Chapter 188: Security Security (above)

When I received this message, Guo Tailai was completely relieved. This will not run.
In order to avoid extra-budgets, Guo Tailai showed very strict rules. The door was not squinted. It was followed by the warehouse management staff, until there was a large plastic storage box in the area.
A large storage box, each containing some potions that Guo Tailai did not know, and the bamboo slips were soaked in the potion. On the storage box, there are also labels, and the number of the bamboo slips in each storage box is excavated, and it looks very regular. "
Are these cleaned up? Guo Tailai did not understand the situation and carefully asked the accompanying personnel who came in together.
"It's just pre-protection." The accompanying person is knowledgeable, and quickly explained: "After the completion of the syrup, basically it is not afraid of simple oxidation. Then carefully clean up the protection and study."
Guo Tailai nodded and didn't ask any more. Under the direction of the control system, Guo Tailai quickly positioned himself on a storage box.

Can you open this storage box to see it?
Guo Tailai politely consulted the warehouse management staff.
The warehouse management staff did not refute anything this time, and opened the plastic storage box very refreshingly.
Like Xiangjiang, it is also a bamboo slip, and nano-robots are also on one of them. After Guo Tailai confirmed the specific bamboo slip number, he finally issued the instructions for absorption. "
Ten thousand nano robot sleep commands are issued!

"Activation order is released!"
"Absorption order is issued!"
In just a few seconds, the nano-robots that were close at hand were absorbed by Guo Tailai. Guo
Tailai seems to have eaten a lot of elixir medicine, only feels refreshed, and there is no pressure. "
Yes! Guo Tailai nodded to the warehouse management staff: "Thank you.

"Remember the number of this box." Turning his head, Guo Tailai whispered to the accompanying person who followed him. The looked at the number on the box and nodded. "
Send me to the airport. "From the museum, Guo Tailai no longer wants to delay the time, let the accompanying people drive straight to the airport.
In the car, Guo Tailai thought about it, did not call Professor Zhang's phone, but sent him a text message. "
I have let Xiao Liu write down the number of the storage box. The sixth bamboo slip in the box is the opening of "The Theory of Qi". Try to collect the bamboo slips near it, and you can announce some of the results earlier. Guo Tailai reminded Professor Zhang in the text message, so that Professor Zhang can take less detours when he studies.
Research, like Professor Zhang, they are doing a good job of excavating things on the spot, and they often have to look at the results. I can send a paper a little earlier, and the results can come out early, so that the funds are easy to apply. Guo Tailai can't help Professor Zhang too much, and can only help in this regard.
When I returned to the capital, Guo Tailai was full of expectations and thought that the sister could go home at night, but she was told that she was on a business trip. Xing
Guo Tailai, who was so excited, immediately stunned and suddenly felt boring. In fact, Zhao Wei is still an active serviceman. He was temporarily loaned to the final assembly. The equipment and materials in the whole country were normal. He could not stay in the capital by Guo Tailai’s temper.
Hey, come back home, even the excitement of absorbing nano-robots can't make Guo Tailai happy. After a person sat down for half an hour, he received a call from Zhao Xiangbei. "
Come out to eat! Zhao Xiangbei’s phone call was concise, with a command tone:
I am in the alley at your doorstep. "Have
People please eat, Guo Tailai's mood is better, wash his face, or go out lazily, took the Zhao Xiangbei car. "
how? unhappy? Zhao Xiangbei seems to know why Guo Tailai is not happy. After the car was opened, he took the initiative to say: "Hey is a soldier, not a white-collar worker who is nine to five, not to say that he can go home after work every day." ""
I know. Guo Tailai looked up and looked at Zhao Xiangbei without a word. "But I can't even be happy if I don't even have fun?" ""
You will make it difficult to do this. Zhao Xiangbei sighed.
Ok! I understand! "Guo Tailai will make Zhao Wei feel sad when he hears it. It’s really true that he is pondering it. It’s time to force it up: "I want to have a big meal!"

The fat man is good at this, and a delicious meal can adjust the mood of depression.
"Fat, there is something you have to discuss with you." Zhao Xiangbei and Guo Tailai ate almost the same. Finally, Guo Tailai ate a bowl of noodles as a staple food, Zhao Xiangbei said.
"Zhao Shushu, you said." Guo Tailai will recover and be polite.
"You are always running around in a single place, not a thing." Zhao Xiangbei did not talk nonsense, and said his own intentions: "Good domestic, how to control, what can you go abroad?" There is no one around the protection, there will be some unnecessary troubles. For example, if you bring more experienced people around you, you will not be taken away to the ship."
"Uncle Zhao can send my sister to me?" Guo Tailai immediately excited, and his eyes widened, asking Zhao Xiangbei. "
Want to be beautiful? "Zhao Xiangbei does not hit a place: "I want to have such a big energy, will not transfer my baby daughter to me as a secretary?" Can also make her a little easier, why should she let her protect you a dead fat man?

"What do you mean by Zhao Shushu?" Guo Tailai once again wilted, lazily asked Zhao to the north.
"The last time I didn't set up a guarantee fund, this time you donated five more gold bricks. The guarantee fund doesn't have to worry about the funding gap in a few years. The military is very satisfied, and it also bears your feelings." Zhao Xiangbei He took a look at Guo Tailai and said slowly: "In addition, this time, because you have cracked a smuggling group and dug up a part of an intelligence agency hidden in Xiangjiang, Guoan has also led you. People."
"Just human feelings? Is it good?" Guo Tailai asked. "
Have. Zhao Xiangbei nodded with certainty: "The goods that were confiscated by the cargo ship, 10% of the price of the cash is a reward, um, almost tens of millions of yuan. Zhao Xiangbei said: "When the specific valuation is completed, it will be handed to you.

"Forget it!" tens of millions from the air? Guo Tailai suddenly found that she had no expectation. Or the auction has a million dollars expansion, and thought about Guo Tailai still said: "This money is not comfortable to hold, donate to the protection fund!"
Just know that you will be like this. Zhao Xiangbei smiled: "This incident, the above is also considered, with a few suitable security personnel around you.

"I?" Guo Tailai said a little embarrassed: "I have already reached this level?"
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