Chapter 218: Infantry nightmare (on)

The company's business is proceeding step by step, and the treatment for Xiaohui is the same. Guo Tailai normally raised the cockroaches, waiting to grow a dozen pounds of fat and then give Xiaohui the next treatment. certain
In an unnamed mountainous area, a special team of eight people is killing more than a dozen terrorists. These guys, who were secretly supported by some countries, created a series of genocidal tragedies and fled into the mountains before the military police arrived. The special war squad was ordered to chase and kill, and they must not be allowed to escape from the border.
The mountainous terrain is complex and the climate is changeable. Whether it is a fleeing terrorist or a special warfare squad, it is exhausted. These terrorists are well equipped and may even have portable air-to-air missiles, so the helicopter can't move, and it is impossible to drive in the mountains. It can only be traced by two legs.
Our military's fine traditional iron feet are not covered. The special war team finally caught up with the terrorists after tracking one day and one night. Want
It is a face-to-face battle, and those terrorists are by no means the opponents of the special squad. But these guys escaped but they were ghosts. When they were in a hurry, they hid in a natural cave. The terrain of the cave was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there were still people who had two sniper rifles, and the special squad members. They were actually suppressed in the area more than 800 meters outside the hole, and they could not break through. war
The firepower of the men was suppressed. What is even more troublesome is that the sky will soon turn black. Once it is dark, I don’t know if the cave will pass to other places. If the guys escape, it is not good news. It is close to the border. Once those guys escape to the outside, it is not so easy to arrest them. The special team must not allow this to happen.
"Big and strong, try that new equipment!" Seeing that the enemy occupied a favorable terrain, everyone was suppressed. The captain had no choice but to expect that new equipment would be useful.
The new sniper grenade launcher looks like a large sniper rifle. It is urgently sent to the military area when it leaves. It has just learned to use it. It has been asked to bring it to actual combat before it can be used. test.
Unfamiliar weapons, who will use this kind of occasion immediately? So I just took it along the way and didn't use it. Fortunately, this grenade launcher weighs only 11 kilograms, which is lighter than the sniper's original sniper rifle, with nothing to worry about. It is a pity that there is no opportunity to use it along the way. light
Loading and chasing, the special warfare team did not bring any heavy firepower, did not expect the enemy and sniper to respond, this is a big trouble. No way, the sniper didn't bring a familiar sniper rifle. He could only try it with this big guy who called the sniper grenade. The dead horse was treated as a living horse. Big
Strong and sturdy, the two legs are framed, and the sights are aimed at the caves where the two snipers are located. boom
On the rocky side not far from the right side of Da Zhuang, a large stone was splashed. However, the sniper on the side of the hole saw the big and strong side of the gun, preemptive, and fired a shot on this side. body
For the sniper, Da Zhuang did not have the slightest panic, his position is very good, more than 800 meters, it is not so easy to shoot. These terrorists still do not have the skills to shoot more than 800 meters.
The other side has a high terrain. From here, there is no shooting horizon. Only one gun can be seen, but no one can be seen. Only a dark hole can be seen. How
What? Big and a little anxious. I was hesitating, and I saw the t-mark on the underside of the sniper grenade launcher. It didn't look very eye-catching. I just got the hand and left. I haven’t had time to look carefully. Now I found out that it was actually the work of Mr.
When I saw this sign, Da Zhuang immediately calmed down. When I thought about leaving, what did the person who sent the equipment say? By the way, if he can't kill him, he will kill him, and he will do it!
The target of the scope was slightly moved, no longer aiming at the exposed barrel, but turned to the mountain wall behind the stone, taking a deep breath, holding the breath, holding the arm steady, and gently pulling The trigger. boom
A loud and not too small gunshot sounded, Da Zhuang only felt a shock on his shoulders, shivering his shoulders involuntarily, and spit out the breath of the mouth.
Boom, there was a fierce explosion in the mouth of the cave. The big-eyed sight hurriedly looked over. The barrel that had just been exposed was not on the stone at the moment, and it fell directly from the stone. another
On the one hand, the second sniper that has not been seen has not appeared yet, but a skewed barrel is exposed from behind a stone. good chance!
Da Zhuang once again aimed at the mountain wall behind the second sniper. Hey, it was another shot. The bang was another violent explosion.
After waiting for a while, there was no movement there. The big muzzle always pointed in the direction of the hole, but the other sniper did not shoot again. One
A comrade-in-arms took the branches and looked at them slowly, and they were shot when they just showed up. Now there is no movement. team
The long-term decision was made, indicating that the two players were moving forward carefully, and Da Zhuang was responsible for the cover.
The two players alternated one after the other and moved forward for more than two hundred meters. There was no movement, no attack, no snipers, and people made a big decision.
The rest of the team began to rush and found a suitable cover position, which only greeted Da Zhuang. Da Zhuang carried the launcher, and the fast tactical action rushed to the new shooting position, and there was still no movement in the hole. small
The team members alternately screened forward and went all the way to the distance of 100 meters from the hole. No one attacked. At this distance, the soldiers no longer have to worry about anything, and the 95-1 in their hands is enough to threaten anyone.
Until there was no movement below the hole, Da Zhuang stood on the launcher with a launcher at a distance of 300 meters from the hole. A warrior quickly jumped on the big stone next to the hole with the help of another teammate. He was ready to go up and fired, but when he went up, the gun pointed at the hole, but it was not shot. "
Safety! The warrior sent a signal, and everyone went up to the hole in the air, and then the crowd saw a scene that made people feel hateful.
Seventeen terrorists, two of the snipers at the hole, and the remaining fifteen guys who rested in the cave, now have a pile of blood all over the body. The explosion of two high-explosive grenades so close is enough to make these guys smash. when
When Da Zhuang took the launcher and rushed to the hole, he saw this scene and suddenly stopped. Looking down at the sniper grenade launcher that I didn't really see at first, it was a silly music. it is good
Something! Can't kill them, kill them.
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