Chapter 332: I need an assistant (on)

Correct! There is also a more cattle. The conventional power of the engine is 2000 hp. According to the data given by Longfei, the maximum torque is 5 to 10 percent lower than the 2000 hp diesel engine of the same type. However, it is much larger than the 1500 hp. Used on the tank, let the tank fly!
You know, the overall size of the 16-cylinder engine is about the same size as the current 1200-horsepower active engine! Slightly adjust it into the tank, 2000 horsepower, how much can the tank get at the highest speed? One hundred kilometers? One hundred and twenty kilometers? a few
The old man, with an average age of 50 or more, connected the 16-cylinder engine to the dynamometer with the help of several young people. Several people personally started the test and personally tested the data. After some hectic and waiting, the maximum power and maximum torque of this large engine were also measured.
The difference between the records of the parameter table provided by Longfei is only a single digit. It can be said that it is caused by the error between the two machines. It is definitely not the data reported by Longfei.
"Zhao Dong!" Several excited old men came to Zhao Xiangbei and said to Zhao Xiangbei excitedly: "The test data is no problem, this is indeed a successful series, and it is still very high power density. , reaching almost one kilogram per kilowatt, can be used on our 99 tanks, as long as a series of small-scale engine compartment modifications for the size!"
Although knowing that Guo Tailai will definitely not lie to himself, when these old experts have personally tested it once and reached a conclusion, Zhao Xiangbei is completely relieved.
After Guo Tailai and his mention of a tank engine in the military parade, Zhao Xiangbei thought about replacing the 99 tank engine with higher power. Now, I finally saw this that can be done. hair
The motive cabin will definitely be modified. Even if it is not easy to change, the extra space may not be able to install other equipment, but it is not bad to put more fuel! a few
Experts are excited at the moment and don't know what to say. The heart that had cooled off before I saw the engine has now become a small universe of combustion, especially the tank engine expert. I hate to go back and remove a tank and put on a new engine. "
Don't worry, test the remaining engines first. "Zhao Xiangbei, despite the same surprise, is still able to hold his breath, and things have already come out. Don't worry, this is not something that can be done at once, or to finish things one by one." Public
People have no opinion at all, and they are beginning to test the rest. In fact, the two largest and the smallest ones have been tested, and the middle model is much simpler. Just make sure that it is not false data. In the end, there are only some parameters that are not tested, such as engine life. But these tests take longer, not one or two days. One
The group spent a long time, and when the sky was dark, the measured parameters of all the engines in this series were measured. Zhao Xiangbei took these tired but excited old experts to eat and rest together. The three are sent away. The remaining two are military experts who can participate in the tank engine reloading. "
Zhao Dong, when do we use these engines to change clothes? "The most excitable old expert, can't wait to see how powerful the tanks using the new engine are. I just sent those old friends away and immediately asked Zhao to go north."
Not urgent! Zhao Xiangbei smiled and replied: "Our tanks don't need these engines." ""
How can you not worry? "Old experts are anxious, such a powerful engine is not used, is it still waiting for the domestic research institute to increase the power by adding turbocharger on the basis of the previous engine? This is too much to put good things in the eyes: "So good. How can I not use the engine?

"Don't worry, Sun Lao." Zhao Xiangbei smiled: "The batch is just a civilian engine."
Civil engine power torque is also enough! "Sun Lao didn't want to understand at once, but he was anxious to distinguish: "We have not always tried to buy a batch of civilian 1500 horsepower engines from Germany? ""
There is also a batch of military engines made of special materials that are not tested. "Zhao Xiangbei does not sell Guanzi so that Sun Lao is in a hurry: "The military engines used the same principle, but different materials and adjustments, the same size, the average performance of the average power is increased by 80% compared with the previous civil engine of the same type. Ten to twenty percent, the specific data also requires you to work hard to test it again. "also
Is there a military version? No wonder! The special materials are specially adjusted, which is the case.
The engines that have been tested before have already made the two tank engine experts so excited that they can't sleep. Now I heard the news and it was even more irritating. The 60-year-old man, the performance at the moment is like two 18-year-old boys, I don’t want to sleep, I want to make a bang, and I have tested a series of military engines in one go. Comprehensive
Increased performance by 10% to 20%? Even at the lowest 10%, the 1500 horsepower is 1650 horsepower! Twenty percent is 1800 horsepower, the same size. Ah! Sun Lao felt that he could replace the engine and use the 99 tank and the domestic car to brake. Want
It is a 2,200 horsepower or 2,400 horsepower engine that has been upgraded to 2000 horsepower. Sun’s old man has an illusion. He can stand on the 99 tank turret and point to the leopard 2 or m1a2 loudly, slag, and Who? Not satisfied? No two steps to get sick? Connect
It must be after the test, Zhao Xiangbei purchased military engine technology, a civilian manufacturer to buy civilian engine technology, which in turn requires Mi Feifei to intervene. In short, Mi Feifei also found that he seemed to be on a thief boat. He was too busy to make a fuss. Although he did not become a trapeze, but the company’s business plus sales, she did not even have the opportunity to take a vacation. Fortunately, better than Lin Jiayi, poor girlfriends, now busy enough to even go home to rest for a few days. This
The side tank engine experts are still eager to fantasize about the mighty performance of the 99 tanks after the engine is replaced. Guo Tailai and Zhao Wei have stayed together for a long time.
Together with the sister, Guo Tailai also did not want the house to be Chu Fei or his own. After psychological intervention, he returned home directly. After eating the meal, he followed the doctor’s advice and sent Zhao Wei to the peak several times to let her go. In the end, I don’t want to move even a finger. Even in this state, Guo Tailai was afraid that the effect was not enough, and worked hard once, directly let the sister-in-law enter the dreamland in the peak.
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