Chapter 39: New feature

"In other words, Master, know their virtues, why do you have to invite them?" Guo Tailai did not understand this.
"Because some guys abroad, they only believe in some words that discredit our media." Professor Wang has already received the over there, and came over to hear this sentence, and replied. After that, I also took a photo of Guo Tailai’s shoulder:
I am wronged today, rest assured, the afternoon will be a reporter in our school and a reporter from several domestic machining magazines. Their attitude will be much better.

Everyone loves to take Guo Tailai's shoulders, but Guo Tailai is one of the big ones, and they have to stretch their shoulders.
Liu Laodu has already said that these guys will suffer, and Guo Tailai will not hate it. And with a few guys who are destined to be unlucky, don't you want to bring the mildew on them to yourself, it's not worth it!
The only academician of the Huaxia Academy of Engineering, who was present, also came over. He complained to Professor Wang: "Why are such good seedlings, doctors and students being taken away by the old prince? What are your strengths, you work hard and leave the fat man in the CNC!"
It is said that he is blaming Professor Wang. In fact, Academician Wang is talking to Guo Tailai. Even if they didn't know before, they must know this time. Guo Tailai not only designed and produced this high-precision lathe, but also the design and manufacture of the high-precision gyro. This is simply a suitable CNC group!
"Fat, or you will stay in the CNC group, if you are embarrassed at the old Hou, I will go and tell him, how?" Wang Academician really sees the hunter, and such a good talent is instinct. If you it, why should you dig it up: "When I stay in the CNC group and read my Ph.D., how?"
"Thank you for your care." Guo Tailai’s face smiled, and an academician digs his face in person. It is impolite to refuse, but he refuses to do it. It is already promised. People can’t say no words: If you don’t believe, you won’t stand. I promised Hou’s academician last year. It’s really hard to refuse.

Everyone is a high-ranking cultural person. Guo Tailai has moved out of this principle of being a man, but no one can do anything about it. Academician Wang is very sorry, can only pat the shoulders of Guo Tailai.
"In fact, it is just a change of a group. I am not still in the department?" Guo Tailai said with a smile: "You are a few, if you have something to say, don't be polite."
With Guo Tailai's words, everyone is much better. After all, theoretically, they don’t know how much stronger than Guo Tailai. What is lacking is the high-end hands-on talent. Guo Tailai promised to help. That would be great. As Guo Tailai said, isn't it still in the department? Usually in a building, how inconvenient?
In the afternoon, I received another batch of reporters' interviews. These reporters are much better. They are all insiders. They have a good understanding of the technical content of this high-precision lathe. In the face of Guo Tailai, they all had incredible expressions at the beginning. Guo Tailai is too young. If there is an academician and several professors endorsing, they can't believe that this lathe was designed and manufactured by Guo Tailai alone.
The person who really understands is really understanding. After confirming, when several reporters looked at Guo Tailai, they immediately became a kind of expression of high mountains. Almost around Guo Tailai, a place and a place to ask, in addition to some places involving key technologies, other places Guo Tailai answered one by one.
During the period, even because of a problem, Professor Wang and another professor joined in. Guo Tailai took a part of the lathe on the spot and then modified it on the spot according to another professor's meaning. He also got similar precision.
Just looking at Guo Tailai's skillful movements and the kind of weight-lifting techniques when installing, several reporters have already been amazed. They thought they would see a torque table that was fine enough to measure the tightening of each screw with digits. As a result, Guo Tailai gave them the same effect with their bare hands.
Especially when they questioned, Guo Tailai gave them a torque wrench to tell them the torque value to let them measure. The result is even worse. This kind of torque wrench accurate to 1 Nm can be accurate with Guo Tailai. Compared to 0.001 Nm?
Not only reporters, but even Professor Wang, they were shocked. They didn't know that Guo Tailai had such a means before. He changed a place and casually said that Guo Tailai could screw it up. Guo Tailai could do it with his hand and use a torque wrench to measure it. The same size, unbelievable and unbelievable.
Until now, all the talents understand that why Guo Tailai can accurately install such precision lathes. It is not unusual to have this ability even if it can be loaded with higher precision!
This group of reporters got a lot of real hammer materials, and I believe their reports will be more vivid.
One day, Guo Tailai was tired and tired, went back to the dormitory, hanged on the bed, and took a long time to get up for dinner. Then he told the brothers that they were tired and went into sleep. Of course, this is caused by the control system absorbing data and upgrading the control system.
When I was asleep, Guo Tailai got a coordinate and dreamed of a clear scene. Thousands of various scrolls were hidden in a grotto, built on the wall and camouflaged on it, and 10,000 nanobots quietly stayed at the top of the grotto.
This time I slept for a long time, until Guo Tai came to get up at eleven o'clock in the morning. It seems to be two hours longer than the last upgrade.
"Read data is complete!"
"The system upgrade is complete! The current version, v1.42."
Very good, no twists and turns, smooth upgrade. Guo Tailai was very satisfied and issued instructions in his mind: "List the new features after the upgrade."

Increase some of the in vivo detection functions.

Increase the function of clearing the fine particles of the digestive tract of the respiratory tract.

"Increase the function of clearing foreign blood vessels."
"Increased detection of microbial function in the body

Increased cleaning of microbial functions in the body.

Increased detection of harmful substances in the body.

Increase the function of cleaning up harmful substances in the body.

Improve muscle control stability.

Improve the speed of muscle control behavior.

This time actually added such a multi-function, Guo Tailai had some accidents. If you don't say anything, start the physical examination function and check your physical condition again.
"I found high blood lipids, found coronary heart disease, and found severe fatty liver." These three are old problems, and it is not surprising to be detected.
What surprised Guo Tailai was that among the old problems, high blood pressure and high blood sugar have disappeared silently, and the old pharyngitis, sputum inflammation and plantar fasciitis have been repaired last time, leaving only these three items.
However, some new problems have emerged, making Guo Tailai very speechless.
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