Chapter 242: Backpack and PKP (below)

"I just want to play." Guo Tailai smiled and deliberately sold off: "Uncle Sun said that he can come and play casually? So I am coming."
"Yes, I have prepared five thousand bullets for you, enough for you to vomit." Sun General did not eat his set, and directly smiled and countered: "Do not leave without playing."
"Haha, make a joke." Guo Tailai immediately stupid, playing five thousand bullets a day, but also consider what the barrel is cooling, so sour, or honestly account.
In addition to the two generals, there are several officers who should be military officers in the military region. Guo Tailai does not know. Lu Zhiming was also there. Guo Tailai just greeted him casually, and then directly opened the trunk of Zhao Wei’s car. Guo Tailai first moved down an appliance and put it in front of everyone. "
This should be a string of chains? "General General only looked at a few eyes, and I generally saw that Guo Tailai was what it was, probably asked Qi.

Guo Tailai nodded immediately.
Is this not a machine gun? A lot of manual stringing and chaining, first make a gadget to string.

As he said, Guo Tailai put it on the table at the shooting range and reached for the bullet to prepare for the demonstration.
This is a small device that can be hand-cranked or powered by an electric motor. On the side of the shooting range, everything was complete, the bullets came over, and the wires were pulled over.
First grab a large 5.8mm heavy bomb and adjust the size. Guo Tailai began to demonstrate the effect of hand cranking. Shake a string, very simple, Guo Tailai shook a few times, then let the seat away, let the generals, then the general, then Zhao Wei. After everyone has shaken it, plug it in, the bullets are quickly arranged, and when the switch is pressed, the bullets are automatically chained to the chain, which is very efficient.
Five hundred hairs were quickly finished, and Guo Tailai also had an extra string of one hundred. The 5.8mm bullet is smaller than 7.62, and the flexible elastic belt can hold more than 80 pieces. The backpack has more than a dozen pieces and six hundred hairs.
The bullets were good, Guo Tailai took the backpack that fits the 5.8mm heavy bomb and began to put the string of good chains into the pendulum. Now the two generals and Zhao Wei also see what Guo Tailai wants to play. It is an ammunition backpack, plus a flexible elastic band, which provides the machine gunner with a large number of bullets. 8
Take the 8 type machine gun and pick up the belt. Basically, this set of equipment is completed. Guo Tailai took the backpack and took the weight. He nodded with satisfaction: "Six hundred bullets, less than twenty kilograms, should be OK!"
In front of everyone, Guo Tailai carried a ammunition backpack, took out a machine gun, and put on a professional machine gunner's posture. Going back and forth a few steps, ran a few steps, ran a hundred or two meters along the edge of the shooting range and turned back to where he left off. "
The total weight of the gun plus bullets is twenty-five kilograms. Guo Tailai still regrets: "I can use it, but it is still a bit heavy. With the Iron Man exoskeleton, it should be completely ok." "yellow
The average size of the species is not as tall as a white person, so the weight is a bit heavy. Guo Tailai untied his backpack, and Zhao Wei immediately refused to carry it back. Like Guo Tailai, after running around with a lap, even after doing some tactical actions, he also said his feelings. Guo
When Tailai was designed and manufactured, he considered the need to carry the march, so the back is elastic padding, and there will be no hard corners to the soldiers. The flexible elastic belt can ensure shooting in various postures without hindering the supply of the bomb. It can be said that with this, the machine gunner can become a fire support point that can move quickly at any time. This is much stronger than the one-shot or even seventy-five rounds of the chain in the light machine gun. Sign
With the consent of the two generals, Guo Tailai made a six hundred rounds of bullets on the chain in the shooting range. Standing, sitting, lying, have felt a bit, but also take into account the state of the barrel, stop and stop. Next to He Jianhua, patiently guiding, lest Guo Tailai make some new mistakes.
As Guo Tailai said, this backpack system does not have much special technical content, as long as the gun gives force, does not jam, the supply is still very smooth. Of course, it doesn't take into account the consequences of being hit, it's not comprehensive enough, after all, anything can happen on the battlefield. "
If you are too heavy, consider reducing the bullets. For example, if you have three hundred backs at a time, the backpack can be lighter and smaller. Guo Tailai commented objectively: "It doesn't make much sense to use less, just use the ammunition box of the light machine gun." "base
Originally, the domestic machine gunners usually carry a part of their own ammunition, and a deputy carries a part of the ammunition plus a spare barrel. There is no such person carrying so many bullets. After all, the average size is not strong enough and the weight is low. Guo
When Tailai and Zhao Wei demonstrated, the two generals were watching, and the school officials next to them were watching. This thing seems to be really useful. As Guo Tailai said, when the Iron Man exoskeleton system is used, more bullets can be added, and the attacking firepower is absolutely fierce, and it continues.
good stuff! This thing can be used directly even when it is fixed to a helicopter. It does not need to be specially modified. The same is true in the car, and there is no need to worry about the lack of firepower. "
Then what do you want 53 full power to do? After reading this, General General asked curiously, and also with a look of hope.
"It was a fun thing to do." Guo Tailai has already opened the trunk of He Jianhua and began to move the pkp box: "Look at the domestic use, can use equipment, can not be used to sell to old Mao, it is said They are also considering improving pkm."
To Guo Tailai's words, the faces of the two generals have changed. I quickly walked over here, watching Guo Tailai open the box, and then assembled each part bit by bit, turning it into a machine gun that looked familiar.
Guo Tailai slightly changed the position of the two-legged bracket that was criticized by pkp, and adjusted it later, and there was no change in other aspects. The new gun was placed on the table, sparkling with a new light, and quietly watching. "
Most parts should be universal with pkm? "Zhao Wei asked."
Almost 80% or so. Guo Tailai quickly replied: "This is the credit of He Ge. He gave me a detailed introduction to the construction of pkm. I mainly improved the barrel, forced air cooling, can maintain a long shot of 40-50 rounds, and continuously fired 600 rounds of bullets, exactly one box. ""
The barrel cannot be replaced? General Sun picked up and tried the test. After carefully looking at it, he found the details.
"Forcing air-cooling, paying attention to it, a thousand rounds of bullets are definitely no problem." Guo Tailai replied with a smile: "A general battle, a thousand bullets, enough?"
The general’s gaze brightened up.
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