Chapter 353: Thought (on)

Is the teacher sister actually in Gusu? This made Guo Tailai very surprised. I don't know what happened to her. Guo Tailai was waiting for the studio while looking at the studio with joy. work
The construction of the room is very good. The shock-proof wall of the earthquake-proof ditch has two layers inside and outside. It can be said that the car on the road outside will not affect the interior of the studio. In the middle of the two-story earthquake-resistant wall, there is a row of dormitories, which are used for the rest of the security. There will be a lot of confidential things here, and definitely need strict security. In addition, office and administrative and garages are all in this circle.
On the outside of the second-layer anti-vibration ditch and the anti-vibration wall, there is a circle of ordinary ditch, and inside the ditch is a layer of anti-vibration ditch, and then the inside is the official studio. A major clean workshop, an ordinary workshop, a dressing room, a clean room, and so on, are two complete warehouses, and now the buildings have been completed, but no equipment has been purchased.
I wondered what equipment I needed and where I ordered it. It didn't take half an hour. The two cars looked at the color and the car of the military car came in.
In the first car, Guo Tailai saw the sister who had not seen for more than half a month. The younger sister got off the bus and was shocked when she saw Guo Tailai's appearance. Guo Tailai was so thin that she was so distressed. Regardless of the hurry, she took Guo Tailai and looked around before and after, until Guo Tailai was confirmed to be fine. Just rest assured. suddenly
I thought about coming over and looking for Guo Tailai to have a business. I actually forgot the business. Zhao’s face was red, and I quickly gave Guo Tailai the introduction of the major general who came down from another car and looked at it.
The younger surname Lee, a blue navy uniform, looks very spirited.
"The souvenir that you brought back from your last trip abroad has been sent back to China." Major General Li was very formal. He did not say very clearly. It is estimated that he intended to say so. The sense of confidentiality is very strong: "I represent the navy and represent us in the East China Sea. The fleet, thank you very much."
After that, Major Li will greet Guo Tailai’s one. Guo Tailai repeatedly shirked, and he said that he was modest.
The hydrological information obtained by the Mexican drug lord has a very high level of confidentiality. No matter who it is, even if it is an insider, it cannot be hung up at any time. A little leak will probably bring great trouble to Guo Tailai. The inside of the party has been unified, even if it is an insider, it is not allowed to discuss it at will, at most, it is only a souvenir.
Major General Li is not grateful for the empty mouth, and he has brought a certificate of honor to Guo Tailai. Of course, it is another identity for Guo Tailai. In addition, there is a signboard for the joint construction of military and civilian units, and Guo Tailai is very happy to accept.
"General Li is also affiliated with the Jinling Military Region." Zhao Wei once again introduced to Guo Tailai: "If there is anything here, you can contact Master Li at any time."
Tai Lai immediately understood. This is the sister-in-law who knows that her studio has moved here, so she paved the way to Guo Tailai in advance. In addition to commendation, Major Li will come to recognize the door. Guo Tailai’s previous efforts were not in vain, and the Jinling Military Region also sent a major to come to contact and feel sincere. "
Then I am not welcome, I have to harass something. Guo Tailai smiled very enthusiastically. This is a good thing. There is a full-scale local snake cover. It is convenient. What's more, this is not a local snake, but a land dragon. They have to help the town and reduce the troubles in the future."
The sniper rifles you made years ago, three of which have been used in our Marine Corps special squad. "The previous ones were all guest sets. When everyone was finished, when they sat in the reception room to drink tea, Master Li smiled and talked about the situation of the sniper rifle made by Guo Tailai: "The trial soldiers are unanimous. After the accurate test of the final assembly time, with the high-precision bullets you made by hand, the accuracy within 500 meters has reached an incredible 0.2moa, which is amazing!

"Warriors like it." Guo Tailai was very happy to listen to the use of the situation. For the first time, facing General Li, Guo Tailai was not as familiar with Sun General of the Beijing Military Region, so he was still a guest.
General Li also knew that everyone was unfamiliar and did not stay especially well. When he was appropriate, he got up and said goodbye. The relationship is slowly coming out. Guo Tailai’s studio has almost decided to move to Gusu. On the site of the Jinling Military Region, I am afraid that there will be no chance in the future.
"If there is any naval equipment in the future, think about it!" When he left, General Li was not polite. He directly rushed to Guo Tailai to ask: "The army has created a batch of guns and tanks." The engine is also thinking about the navy."
sure. Guo Tailai did not hesitate to promise: "This time I went to Xiangjiang and played with several sons and brothers to play diving. It is very interesting. I will find another time to learn how to dive with our frogman.

General Li heard the words suddenly appearing, and his face immediately showed a smile: "Well! When are you free, we arrange a zipper. There are many places for diving outside. What can you learn with them?" Diving, our fleet has the most professional diving instructors, and definitely lets you see the most beautiful underwater scenery."
"That's it!" Guo Tailai smiled at General Li.
"You set the time." General Li was very cool: "Yes, the seafood on our boat tastes good, you must try it."
The contact was left. Guo Tailai and Zhao Wei sent General Li to leave. Before returning to the studio, Guo Tailai could not help but hold Zhao Wei in his arms.
There were a lot of security guards in the Ming Dynasty. Zhao Wei did not care so much like Guo Tailai. He smiled and pushed Guo Tailai away, so that Guo Tailai took a look inside and outside and went back to the special lounge of Guo Tailai.
I know that Guo Tailai is busy with the habit of turning around. This lounge is designed directly as Guo Tailai's home, and strives to let Guo Tailai get a complete relaxation and rest. The arrangement is very warm and comfortable.
No one was disturbed in the room, Guo Tailai immediately hugged the sister, deep kiss. Under the circumstances that the teachers and sisters have a little cooperation, it is easy to confide the thoughts accumulated by the two men for half a month. "
The hard disk that you brought back, the intelligence department carefully compared, the information on the ordinary route is completely consistent. "Guo Tailai is in the arms, Zhao Yan's face is attached to Guo Tailai's chest, slowly said: "The most detailed part is attached to the coastline, it should be a smuggling route. In the rest, we have not had the opportunity to confirm. ""
Then send someone or send a ship to confirm it in the past, and don't need a large area scan. It is almost enough to confirm that there are enough points. Guo Tailai replied quickly.
"Now it is not enough, the surface ship is easy to be discovered, our submarine is too noisy." Zhao Wei shook his head slightly: "I will be heard in the past."
Then reduce the noise! Guo Tailai said subconsciously.
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