Chapter 125: Acquisition (below)

"Acquisition?" Guo Tailai widened his eyes and almost laughed out loudly. He asked Zhao Xiangbei: "Are you sure that it is an acquisition?"
Mr. T's studio is just a name that Guo Tailai and Zhao Xiangbei had come up with when they communicated. Then in the follow-up process, they took a few gunsmithing jobs with this name. In fact, this studio is not in business. Department registration, no organizational structure, no financial structure, nothing.
In addition to Guo Tailai, the guy who claims to be the chief, plus a rented yard and several machine tools, there is nothing more. Such a regular army is not even a stall of individual industrial and commercial households, actually someone bought?
Zhao Xiangbei faced Guo Tailai's counter-question and nodded very seriously.

Do they know that the studio produces military products?
Guo Tailai couldn’t help but ask:
Is it a precision machine?

So far, with the mark of Mr. T, in addition to the first batch of high-precision weapons, it is the batch of national gift pistols. What is the other party's head, dare to buy military workshops?
"You made a few bracelets years ago." Zhao Xiangbei smiled bitterly: "That is not a military product."
Guo Tai came to see it, and then he smiled. I prepared gifts for the two Ding total years ago, so I made three shuangjin pure gold Ssangyong bead bracelets, which were marked with Mr. T. One of them was auctioned. It must have attracted the attention of others.

Who wants to buy?
Guo Tailai no longer tangled the issue of military products, pointing to the core:
How much is the acquisition?

A listed company.
Zhao Xiangbei did not say the name of the listed company, but just answered the following question:
50 million, buy studio.

Five million?
Guo Tailai’s eyes lit up:

"Sold?" Zhao Xiangbei was angered by Guo Tailai's reaction: "Fifty million you are going to sell?"

Why don’t you sell?
Guo Tailai replied with a plausible reply:
Isn’t there a lot of cases in Nasdaq on the old rice side? The venture financing, the company sold, the founder took the funds to sell the shares and left the company to build another one. Isn't this the daily operation of the capital market? I can learn too!"
"When you are gone, what can Mr. T still leave?" Zhao Xiangbei was shocked again by Guo Tailai's powerful and unspoken logic: "These equipment and this rented yard?"
These new things can not add up to more than five million, reselling one hand is second-hand, although 90% new, not used, can be sold to others 50 million? Although Zhao Xiangbei was very upset when he just received the news, the fat man could instantly think of such a way to make a bottom-up salary. It also made Zhao Xiangbei’s heart feel dark and at the same time, Guo Tailai was actually shameless to this point and felt ashamed.
"I am not studying advanced international experience?" Guo Tailai was not ashamed of it, laughing and explaining.
"Do you think that your international advanced experience can fool the past?" Zhao Xiangbei sneered: "Does domestic listed companies be so fooled?"
"So why do they think that 50 million can buy my studio?" Zhao Xiangbei sneered, Guo Tailai also sneered and asked: "I can make 50 million pieces of jewelry a day, the cost will never exceed two 100,000, why should I sell them to them for a lifetime?"
If you change to someone else and make something worth 50 million a day, Zhao Xiangbei will only think that he is bragging, but the fat man said so, Zhao Xiangbei has no doubt. The bracelet of his wife, or the first day, and the fat man said, the second day Ding always put on the wrist. At that time, all three bracelets were completed.
This is still not a serious fat man, personally went out to buy raw materials wasted a lot of time results. If someone cooperates and does these logistical tasks, Guo Tailai will never have problems with 50 million pieces of jewelry a day.
"The other party is also asking for a price." Zhao Xiangbei listened to Guo Tailai's sneer, but he could only sigh and explain: "The first offer, the price can be negotiated."
"Zhao Shushu, are you under a lot of pressure?" Guo Tailai, a clever person, even Zhao Xiangbei had to sigh. It is definitely not the general pressure: "The Southern Group can't stand it?"
"If you only do military products, I can help you with a hundred listed companies." Zhao Xiangbei smiled: "But since you are involved in civilian products, then give others an excuse. You also know, Companies that can go public can speak at all levels of government."
This is only superficial. In fact, there are still some reasons that cannot be said, but it is not suitable for telling the fat man for the time being.
"That is the pressure." Guo Tailai understood, slightly nodded and asked: "I am curious, they have a relationship with the sky, can not buy a studio that does not exist? Zhao Shushu, you know, this Mr. T’s studio has never been officially registered.

"They can help you register." Zhao Xiangbei replied without hesitation: "As long as you nod, they are willing to spend more money to set up a better office space, better equipment, as long as you request."
"What? What about Lei Feng?" Guo Tailai asked.

What do you say?
Zhao Xiangbei replied with no anger:
You said it yourself, you can make more than 50 million jewels at a cost of 200,000. You only need to work one day a year, one year. The profits are higher than ordinary listed companies, and what can we figure out?"
Since ancient times, the money has been fascinating. When someone finds that a gold bracelet can sell for five million yuan, the number of people who are tempted is not one or two.
Marx said that if capital has 50% of its profits, it will take risks. If there is a 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all laws of the world; if there are 300% of profits, it will dare to commit any Crime, even risking being hanged.
200,000 costs, even if you give Guo Tailai 10 million manual fees, the profit can exceed 500 percent. Those guys can do anything, no one knows.

If I don’t agree?
Guo Tailai asked indifferently:
They can’t force me to sell them to them?

"Maybe they will raise the price until you are satisfied." Zhao Xiangbei just received the news, felt the pressure, and did not feel the other's further plans, so he just replied according to his own guess.
"Then I want a big opening for the lion?" Guo Tailai continued to ask.
"If I am, I will retreat to the next level and seek to buy shares in your studio." Zhao Xiangbei thought and replied: "But they may not think so."
"What is the worst ending?" Guo Tailai understands that Zhao Xiangbei did not say what they would not think so, so ask the worst results directly.
"There is no worst ending." Zhao Xiangbei was suffocating this time: "No one dares to treat you, at most, it is disgusting and disgusting with all kinds of means."
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