Chapter 267: Ways to make money (below)

This year's stock market did have a wave of market, and later named 519 market, but Guo Tailai did not have the impression, and never touched the stock market, basically did not think about making money in the stock market. "
If you need more, I will talk to you, Uncle Chu. "Chu Fei's mother did not stop this topic, but went on in depth: "Taihua Group's transfer of ten to eight billion yuan should not hurt, you need to open your mouth, don't be alone." .

"Thank you, Auntie!" Guo Tailai was sincerely grateful. At best, it is a bit of friendship with Chu Fei, but this friendship is less than one billion, Chu Fei mother can think of Guo Tailai, Guo Tailai does not know how to thank.
The restaurant arranged by Chu Fei’s mother is biased towards Jiangnan cuisine, but there are also a lot of big fish and meat, taking care of Guo Tailai’s taste. Like Ding, Aunt Deng also did not eat much, but she always took a smile and gave Guo Tailai a dish, which was very thoughtful.
One morning, I saw Guo Tailai lose a lot of weight. Aunt Deng looked in his eyes and it hurts in his heart. Guo Tailai gave Deng Ayi the No. 6 VIP card that was not handed over to Aunt Deng. This number is arranged in order, and it is the turn of Aunt Deng to be ranked sixth.
Aunt Deng naturally accepted the VIP card, but asked a lot, Chu Fei is the number.
"Chufi does not need a card." Guo Tailai replied with a smile.
Aunt Deng was very satisfied with this answer and left with a smile. under
After the afternoon, Li Li came over with the investor's wife. After Guo Tailai had a meal, she returned to the beauty salon and waited. After the film, people arrived on time. see
After the face, Guo Tailai gave a cheque of 90 million yuan, and Guo Tailai handed it over to Lan Jie. Very enthusiastic to bring the couple and the investor couple to the reception hall.
The investor is a middle-aged person. It looks a bit vicissitudes, the skin is black, and the person is a bit chubby. His wife is much fatter, at least 180 pounds, but only one meter six high, the whole seems to be a fat ball. Have
In the actual nursing effect before the filming, the investor couple did not doubt Guo Tailai's craftsmanship, but only discussed the projects to be carried out.
It is definitely necessary to reduce fat, and it is also necessary to make the skin looseness caused by fat loss. However, the investment people are very rich, directly choose 10 million body shaping, plus 5 million facial rejuvenation treatment, the whole body skin whitening, in addition to some keloids plus painless hair removal, after choosing a few, Investors have a big deal, so first, look at the effect.
The operation room is open to investors, but his wife does not let him in, saying that he wants to give him a big surprise. There is no opinion on this investor. I am very happy to go downstairs to find a place to sit and drink tea. Since it is a surprise, then it will be happier if all the ladies’ projects are finished and then watched together. Guo
Tailai likes such a bold guest, especially the guests bring a lot of fat, no need to consume Guo Tailai's own energy and surplus, it is perfect.
First, the female guest was examined once, and then Guo Tailai used the process to mold the whole body image of the female guest with mud, and then began to shape according to the requirements of the female guest. After the female guest chose and removed some unrealizable options, Guo Tailai took the female guest into the operation room and let her lie on the bed in the operation room. Guo Tailai chatted and started to act. Say
The investor is a coal boss, Jin Province, and Guo Tailai is also a half fellow. A local sound came out, although there is still some difference with Guo Tailai's old accent, but it also listens to the kindness. Female
The guest was very talkative, and later said that she was basically talking about her, telling the couple’s struggles in the past, telling the life after the development, telling the investment in the film and television circle, telling the unconscionable money. I want to find a young and beautiful little three, etc., after a series of chats, Guo Tailai also knows a lot about the investors. Guo
Tai Lai's technique is very gentle, and the female guests don't feel any discomfort at all. It is like normal beauty salon care. Guo Tailai is regarded as a nursing girl in the beauty salon. She chats with Guo Tailai because she is too comfortable. , slowly slept.
Was gently awake, the female guests felt that they were very comfortable to sleep, and like the habits of other beauty salons, got up from the bed, sitting and stretching. suddenly
However, the female guest seemed to see something incredible. She stared at the arms and hands that she had folded down when she stretched herself. She couldn’t believe her eyes.
"Big sister, there is a full-length mirror over there." Guo Tailai smiled and pointed to the other direction. Female
The guest immediately twisted over and saw the half-faced full-length mirror suddenly with a delicate face and a slender figure. He looked at his eyes and slowly opened his mouth. Suddenly there was a burst of comparison. The scream of the climax of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Connect
A female bodyguard in the hall heard the screams, but she jumped up and kicked the door of the operation room and rushed in. Then she saw a young and beautiful slender woman who might be her own employer at the tip. Calling, the voice is still the voice of the employer, but how do you think it is a change? "
Big sister, don't call. Guo Tailai stretched out his fingers and rubbed his ears, and persuaded him to help him: "Come on your bodyguards and take my wall apart."

The eldest sister finally stopped screaming and reached out and touched her face in disbelief. I didn’t care about Guo Tailai’s big man, who was next to him, touched his belly without hesitation, touched his chest, and touched himself all over the body. Confirm, this is to make sure that what you see in the mirror is what it is now, that mirror is not a mirror, nor what it is.
The bodyguard Zhang Da’s mouth did not close, as in a dream, he took his employer out of bed and walked to the mirror, and looked up and down again. Until now she has not been fully accepted, how does the employer become like this afternoon? Next to
There is a weight scale on the side, the big sister stood up and said, ninety pounds. Guo Tailai only said before the operation began, 186 pounds, a total of 96 pounds of fat. except
With ecstasy, the big sister has no other expressions, and she doesn't know what to say. Suddenly, the big sister found in the mirror that the skin of her face and neck is different from that of her body. It is more firm and smoother and more youthful. "
Little brother, how is the skin on the big sister not good? "The older sister asked some questions."
Big sister, you only do facial rejuvenation, only the face and neck, other parts are not included. Guo Tailai explained with a smile.
What does it take me to do? "The big sister quickly went to the bed and lay down again: "Quickly, do it for me all over the body!"

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