state. Guo Tailai must wait for two years after serving his sentence before taking the exam again. That is to say, he can get the practicing physician certificate again after five years.
However, this problem is not big. Previously, it was because some people in the domestic health system were tossing Guo Tailai. Now who dares? Anyway, Guo Tailai opened a beauty salon, not a hospital, doing beauty care. Man Huaxia counted. How many beauty salons have certified medical practitioners? Wait until someone reports.
During this time, the best pilots of monster aircraft have tried to learn to fly, but it is embarrassing that because of the great overload that can be flown in flight, the best pilots in the army can only test at low speeds. Maneuverability, under high-speed conditions, only level flying and small overload maneuvers, no one dared to easily try big moves, and had to wear a "space suit" similar to the blackbirds driven by Americans. With the exception of Guo Tailai, no one can easily fly a monster airplane, but remote control driving can fly out with excellent performance.
The technical data of the monster aircraft Guo Tailai was readily handed over to the sister, but after a short-term evaluation, the senior members of the final assembly and the air force could only smile bitterly at the evaluation results.
No way, the cost of monster aircraft is too high. According to preliminary estimates, under the current technical conditions, the cost of an aircraft even exceeds the American b2 stealth bomber, at least about 4 billion US dollars. The Varyag under reconstruction, according to the plan, even the cost of reconstruction with a carrier-based aircraft is included, I am afraid it will not reach this price!
The cost of an aircraft may exceed that of an aircraft carrier plus a carrier aircraft. I am afraid that at this stage the country really cannot afford such an expensive aircraft. In addition to Guo Tailai, the technical conditions of other aircraft manufacturing plants could not be created at all. It seems that everyone can only research in technology and strive to improve the level of industrial manufacturing. Maybe it can be built in the next ten years?
In any case, this matter finally came to an end. Sister transferred back to Beijing, Guo Tailai can finally return to Gusu and continue a quiet life.
"Avatar" is rampant in the global market without any combination. The imax cinema has quadrupled due to Guo Tailai's reasons, which also led to the box office of the imax cinema, which exceeded 500 million US dollars worldwide. At the time of the release, the global box office broke the record maintained by James's Titanic, reaching a record $3.1 billion, leaving all the movie companies unrecognizable and drooling.
Chinese investors such as Mr. Han Ying, Lao Wang, and big director Steven have made a lot of money and laughed. Li Li and Wen Ge suddenly became important players in the world's first film history. During this time, the whole person was floating.
Countless people waved their cheques and wanted to invest in James’ next film. Unfortunately, James didn’t even look at it. Guo Tailai gave him the greatest trust and support when he needed to invest. The two diving madmen also shared the same smell and dived down to the deepest part of the earth. Can this kind of public-private relationship meet others? Does Guo Tailai have money to invest?
Immediately after "Avatar", "Spider-Man" starring mj was released. Based on mj's global fan base, this well-made film was destined to sell from the beginning.
When Spider-Man also harvested the box office around the world, the 3G business of domestic communications also began to be implemented on a large scale. After major operators completed the commercial trial, in November 2009, Mi Feifei’s communications company launched an epoch-making mobile phone and tablet product. .
It is listed more than half a year earlier than Apple iphone4, a new operating system, a new operating method, a stunning appearance and experience, more powerful hardware, faster speed, higher shooting clarity, and built-in beauty function, Rich software applications, these two phones and tablets named Feiteng have been favored by global users as soon as they are listed, and they are selling! Similarly, the Feiteng operating system on the Feiteng mobile phone and the flat board has also become the standard for at least half of the mobile phone operating systems.
A software company that relied on operating systems and mobile phones and tablets was established in the later period, relying on several popular games, and instantly became a world-class game company with users all over the world.
In just a few months, Feiteng Mobile had to be reorganized into a group and reorganized into Feiteng Group, its mobile phone design company, operating system company, game and application software company, and it almost became a world-class company. The asset valuation rushed from several billion yuan to 30 billion US dollars in just one year.
In the middle, Guo Tailai took the opportunity to go back to Beijing to watch the grand military parade, and successfully made the sister who had been carefully conditioned by Guo Tailai pregnant. After Zhao Xiangbei and Ding knew it, they were even more happy.
"Transformers 2" was originally scheduled to be released in August, but the result encountered a super avatar, decisively changed the schedule, and put it on the Christmas schedule. Chu Fei still played an outstanding heroine in the vase, and earned $850 million at the box office worldwide. Now Chu Fei is already a Hollywood first-line actress, the movie starring the box office is close to four billion US dollars, red and purple.
However, Chu Fei has slowly transformed behind the scenes. She still has her own fashion brand to handle. At the same time, Guo Feilai managed to manage several fashion magazines from Warner last time. among them.
"The current status and future development of Artisan Entertainment and Marvel, is it possible to squeeze into the top seven Hollywood after the joint?" Warner Brothers has been divided, MGM is also half alive, the continuous launch of the big film of Artisan Entertainment and Marvel. Selling makes Chu Xiong very interested in the film industry. When I had dinner with Guo Tailai and Chu Fei, I couldn't help but talk about this topic.
Chu Fei also nodded again and again, her current level is different, and the angle of view of the problem is naturally different: "If it was not Warner's bad intentions last time, in fact, buying Warner Brothers is also a good opportunity, unfortunately!"
"Do you like it?" Guo Tailai heard Chu Fei's words and smiled directly: "MGM's condition is very bad in the past few years. MGM will probably apply for bankruptcy next year, and I will come forward to buy it. You will buy the artisan Merge with Marvel MGM, integrate with AMC Cinema and your fashion magazines and brands, and reorganize into a new MGM Cultural Media Group. If you are the chairman and ceo, you will enjoy it if you like it. Well, there is no separation of styles and styles. Tottenham clubs are also merged to see if you can buy another nba team or baseball team. You can also take the opportunity to launch some sports clothing and directly sponsor."
