Chapter 15: Promising future

"Just good?" Hou academician frowned.

Mr. Hou, after all, it’s just a mass-produced part.
Guo Tailai’s current understanding of machining, of course, can be seen that these are mass-produced parts:
You can’t ask too much. Maybe wait for 5 micron high precision. CNC imports, can be done more sophisticated, and then look at the assembly effort."
Academician Hou nodded, this is the big truth. For the time being, mass production can only achieve this precision, as well as assembly, it is unlikely to go further. However, in school, in the laboratory, doing research, but can completely require accessories and assembly more sophisticated.
"This is the mechanical part of the newly designed gyroscope." Academician Hou is not afraid of Guo Tailai knowing more, directly said the name, and then rushed Guo Tailai to ask: "If you let you do, what can you do?" degree?"

Let me follow Liu Lao for another one or two months, the parts can be more precise, and I can reduce the assembly tolerance by a factor of ten.
Guo Tai looked at the size and bite of the spare parts and thought for a while before giving An answer came out.
Not only the academician of Hou, but even Zhao’s face showed a happy color. However, Zhao Wei seems to have known that this will be the case, just smiled and did not show special surprises.
"If...I mean, if." Hou Academician asked Guo Tailai: "If you let the scale down, you have to be so precise, you have to make sure that every part of the work is normal, how much can you do?"
This problem is a bit difficult. At least Guo Tailai can't answer it right away. Instead, he picks up the mechanical part of the gyroscope and dials the gyroscope inside to observe how the gyroscope works.
The principle of mechanical gyroscope is not difficult, but this is obviously not a pure mechanical gyroscope. It is likely to be combined with some components such as optoelectronics to make a composite gyroscope, and also to ensure that all parts work normally and cannot mutually Interference is not an easy task.

How small do you need?
After a while, Guo Tailai asked in turn:
What is the minimum size required for design?

"If you consider optoelectronic components and computing chips, can you reduce it by ten times?" Hou Academician did not speak, but Zhao Wei asked.

You can do it a little smaller.
Guo Tailai gave a very positive answer:
But it is necessary to build a small or micro tool in advance. In addition, the sensing components that need to be resized due to the smaller size need to be redesigned.

Workers must first sharpen their tools in order to do their best. This principle, Hou Academician and Zhao Wei understand that this premise of Guo Tailai is not unexpected. On the contrary, they are very pleasantly surprised. As for Guo Tai's dimensional change sensing components to be redesigned, this is not a problem at all.
"In the next three months, I will constantly adjust the design. Every time you adjust, you have to help me to process the whole set of spare parts and assemble them so that we can experiment." Zhao Yu looked at Guo Tailai with a double eye and asked very seriously:
Do you want to build a tool that is enough for a week? The required materials are submitted in a list and purchased by the lab.

How good is the material?
Guo Tailai was excited and asked Zhao Weidao.
"It is impossible to provide your top materials for the time being. If you want to fight for it, you can only buy it at home. The top materials can only be purchased abroad on a small scale, but the time may be delayed." Zhao Wei’s performance in front of Hou’s academician is very natural. Very tangible answer.

You can do it first with the domestic ones, and temporarily satisfy the design you started. When the top materials are bought, then consider the final product.
Guo Tailai immediately gave a solution:
Can it?

Zhao Wei looked at Hou Academician, and Academician Hou nodded slightly, and then Zhao Yucai looked at Guo Tailai again. She believes that Guo Tailai must have seen the nod of Hou Academician.
"I have no problem." Guo Tailai quickly stated that the academician Hou was a boss who had been a few years later. In any case, he should perform better in front of him.
"Well, the problem is solved." Academician Hou claped his hands and smiled: "It is finally possible to go to the final step to actually test the effect."
This newly designed composite gyroscope is not so easy. It has to be finished with the experiment, but for the time being, the lab has not found a senior fitter who can fully understand their design intent to help build the real thing. It takes a lot of effort to explain communication with ordinary workers, including Liu Lao, and communication is not so easy.
It is easy to see that a fine undergraduate student still has a handcrafted craftsmanship more than Liu Lao. There is a foundation for undergraduates. There is no problem in communication. Many mechanical principles do not require additional explanation. They are still masters of assembly. It is simply a rare treasure!
That is to say, Hou Academician knew that it was late, and was robbed by Professor Wang. Otherwise, such a baby should have been robbed and sent to Zhibo. Where can I turn to Professor Wang?
However, there is no way. Before Liu Laoqi thought, when everyone started to implement the deception plan, in order to keep secret, Guo Tailai’s ability was only known to a small number of talents. Even Zhao Wei knew it later, and Hou Academician was so busy, there was no way. Take care of it.
When Zhao Wei joined the plan, the school and several ministries and commissions were secretly cooperating. It was too late to grab Guo Tailai. He could only watch Guo Tailai being pre-empted by Professor Wang.
Now this plan is the best compromise. At the same time, considering the needs of the two laboratories of the two laboratories, after all the coaches of Guo Tailai really need Guo Tailai to help, Guo Tailai must not sit still, it is barely balanced on both sides. Let's go!
But for Guo Tailai, this is the two golden pies that fell in the sky.
Hahahaha! Academician Hou has already left, and Guo Tailai can finally change into a sitting position in the office of Zhao Wei. In the future, I was also a superb student who was sent to Shuimu University to study and study. I said that not only will the family be happy, but also have a face.
In particular, the student who became an academician of Hou can be said to have painted a golden color in his academic career. As long as he wants to go deep into this research direction, the academic road can be said to be a smooth road, and the future is boundless!
"Sister!" When a person faced Zhao Wei, Guo Tailai immediately put on a flattering expression: "Thank you for your help. In a few years, we are the real brothers and sisters, thank you sister!"
"What brothers and sisters relationship? Sister and sister!" Zhao Yu pretended to disgustedly looked at Guo Tailai's disgusting expression and corrected: "In addition, don't think too beautiful, want to make Mr. Hou satisfied, that is not an easy task. ""
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