Chapter 357: Diving (below)

A human-sized yellow ball was brought to the boat by Guo Tailai and the squad leader. Everyone was very curious and surrounded it. After watching it for a while, no one could give an accurate definition of what it was.
"Xiao Guo." General Li sighed in his heart and yelled at Guo Tailai. "
It should be some sort of sonar buoy. Guo Tailai also sighed and saw the specific things, probably guessing what it is.
"The sonar buoy should not be spherical!" a warrior asked inexplicably: "The anti-submarine sonar should be cylindrical, not this shape! It was not in this shape."

The biggest possibility is a small marine hydrometeorological automatic observation station. It collects marine hydrometeorological information in a certain sea area, especially bad weather and sea state information.
Guo Tailai reached out and countless nano robots have entered from the fine gap. Inside the ball, the structure inside is instantly clear: "There is no sign on it, and I don't know which country it is."
Ask, this is very important for the military and for ocean engineering. Even General Li did not know that this is obviously not domestic, but only some unscrupulous countries. Maybe it is Japan, maybe Russia, maybe the United States, no one can judge. But what is certain is that this is definitely a naked violation of our territorial waters.

These sonar buoys come in many shapes, not necessarily cylindrical and spherical, but also conical, and other shapes.
Guo Tailai went on to say:
They need to locate the data, so the comparison rules are made, some times. Sexual consumables will actively transmit data signals, and will be scrapped once. It is more troublesome. It may be disguised as various things. It may be a rock look, which is more confusing."
When the former Guo Tailai got the hydrological data of the drug dealers, he knew that Americans or people from other countries would certainly collect the hydrological materials of our territorial waters frequently. When they actually touched these things, they were still uncomfortable. National strength is not as good as others. Some things can be seen without any means. this
Good luck in the day, just pick up one. The so-called buoy buoy is actually like a cockroach. When you find one, you already have a nest. This kind of sonar buoy has a small range of single scans. If you want to collect it in a large scale, it must be thrown down by hundreds of thousands at a time. military
The anti-submarine sounds in the matter are like bullets. They are consumables. Throwing hundreds of them in a sea area to form an array can only work. It is not very effective to rely on one or two. "
Look around and see if you can catch a few more, you can take it back and study it. Guo Tai came to see everyone meditation, could not help but open the door: "Learning their skills, when we turn back to throw their waters." Come and not be indecent!

"Good! Take a few more." General Li was also cheered up by Guo Tailai: "The length of the teacher is to rule the country, we are good at it, and we will throw it at the time."
There was no detection equipment on the ship, but there was a bug in Guo Tailai. I knew that there was definitely a problem in this sea area. Guo Tailai changed the water several times after a few places, let alone luck, and really found two for Guo Tailai. One.
Seeing that the sky is going to be blackened, General Lee will not continue. With a command, the landing ship will return. This time, Guo Tailaiguang was diving about ten times. The total length of time was more than three hours. Only after the first day of learning to dive, it was super level. that
Some of the soldiers looked at Guo Tailai as if they were looking at the gods. Others did not say that it was the ten times of diving physical strength that they would admire. Don't look at Guo Tailai, who is now thin and tall, and I didn't expect to have such good physical strength. most
What puzzles these soldiers is that when General Li occasionally chats with Guo Tailai, he will call Guo Tailai a fat man. Guo Tailai actually promised very smooth, this body type, where is it like a fat man?
The underwater vehicles that Guo Tailai brought to everyone also made great efforts, especially the biggest propeller. It was designed specifically for them, with large thrust, long duration and fast speed. The sonar buoy was discovered, and it was not easy for an individual to bring it to the surface of the water. The propeller was easily pulled up, which was too simple.
"These underwater boosters are actually a little smaller and more refined. There are still some markets for diving in the beach. Even in the swimming pool, some people like it." Guo Tailai also did not forget to talk to General Li. The things of these underwater vehicles: "Look for a manufacturer, civilians can go out and grab the market. The military part can be supplied at a cost price or slightly higher than the cost price, so that our soldiers can also use these equipment. Can not let Our warriors look at the good things!" Li
Can the general know this truth? Isn't this the country poor and the army poor? However, Guo Tailai said that it is a good idea to let the civilian market earn profits and subsidize the military market. It seems that Guo Tailai should have thought about it before taking out these things. It directly pointed out an industrial chain, rather than simply taking out one or two pieces of equipment, and considering it very well!
It is no wonder that the heads of the military uniforms from the final assembly have praised Guo Tailai. In the past, General Li had only heard Guo Tailai’s name. He did not have any actual contact. Today, when he came into contact with him, General Li was convinced of Guo Tailai’s oral administration. "
Last time, Uncle Li said that I didn't want the Navy. Guo Tailai pointed to the military propeller that the fighters had decided to stay strong: "I left you something today, but Li Shu, you promised the seafood noodles yet." ""
Can you have a few bowls of noodles? General Li screamed with anger and said: "Who, tell the cafeteria, do the noodles this evening." I see how many bowls you can eat!

"Hey." Guo Tailai smiled, and General Li was definitely not angry. He wouldn't be jealous: "Li Shu, is there any acquaintance at the shipyard? I want to rent a closed shipyard and build two yachts. play."

Building a yacht?
General Lee frowned.
How did you suddenly think of a dry duck to build a yacht?

Is this not in the New Year in Hong Kong? Guo Tailai did not hide: "The yacht that was sitting on Li Ergong was good. I didn't want to go abroad to buy ready-made ones. I wondered if I would make two of them."

"Well, I will ask you." Hearing this, General Li did not ask much. He did not understand the tastes of the rich, but he would not be rude to anything: "When do you need it?"

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