Chapter 209: My twin husband

In this other room, Mrs. Ji looked at her gloomy son and sneered.
"What's wrong? Distressed"
She asked such words, but it made Ji Mingxuan feel a bit more guilty and looked at her mother, a little embarrassed.
He pleaded pleadingly to his mother. Ji Mingxuan felt uncomfortable and complicated. He wanted to change all of this, but there was no way at all, so when he heard his mother say these things, he didn't know how to react.
"I tell you, Ji Mingxuan, you are the heir to the Ji family, and who is that bitch? Do you think she is so pitiful and clean? I tell you, before, I knew that girl was your father's first love Daughter, her parents died, and your father brought her into the house, but then your father looked at her, but it was n’t like looking at a child. You have been a teenager and you have to be with a man. A sleeping child? "
Speaking of which, Mrs. Ji is a bit ridiculous. She used to have feelings for Ji Hanyue. After all, even if she has no blood relationship, she has raised it for so many years, but when the girl grew up, she began to play with her heart, and it was a blatant provocation. She and her husband became more and more intimate, so Mrs. Ji watched the other person finally ask for help, and gave everything to the already crazy husband.
But she really didn't expect that this girl was not only mentally mindless, but also thoughtful, and even seduced her son. When Mrs. Ji discovered that the other was holding her son more than a year ago, she almost had no heart disease. They all committed it directly, and later asked their son to ask him, but to let the son dispel the idea.
Although the husband is crazy, when facing the home business, the husband is still a bit sane, knowing that Ji Hanyue has turned the two brothers of the Xiao family into groups, so he has set a marriage between Ji Hanyue and Xiao Qingrong. Their Ji family went one step further.
But who can think that Ji Hanyue won the wings and confessed to another man on such an important day of the engagement ceremony. Who can accept this?
Once Ji Hanyue's marriage contract with the heirs of the Xiao family is terminated, then only Ji Hanyue will be unlucky.
"Mom ... Han Yue is not such a person, she was just persecuted by her father ..."
Ji Mingxuan didn't want to refute his mother too much. In fact, his father didn't take much care of him for so many years. Everything was taken care of by his mother. Although Ji Mingxuan liked Ji Hanyue, he also knew that he and Ji Hanyue could not be together, so naturally it was impossible to Ji Hanyue offended her mother and made her angry.
"Persecution? Mingxuan, you are not too young this year. You are twenty-six years old and you should have your own observation ability. I do n’t care what psychic soup the woman has poured into you, but you have to be clear about your responsibility. You are the Ji family. Heir, you ca n’t have any scandals. If the two of you are exposed, do you know how much turmoil will be caused? So, starting tomorrow, you will go on a business trip to the UK. There is something in the UK that you need to deal with. . "
Mrs. Ji directly arranged. She always had a strange sixth sense. She felt that what happened today was like a tarot card, and something more terrible would happen soon. So she sent her son to the UK, but to protect her son. Mrs. Ji wanted to see how Ji Hanyue had broken her husband's plan. What would her husband do with Ji Hanyue?
"... Mom, I see."
He did not refute the interest of his mother. Ji Mingxuan knew that his mother was good to himself, and no mother would harm his son, so although he felt uncomfortable at this time, he also understood that his mother was right.
The mother and son later talked about some company matters, as well as the impact of the Xiao family's divorce afterwards. The two marriages had caused the stocks to rise a lot, but now it seems that there is a problem. How can the marriage be retired? Still one thing ...
If it is possible to quietly retire, in case Ji Hanyue's work spreads, then the Ji family will have to play along with it.
After speaking, Mrs. Ji went to rest, and Ji Mingxuan returned to his room. When walking through the study, he could almost imagine what was happening inside, but in this family, the most capable person As a father, he can't do anything, even if he wants to save the one he likes ...
Until the evening, after both Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji were asleep, Ji Mingxuan came to Ji Hanyue's door with medicine and knocked gently.
After a while, there was movement, and the door was opened, revealing Ji Hanyue, who was wearing a pajama but was extremely embarrassed. Her condition was not good, her face was purple, and even her neck and chest were all piece by piece. The scars made Ji Mingxuan stay there for a while, and Ji Hanyue looked at the man in front of her sarcastically. She was so resentful to the Ji family, whether it was the old man or the man in front of him who always liked to be the savior.
"I, I'm here to give you medicine,"
Ji Mingxuan uttered this sentence with a after a long time, but Ji Hanyue did not take the medicine, but looked at the man in front of him indifferently.
