Chapter 469: Base (above)

Zhao Wei is also proud. This base is the training base for the special forces with the highest level of confidentiality in the Northwest Military Region. And because of the tasks they are responsible for, the most advanced weapons and equipment in the country are tested and tested in their bases, and they are taken out. Things may be the most advanced military secrets. In addition to a large enough level of squad, only some of the soldiers responsible for logistics can enter, and can not enter the core area, Guo Tailai is the first among the non-active soldiers. when
However, many of the secrets inside are not confidential to Guo Tailai, because many of them are created by Guo Tailai.
From the airport, in the opposite direction of the previous selection base, after driving for 30 minutes to the north, the car entered a secret base. The base is not like the selection base. There are various functional buildings in the open space. There are various training grounds, which are directly inside the mountain of a mountain.
The road on the ground is an antenna tower leading to the top of the mountain. It looks ordinary, but in a corner, the mountain next to it suddenly opens a door, and the car opens without any hindrance. When you don't open the door, that part looks like a complete rocky mountain wall from the front. The average person can't see the difference at a certain close distance. positive
This is all the same, not to look at it from other angles. Looking down from the sky, it is an ordinary mountain. No one will think that there will be a secret military base in the mountain.
Of course, the average person can't see it. This ordinary person certainly does not include Guo Tailai. The car turned around and Guo Tailai saw it when he saw the first sight of the mountain wall. No way, can measure the accuracy of the nano-level eyes, can not see the width of a gap that is one millimeter wide.
This concealed door is not very large, at most, it is used for normal container trucks to enter and exit. When necessary, armored vehicles and tanks can also enter and exit. The only problem is that the doorway can only be accessed in one direction. After entering, you can see the wide road. "
Oh! Guo Tailai looked at the mountain base like the Great Wall. Rao was the person who had seen the big scene. He still sent out amazement and amazed voice: "Too much!

"When the Vietnam Self-defense Counterattack, there are several similar mountain bases in Vietnam, and the concealment is very strong." Zhao Wei looked at Guo Tailai's expression next to him, couldn't help but smile again, but this time she was for herself. Proud of the motherland: "You guess who they learned from? The Soviet Union?"
The son opened for a while in the mountain, and it took a few kilometers to stop in a large space area. There are quite a few types of vehicles parked here, even armored vehicles and tanks, and some chariots are still rumbling. Along the road, Guo Tailai can see some gaps on the wall that can only be seen at a close distance. It can be opened at any time. Guo Tailai believes that it must be a defense system in the passage, and it is impossible to prepare it only for repairing the circuit. One
Get off, Guo Tailai, a person wearing a casual dress, was exceptionally conspicuous in this all-armor base, and countless pairs of eyes immediately watched. However, after seeing Guo Tailai, a large part of them all turned their attention. These were the last time Guo Tailai had received Guo Tailai's physical examination and conditioning when he was parachuting. He saw Guo Tailai's body shape and Zhao Wei around him, and immediately judged Guo Tailai's identity. Instead, there were a group of base logistics personnel who had not appeared before, and looked curiously at Guo Tailai, who was not wearing military uniforms.
Rumble, a Guo Tailai looked at the familiar tank from Guo Tailai's eyes. This tank Guo Tailai had seen the 99 tanks on the parade. However, the sound of the engine is more familiar, Guo Tailai could not help but smile. "
Listening to the sound is a twelve-cylinder new diesel engine, more than 1,600 horsepower, feel cool? Guo Tailai turned to Zhao Wei and asked. The engine on this tank was clearly the last time that Guo Tailai took out the 890 series in front of the Germans. The military has been adjusted and installed on the 99 tank to start trial.
"Who is this person? Why is it at the base?" Zhao Wei still did not answer, and a strange voice behind him suddenly yelled: "Who revealed to him the military secrets? How can he know the parameters of the new engine?"
When everyone turned around, Guo Tailai saw a young major, pointing to Guo Tailai in a place less than five meters away. However, the soldiers here seem to be very embarrassed, but this major seems to be somewhat gentle and polite. If it is not a bit irritating now, his foundation should be quite good, pure and clean, very eye-catching. Unfortunately, because this will be anxious to sneak, it makes him look awkward. "
Li staff, this is the guest of the base leadership and the final assembly invitation. "Looking at the appearance of this major, the faces of several people around Zhao Wei are somewhat subtle. Zhao Wei is responding as usual."
"Even if the guests invited by the base leadership, do not talk about the principle of confidentiality?" Li Wen, a gentleman, did not know why he was particularly angry. He was very rude and pointed to Guo Tailai’s loud questioning Zhao Weidao: "Captain Zhao, who will give you The power to leak the detailed parameters of the new engine to him?"
No one leaked secrets. Zhao Wei replied calmly: "As for how he knows, according to the confidentiality code, the secret that should not be asked is not asked." In addition, our guests are secrets, the secrets that should not be seen are not seen, Li staff, you are in violation of the rules!

"I will reflect this to the leaders of the base." Li’s staff saw Zhao Wei’s efforts to maintain Guo Tailai, and none of the soldiers around him had any objections to this. Li’s staff also knew that Guo Tailai’s ability to enter the base would not be illegal. . However, he did not see Guo Tailai, the fat man and Zhao Yu, so close, it seems so intimate, especially Zhao Wei also talked to Guo Tailai, which made his heart like a knife, throw a sentence, turn to the base leadership office Go.
Zhao Wei turned his head and glanced at Guo Tailai. Guo Tailai also looked at the sister. Zhao Wei also wants to explain it. As a result, Guo Tailai took the first step: "Sister, is this my imaginary rival in the base?"
That's it! "After hearing Guo Tailai's rivals, he added a hypothetical idiom. Zhao Wei couldn't help but laugh and nodded slightly."
This is right! After Guo Tailai listened, her face suddenly burst into a smile: "My girlfriend is so beautiful, if no one is pursuing in the unit, then there is no face!"

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