Chapter 389: Returning to China (on)

I was worried that mj suddenly had a few untimely words during the performance. This worry is normal. After all, among the external public image of mj, there is another fighter who is pursuing racial equality. Do not
Guo Tailai is rather strange. How can I casually say that I can influence him or not, even if I don’t have a guarantee, I agree? Believe in yourself? Even Guo Tailai did not know that he could have such a big influence. when
However, another strange thing is how to find yourself through Haige this time. Is he in charge of the cultural mouth? No matter what, it is always good news, Guo Tailai asked more: "Allow a few games?"
Five applications. Hai Ge smiled and replied: "If you are willing to have more games, there is no problem. Anyway, mj promised to donate the ticket income. The more you open, the more you donate.

This answer, Guo Tailai is speechless. With the bottom in mind, Guo Tailai is relieved, and turns to find mj.
"Only this request?" Mj heard Guo Tailai's retelling, and said nothing, immediately patted his chest and promised: "No problem! As long as music and dance, there is nothing else."
"Then everything is fine." Guo Tailai clap his hands confidently: "Your Millennium Global Tour can be officially launched!"
g, do you think that China is open for five games? "Mj is a complete rehearsal of Guo Tailai's retelling. At this moment, Guo Tailai, who is also bright-eyed, asked. He heard from Guo Tailai that the total number of fans in China is definitely more than the total population of some countries.
"Two games in the capital, two devils, one in Xiangjiang." Guo Tailai pondered: "What do you think?"
"You can add two or three more games." Mj replied without hesitation: "Xiangjiang plus one, you are in Gusujia, there is a place where you see where is appropriate?"
Then I will not decide, I will ask if I can send my personal feelings. "Guo Tailai also has no idea, but he knows that concerts also have to look at the local consumption power, not just to which city can open up to the excitement. But mj actually promised to be in Gusujia, this is human feelings, I have to sell it to Lu Ge. The rest of it can be sold to Hai Ge, let him choose a place, maybe it is good for him.
Mj has no problem at all, and one pair is handed over to Guo Tailai. Guo
Tailai remembered that he would like to win a few performance guests for Tian Feiduo. Before he couldn’t decide, everything was not mentioned. Now that the country has settled down, then Mj will give a mouthful: "The last time you said the guest, I I have already helped you find it. It is our domestic music scene, she is my friend, I hope to use your concert to enhance my reputation."

Your friend?
mj is now a state of Guo Tailai that looks more like a relative to his loved ones:
No problem, she can participate in the concert in Southeast Asia, plus four games in Europe and America, ok?

Well, mj is so refreshing that Guo Tailai feels that it is not good to do a good job of conditioning mj. Mj Global Tour Southeast Asia In addition to China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan Island have to go, Japan and South Korea each two games, a total of six games, Europe and the United States plus four games, add up to a total of eighteen, this person is bigger .
After thinking about it, Guo Tailai reminded me of mj: "Michael, remember one thing, you have spent so much on me, a recommended amount of 10 million US dollars, these are very valuable. The value is 10 million US dollars. Recommended places, don't give them arbitrarily, even if you give them, you have to give them enough benefits."
When it comes to the word value, Guo Tailai is stressed, I believe mj will understand.
Mj really understood, and Guo Tailai gave a thumbs up and nodded heavily. o
k, everything is done. Seeing that mj started to go into the preparatory work, Guo Tailai returned to the workplace with his own leisurely journey, and then called the phone to Haige. "
Hai Ge, the concert added three games, one in Xiangjiang, one in Gusu, you remember to tell Lu Ge to let him prepare in advance, if there is no venue in the park, you can only go to the new district. Guo Tailai did not have much chilling. He directly said the news here: "Where is the other place you see? Give you a chance, pick a city.

"Thank you, fat man!" Who is Haige? The people in the officialdom were fine, and they immediately heard the meaning of Guo Tailai. m
J's concert, where is it not to let people break the head? Nowadays, urban construction is in the ascendant. In addition to economic construction and spiritual civilization construction, mj’s concerts are such a high-profile international music festival. In which city, I am afraid that it will attract a large number of domestic and foreign fans. As long as it is successfully held, this is a political achievement. what! Let Haige choose himself, and clearly give him a chance to be a good person. put
When I called, Haige couldn't help but sigh. Lu Ge is really lucky. Just because Guo Tailai is in Gusu, he can get a job on his side. I'm jealous! Where is the right place in my hand? give
After Hai Ge’s phone call, Guo Tailai directly dialed Tian Fei’s phone number:
Finanese sister, fixed, eight domestic games, six games in Southeast Asia, four games in Europe and America, it is estimated that it will take three months.

"Yes, fat, my sister remembered." Tian Fei received the news, more calm than last time, and hanged the phone after Guo Tailai thanked him.
Putting down the phone, Tian Fei jumped up and screamed at the next sister, "Seveneen! Eight in China, six in Southeast Asia! Four in Europe and America."
He Jie is also a high jumper, and this is a big profit! Mj's global tour of the 18th performance guest! Even if Tian Fei is an ordinary person who is not famous, after the performance is finished, I am afraid it is also known all over the world, not to mention that Tian Fei is originally known as the world of songs in China and Southeast Asia.
The next day, the official approval document was officially issued, and Hai Ge set the concert in Pengcheng. This is also good, very close to Xiangjiang, not too much to run around.
The formal cooperation invitation of the mj team was also sent to Tianfei's company. When receiving the fax, the clerk responsible for translating the fax was all embarrassed. If the content on this fax is true, it is definitely a super bomb! The question is, how is it possible? When did the Philippine sister have a relationship with mj? do not
The younger sister who said that the fax was translated, even the company management received the news and thought it was a joke. After all, April Fool's Day just passed, maybe someone would want to tease the company! Until He Jie came to the company and explained the situation to the company, a group of high-level companies were stunned.
Tian Fei's friend, actually can directly establish such a deep relationship with mj, the big pie on the head! mad
When you are happy, some people start to think about it. Since there is such a good relationship, how much better if you can add more people?
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