"Do you still use these medicines on me? It's dirty, do you understand?"
As if all the negative energy was released to the man in front of him, Ji Hanyue's face was full of ridicule. If he had thought that his adoption was the happiest thing in the world, then now, Ji Hanyue is already a man in the Ji family Body, understand all the cruelty of this world.
After such a thing happened in the beginning, Ji Hanyue really didn't think about it. The person who called himself dad had such a thought about himself. After this happened, Ji Hanyue hated it all and hated the Ji family, so Only then did he deliberately seduce Ji Mingxuan, or in other words, hope to be protected by Ji Mingxuan. It would be best if Ji Mingxuan could protect her.
But she never expected that Ji Mingxuan was a coward. After enjoying all of her, she could not protect her. Knowing that although she was distressed, she could not resist his father. This made Ji Hanyue even more painful, so Then she put her goal back on other people. She knew that if she was looking for an ordinary person, she would never get rid of the Ji family, so she followed Xiao Qingrong because he was the heir of the Xiao family. Originally, everything should Well, as long as she becomes the young lady of the Xiao family, the members of the Ji family dare not treat her ...
Ji Hanyue always thinks this way, but she really didn't expect that Xiao Qingrong knew that she liked Xiao Qingyun, and after Xiao Qingyun returned, she didn't hold back her confession ...
After being treated like that by her adopted father, Ji Hanyue returned to the room. The first time she called Xiao Qingrong. She wanted to say that she did n’t want to terminate the marriage contract. She wanted to explain to Xiao Qingrong, but found that she could not get through to Xiao Qingrong's phone. The way.
At that moment, Ji Hanyue knew that everything was ruined, everything was ruined ... the future she expected, the life she wanted to change, was destroyed again ...
Ji Mingxuan looked at the painful little girl in front of him. He didn't know what to do. After discovering the strange relationship between the other party and his father nine years ago, Ji Mingxuan was so impressed with the girl in his relationship with Ji Hanyue that he could n’t. He regarded the other person as his little sister, but started to look at each other with the eyes of a woman. Ji Mingxuan sometimes felt that he was wrong, but after receiving the response from the other person, he was so happy. Ji Mingxuan even wanted to be with her for a lifetime.
It is just this wish, which is always just a wish, and cannot be achieved.
"Han Yue, I'm going to Britain tomorrow. You have to be alone."
In the end, I was only able to say this sentence. Ji Mingxuan knew what the other person ’s eyes meant and what she thought. In fact, the relationship between the two of them may have been in the eyes of the father, but the father never asked. In terms of Ji Mingxuan, Ji Hanyue is a person he likes.
In my father's eyes, I'm afraid it's nothing ...
Pushing the medicine into the other's hand, Ji Mingxuan turned around and left, and he looked a bit deserted. He suddenly felt that he had had enough of this life. As long as he could escape, as long as he could leave this life, everything was fine. .
Looking at the figure of Ji Mingxuan leaving in a hurry, Ji Hanyue stood there with a look of indifference, but for a long time he did not throw away the medicine in his hand, turned and closed the door and entered the room.
Everything happened in the Ji family. The Xiao family did not know that Xiao Qingrong was already sleeping. Dr. Xiao was also sleeping after waking up. Only the two worried adults in the family could not sleep.
Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao were lying on the bed. They were still a little irritable about what happened today, and both of them couldn't sleep.
"Otherwise, don't let the sister-in-law investigate this matter. I'll check with someone ..."
Mr. Xiao couldn't help saying that the thought of his daughter-in-law was not a girl of Ji's family, Mr. Xiao felt incredible, and Lao Ji concealed something, which made Mr. Xiao a little confused.
Unlike Mr. Xiao, Mr. Ji's Ji is not Ji Family's Ji, but Mrs. Ji's. At first, Mr. Ji was married to Mrs. Ji, and later changed his surname, saying that it is to enter into the white, and the reason is always outside Mr. Ji is the head of the house, and that's Mrs. Ji's face. In fact, most of the things in the Ji's house are in Mrs. Ji's hands, so when I heard that the daughter-in-law was not a girl of the Ji's family, Mr. Xiao certainly had ideas.
It doesn't matter if that girl is Mr. Ji's child, not Mrs. Ji, then the problem is big.
"No, the sister-in-law said to check it out for me right away, so don't mess up. I'm annoyed. You hurry up and let me be quiet for a while ..."
Fang Rui patted her husband, letting her husband sleep first, thinking about the two sons, not wanting to make the two sons sad because of this ...
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