After finishing this, Guo Tailai looked up and saw Chu Fei's super surprised expression. A beauty is a beauty, and even if you are surprised to this point, you can still make Guo Tailai addicted to the peerless beauty.
"Are you serious?" Chu Fei's face was incredible.
"Of course!" Guo Tailai assured Chu Fei in front of the Chuxiong couple: "As long as you remember that we will have a baby after the age of thirty-five."
"Cough!" Chu Xiong next to him couldn't help but cough twice and wanted to say something. He stepped on his wife's foot and immediately changed his mouth to add: "If Feifei wants to do it, the domestic Taihua Cinema and Taihua The film industry can also be added."
Considering that the fat man has conscience, Chu Xiong certainly hopes that his daughter will become more and more important in Guo Tailai's mind. The industry of Guo Tailai, which was controlled by Lin Jiayi, was already terrifying. The Mi was even a rhythm swept by Zhengfang Group and Boiling Group. Now I heard that Guo Tai was giving her daughter's property, and she was finally a little satisfied.
At the beginning of 10, Guo Tailai welcomed his first child, Lin Jiayi's big fat son. Guo Jianjun and Ding Yumei happily closed their mouths, and Guo Tailai also suddenly had a feeling called father.
In June, Mr. Mi was finally busy with the listing and distribution of the first mobile phone and tablet. Everything went smoothly, and the company only had to follow the steps to develop. Therefore, Mi Zhong, who was slightly relaxed, intended to complete her commitment to Guo Tailai. After Guo Tailai's efforts, Mi Zhong also became pregnant successfully.
During this time, Guo Tailai was not idle. The civil supersonic engine was still being perfected step by step. During this period, he also undertaken high-precision machining tasks in some countries, busy and fulfilling.
The civilian supersonic engine has already begun to be tested on the bench, and the progress is very smooth, which has shocked everyone at home and abroad.
In mid-July, the sister finally came to Gusu to take maternity leave, there are fat people, there will be no problems with childbirth.
"It's so beautiful!" snuggled with Guo Tailai on a comfortable bed, looking out from the window and looking at the beautiful night view of Jinji Lake in the distance, and the sister gave a heartfelt admiration.
"I like to live here and watch." Guo Tailai said with a hug hug sister. Guo Tailai can do anything as long as she likes it.
"It's been more than ten years since I graduated." Senior Sister also said with emotion: "Looking back, I suddenly understood the feelings of several heads and general Chu."
"What mood?" Guo Tailai asked in amusement.
"It seems that because of you, our country's industrial manufacturing and military equipment have changed a lot." Sister's tone was full of pride: "It can't be counted for a while."
Indeed, many things have changed a lot because of Guo Tailai.
In the field of high-precision machining, China is now at the world's advanced level. Whether it is a high-precision machine tool, lodtm or high-precision 3D printing, it is directly related to Guo Tailai.
In terms of basic materials, Zhengfang Technology has produced no less than hundreds of high-strength new materials over the years, and almost all of them were initiated and guided by Guo Tailai.
Needless to say, the army's weaponry and equipment, from firearms to vehicles to submarine aircraft carriers, certain core technologies are inseparable from Guo Tailai.
The latest lithography machine in the chip manufacturing industry is more advanced than the American one, and only Guo Tailai can process it.
The communication industry, especially the mobile phone design and manufacturing industry, is the world leader. Among them, China has made a huge breakthrough in operating systems. Christina and the patent pool of Feiteng have reached the point that they can be developed together with several established foreign communication groups. The point of the rules.
Guo Tailai, who watches watches, cars and even film and television football, has been involved, and they are all doing very well.
Such an excellent fat man, being attentively serving his own feelings at the moment, makes Zhao Yanyan very satisfied and proud.
"Fat man, how much do you have now?" Sister Sister asked a question curiously, purely curious.
"I don't know." Guo Tailai replied directly and cheerfully. This is the truth, he really does not know how much money he has, and even Lin Jiayi is not clear, because it changes every moment: "But it should not be less than 100 billion."
"Dollar?" Sister asked with a smile.
"Dollar!" Guo Tailai replied heavily.
"The richest man!" Sister Sister didn't seem surprised at this number, and continued to ask with a smile: "Will Zhengfang Technology continue to be a catfish?"
"Do it!" Guo Tailai replied without hesitation: "I haven't said that already. Justice Square Technology tries to provide the country with one more option for the army. The past is, it is, and the future is the same."
"Are you so powerful, are you an alien?" Sister snuggled in Guo Tailai's arms, the youthful face could not see the look of a little over 30 years old: "Frankly tell me, which planet's monster are you?"
"It's definitely not an alien. I'm a real earthman from my parents."
"Really? Are you sure you are not an alien who secretly ran the spacecraft on Mars and ran to Earth?"
"of course!"
"how to prove?"
"Send you to Mars to see if there is a spaceship or not. Hey? It seems like a good idea! After playing the supersonic aircraft, a rocket launch company will be established to study the accumulated technology to send people to Mars."
"Are you serious?"
"Why not? I've been to the deep sea, and I've also flown through the sky, but space hasn't been to it yet. Interstellar travel must be very interesting. Would you like to go together?"
"Okay! I will accompany you by then!"
(End of the book)
In fact, there are still many interesting technologies that have not been written, but in the first place, the length is a bit long, and in the second place, many plots can't go a bit, let's finish it.
There are also some places in the book that may violate the prohibition. I will go back and revise it carefully. Thank you for your support for so long. Thank you!
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