Chapter 422: Violation (below)

After two concerts, almost all the fans in the country have already picked up. The fans of several other venues are even more eager to wear, waiting for the arrival of the show time, so that they can look at the mj king.
There was no continuous performance in Beijing, and the next stop went directly to Xiangjiang. It is undeniable that Xiangjiang, a city that is more open and more individualistic, has erupted even more enthusiastically than the fans of Beijing. This
The second mj was not as low-key as in the capital. From the airport, there was a paparazzi follower, and mj did not hide his whereabouts. On the way, he also showed his head on the sunroof of the car several times, waving at the passing people and the paparazzi. Indicate.
When mj arrived at the Peninsula Hotel, several blocks around the Peninsula Hotel really re-enacted the dangerous journey in Japan, and countless people flocked to the surrounding of the Peninsula Hotel. The neighborhoods are all empty. The English-speaking staff in the office building also failed to suppress the fanatical desire to chase stars, and all rushed out.
Fortunately, the police had already prepared, and even invited the troops stationed in Hong Kong to stand on duty nearby, and there was no big trouble at the scene. Even so, after the mj team stayed, the Peninsula Hotel was fully booked and there were no more rooms.
Guo Tailai also stayed at the Peninsula Hotel, but he was not with mj, but half an hour earlier than mj. The room was also booked in advance by Da Liu, and the arrangement was very thoughtful. This time, in addition to watching the mj concert in Xiangjiang, Guo Tailai will also receive several elderly people, continue to do a physical conditioning, and meet some new customers by the way. It
Among the former Xiangjiang customers, Big Liu is relatively younger. Even though he is almost the same age as Guo Tailai's father, he is still a generation worse than those of the elderly. Guo Tailai would rather trouble Liu, and would not be willing to disturb the elderly in such a small matter. Although Guo Tailai knew that he would open his mouth, no one would refuse or even be more thoughtful, but it was not necessary.
Today, the Peninsula Hotel is directly closed on more than one floor. In addition to the old customers and mj teams who have been here for many years, only some real celebrities are allowed, no matter what the paparazzi are. Fierce and pervasive, but in a few ordinary Xiangjiang people, as long as they see the shadow, they can call the big names of the surnames to stay, no one will dare to let go.
Just kidding, the bosses of these paparazzi saw that these elderly people were all well-regarded seniors, and one of them was allowed to stay, which dog dare to let go? Don't want to do it or don't want to live?
From the Spring Festival to the present eight months, the bodies of these big men are just conditioning. It was all adjusted once during the Spring Festival, so this time Guo Tailai can be very relaxed. After all, these elderly people who pay attention to health care will not have any special deterioration in the short period of time. Normal conditioning is better, and it is almost drained than during the Spring Festival. It can be easily counted many times. old
People are not very interested in mj, but they can't hold their next generation or next generation. They are basically the age-matching stars. After they left, they greeted Guo Tailai and then asked Guo Tailai to introduce them. Mj. Others don't know the relationship between Guo Tailai and mj. Do they still know these people? Even if you don't know the details, you can guess it.
In addition to these people, there are a number of stars of Xiangjiang, and they want to be able to make a good mj through various methods. Speaking of it, mj is not the first time to come to Xiangjiang. In that year, there were some people in Xiangjiang. friend's. many
Knowing that a few friends have no harm, Guo Tailai asked mj's opinion. MJ said that he can host a cocktail party in the banquet hall of the Peninsula Hotel in his name to entertain these old and new friends. So, everything is ok, and everyone is happy.
Originally, mj also liked parties, and also liked to contact fans and prefer children. Of course, after the hobby was later mentioned by Guo Tai, he publicly announced that he would not engage in any ambiguity and misunderstanding with any child. The party at the Xiangjiang Peninsula Hotel, although it is the rich and the stars, can participate, but these are also fans of mj, the party atmosphere is very warm, everyone is very happy.
Xiangjiang’s concert has one more guest performer. It is the local song of Xiangjiang, one of the four kings. He will join Tian Wei in the performance of the mj concert Xiangjiang Station. half
The Island Hotel is not far from the Hung Hom Sports Centre. When MJ departs, there is no car at all. Instead, accompanied by the lineup of the police of the brigade, the runners rushed to the scene to reproduce the situation of running with the police officers in Tsim Sha Tsui and reproduce the danger of the year. The trip was accompanied by a military running. The enthusiastic fans along the way are cheering and screaming, and they are crazy to add. This
If it is impossible to be allowed in the capital, it is only a highly autonomous Xiangjiang. There are still people who are quite vocal about this. As a result, mj is very clever in a few public occasions, a Chinese hongkong, a Chinese Xiangjiang, there is nothing special about the speech, it will be gone. Isn't the scene bigger? Don't look at mj in New York, in Romania, those scenes are bigger. Crazy
The crazy Xiangjiang fans also broke out with great enthusiasm. The only pity is that the Hung Hom Stadium can only have more than 10,000 seats, and it is impossible to satisfy a large number of Xiangjiang fans. Not surprisingly, there were more than 10,000 spectators on the field, but there were more than 100,000 people on the field. Enthusiastic fans directly fill the surrounding neighborhoods, singing inside, singing outside, and unprecedented.
It was almost a night of excitement. On the second day, Guo Tailai just got out of bed and received a phone call from a strange city. After asking Guo Tailai himself, the other party directly reported his identity. "
We are from the Beijing Health Bureau. The man on the phone told Guo Tailai with a very serious voice: "We have received a report that you are carrying out medical activities beyond the scope of practice in the non-practicing registration area of ​​Xiangjiang. It is suspected of illegal medical practice and will limit you to Beijing before September 25. The Health Bureau explained the situation. Overdue we will revoke your practice qualifications according to law. Excuse me, have you heard it clearly? ""
I heard it clearly! "Guo Tailai's face is stunned, but it sounds clear, but how does this seem so weird?
The other party did not say much about the situation. Hearing Guo Tailai heard clearly and clearly knew the deadline, and immediately hang up the phone. I don’t give Guo Tailai a chance to ask questions at all.
It’s really inexplicable, isn’t he funny? Guo Tailai vaguely remembers, no, it is very clear to remember that his place of practice registration has been transferred to the Gusu Justice Square Beauty Salon. According to the truth, it should also be the Gusu City Health Bureau to give this call to himself. This thing? How did it become the Beijing Health Bureau?
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