Chapter 196: Difficult treatment (below)

Looking at Xiaohui’s excitement and tears on the operating table, the old woman who looked at it couldn’t help but shed tears. when
Of course, this is the tears of joy, this is a tear of joy.
"Wake up!" Guo Tailai's plain voice directly broke the joy: "This just proves that your retina and optic nerve are good, not to prove that you can see it. I really want to see, go to the retina transplant. ""
In a word, the cheerful atmosphere is indifferent, and Cheng Zong is very speechless and asks Xiaoyu, who is ready to assist the work at the side, asks: "Have you always been such a beautiful scenery?"
We, Guo, only let the patients have a clear understanding of their own situation. "How can Xiaoyu say Guo Tailai's bad words, immediately replied: "Excessive pessimism or excessive optimism is not a good thing for patients." "small
Jade's words are justified, and Cheng always doesn't know how to refute.
The next step is to get rid of those scars and rebuild skin tissue. However, Guo Tailai realized that he still underestimated the overall difficulty of burn recovery.
A few times before, it was a scar to Chu Fei, and it was only a small part of the scar. In total, they will not exceed one hundred square centimeters. But now, it is a hundred square centimeters, that is a solid 100-centimeter centimeter, not adulterated. This
The area does not say that the skin of Chu Fei and Tianhou has not been destroyed by a large area. There are many stem cells under the normal epidermis, and the division and re-growth are also fast. However, Xiaohui is different. A large area of ​​burns even destroys the epidermis of some parts, and even one stem cell can't be found.
If Guo Tailai didn't chase the cow before and let Xiaohui choose the order of the repaired area, Guo Tailai can also choose to operate from the place where there are healthy stem cells in the leg. In this case, a little step by step, it can also grow up. However, Guo Tailai had been bragging too much before, so that he had to face the fact that some of the stem cells he had to repair were almost impossible to find.
Xiaohui is sure that the first choice is to get rid of the scar on his face, so that at least he can see people. However, Guo Tailai has made a difficult decision. It is obviously not enough to find a few normal stem cells on his face. There is no way to take a part of the skin from other parts. From
It is very easy to split a large number of skin stem cells to replicate a part of the cells, but it is very difficult to divide a few stem cells to pay for a large amount of normal skin cells.
Guo Tailai can only think of other ways to find stem cells from a deeper part of the body and then try to stimulate the culture. After a series of operations, Guo Tailai discovered that it is feasible to convert cells in the body into skin stem cells to divide and grow, but the energy required is greatly improved. First
At the end of two hours, the old couple and Xiaohui saw that the horrible scars on Xiaohui’s face had been picked up. What Cheng Xiaohe and Xiao Yulan saw was that Guo Tailai’s face was ugly and scary, and he had never seen him so tired.
"Xiaoyu, prepare a batch of chocolate and glucose." Before the break, Guo Tailai let Xiaoyu hurry to get some high-energy food, eat something and rest. Such as
If it is a fat patient like Guo Tailai, Guo Tailai can borrow the fat in the other body to consume, but now Xiaohui's own skinny skin, certainly not much energy for Guo Tailai to squander, can only rely on Guo Tailai hard support.
Pull a fat man to come and consume for yourself? Guo Tailai did not die until he was exposed to his own cards. He worked harder, but he could never make people realize that it was wrong. One
Guo Tailai made six times and twelve hours. Xiaohui’s head, face and scar on his neck have all been removed. However, because the hair follicles have been destroyed, Xiaohui's hair has a beard and a beard, and his head looks like a smooth egg. Part of the eyelid of the left eye is also repaired, but it can only be closed. The newly grown skin is very tender and feels very tender and smooth. Light
From the perspective of this slick head, Xiaohui is still a very handsome person, and he should be a handsome boy before he burns. Pity! except
Outside the head of the head, Xiaohui chose the second part of his hands. The hands were severely burned, and adhesion occurred during recovery, causing the roots of several fingers to stick together. Guo Tailai re-established the external skin and separated the sticky fingers. The good news is that the muscles of both hands are still normal, and after a period of exercise, the original function can be restored. base
Originally, if the clothes are covered, Xiaohui has been able to go out to see people. Of course, you may need to draw some eyebrows, and you don't have to be so strict. If you are not afraid of bald heads, you can even go out without wearing a hat. The hand also looks normal, without wearing gloves to cover those terrible scars.
Just repairing these two parts made Guo Tailai exhausted. The preparations were not enough today, and after the last time, Guo Tailai had completely turned into a normal person instead of a fat man of more than two hundred kilograms.
Guo Tailai’s changes also shocked everyone, and the scale said that it had lost more than 30 kilograms of meat. Both Cheng and the old couple are excited and don't know how to thank Guo Tailai. Anything else, the meat that can be lost can be seen. This is almost the result of Guo Tailai repairing scars with Xiaohui. No wonder it’s so expensive, it’s worth the price for these meats!
Xiaohui didn't say much, but he saw the first effect in the mirror. After touching the delicate skin that he had grown up, he never said anything that was not heard. Guo Tailai asked him to do what he wanted. What posture, very obedient, fully matched. under
When did it continue, Guo Tailai did not say anything, only said that he would make up for it first, let Xiaohui and other notices. Guo Tailai’s state is in everyone’s eyes. No one is urging, just nodding. The obvious curative effect has been seen, and Xiaohui has been full of hope for the future. When he left, even the two brawny who had been driven out before saw Xiaohui’s situation changed a lot, and he was not so hostile to Guo Tailai. late
After eating a meal, Guo Tailai struggled to climb back home, climbed into bed and slept, and tired of taking care of others.
"Fat, I am back!" The next day, when Guo Tailai was sleeping at home, Zhao Yuxing rushed back to his home and wanted to give Guo Tai a surprise, but he was given a few pounds of Guo Tailai. Scared a big jump: "What happened?"
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