Chapter 229: Begging

As a student entering Peking University, Xiao Qingrong certainly did not need to mention his contribution to the whole society. The mentors in the school also knew it. However, after Xiao Qingrong did not engage in scientific research, he chose biochemical research instead. However, many teachers are puzzled.
However, these things are enough for Xiao Qingrong. He wants to do too much. He has no time to waste at the Xiao family. In order for Xiao Qingrong to live well at the school, Xiao Lin even bought a house near Peking University. I hope Xiao Qingrong can come here to take a look at his free time.
The pupil scanner alone has already made Xiao's family aware that Xiao Qingrong's cleverness is by no means the point. He can do more things that no one can do.
After Father Xiao divorced from Wen Rusu, in addition to meeting with Xiao Qingrong, he set up a charity club to save children who were rescued from traffickers. Some children may be lucky. These children take home, but some children are not so lucky. They may never find their way home and live a life so painful.
Doing charity is supported by Grandpa Xiao and Grandma Xiao. Xiao Lin knows that he did not prevent his father ’s behavior afterwards, because he knows that his father ’s actions today are for remorse. He cannot get the forgiveness of his brother, so Make your life better this way.
Xiao Qingrong's entry into Peking University has not been specifically promoted. After all, his ability has been regarded by many people, so even if he is a disabled person, he still has a good life in the school. Special dormitories and contacts are also doctoral students brought by some mentors, although many times, Xiao Qingrong knows more than these doctoral students.
In front of academics, no one mentioned Xiao Qingrong's lack of an arm, and even it was a pity that this matter was more. If Xiao Qingrong's arm was better, he should be able to do more things.
Biology and chemistry are very interesting. They are not in common, and biology has more in common with medicine, so Xiao Qingrong prefers biology, and after entering school, he went crazy in biology. A lot of effort.
Since the divorce of Xiao's father and Xiao's mother, Wen Ruxu has lived with Xiao Rui and Xiao Rui usually goes to school. He has a babysitter at home. He only stays at home at night. Out of the shadow of divorce, but Xiao Rui's jurisdiction is relatively clear, anyway, there is no time to go to school to meet Xiao Rui.
After Xiao Rui protested, he said that he must go home on time. Wen Ruxu did not execute it. So when Xiao Rui listened to his mother, he actually had the opportunity to contact Xiao ’s father, and occasionally heard it from his father ’s mouth. News about the main character.
Xiao Rui does n’t know why he called the other protagonist, instead of his name Xiao Yu or Xiao Qingrong. Perhaps, only in this way can he be reminded that this is not the real world, but the world of a book. This book is called "The Tragic World", and the other party is the soul of this book.
He knows that the protagonist went to Peking University the same way he opened it. When he was born again, he could only go to Peking University, and the protagonist went to Peking University and researched a lot of things. Others do n’t know what the pupil scanner is, but The faint knowledge from his father made Xiao Rui sure that the pupil scanner must have a great relationship with Xiao Qingrong, which was created by the protagonist.
Why ... did the protagonist not choose to paint?
Occasionally Xiao Rui also had this idea, but soon this idea disappeared, because the protagonist was not with him, he did not see how good the protagonist is. Compared to scientists, an artist seems to be Too useless.
Xiao Rui, who has used a pupil scanner, knows how much this invention will affect the world and how much it will affect a country. Whether it is to prevent traffickers or arrest criminals, such an invention can already make The identity of everyone is recorded.
But probably this is the genius. If a person is just a little better than you, then you may want to pull him down and step on your feet, but when he is better than you and you are out of reach, you just want to Looking up at each other.
Although Wen Ruxu occasionally heard about Xiao Qingrong, she never said anything, but only urged Xiao Rui to study, and even had not contacted Xiao Lin for a long time, as if she had forgotten the eldest son of Xiao Lin.
Life is so bland, Xiao Qingrong is obsessed with this kind of learning, and more enjoys the process of learning. His recent research project is about a magical mutant plant, which is actually in the tropical jungle of our country. A very rare thing brought back from the side, with a very poisonous, was brought to the research, Xiao Qingrong was fortunate to have joined such research.
He actually saw such a mutant plant, and the toxin on it was a peculiar drug, because Xiao Qingrong had seen this kind of thing before, and knew exactly what it was used for.
When Xiao Qingrong first proposed that such a toxin could be purified and made into a drug, everyone almost thought that Xiao Qingrong was crazy. After all, Xiao Qingrong was young, and the toxin would spread to any corner of a person's body after entering the body. , And then definitely die within 24 hours.
Such a toxin should be made into a drug, and who should be given it at that time? Is it easy?
However, Xiao Qingrong still stubbornly raised this issue. Regarding the issue of whether this toxin can cure rabies, we must know that as an incurable disease in the world today, the incubation period is as short as a few days and as long as several years. However, once the disease develops, it can only wait for death, and the current scientific drugs cannot cure the disease at all.
In this case, the toxin proposed by Xiao Qingrong can treat rabies, everyone is unbelievable, but Xiao Qingrong still continues to research stubbornly, but other scientific researchers agreed to experiment, of course, human experiments are not possible, it must be On animals.
For accurate purification, Xiao Qingrong first brought his research team to the tropical rain forests in China, retrieved many of these mutant plants in person, and then began to purify drug toxins. After all, this toxin can kill people. If you want to treat others, you also need to control the amount.
In such a busy period, three years have passed, and when everyone has forgotten the subject, Xiao Qingrong's assistant secretly stole the drug, so that everyone witnessed the birth of a miracle.
Xiao Qingrong's assistants are generally school children, and they are all of the type of studying Ph.D., the ability is very powerful, this assistant is not a bad person, but a cousin in his family turned out to be unchained on the street The dog had bitten it and it was useless after being vaccinated, so the assistant stole the drug developed in the past three years. When the cousin was about to die, he took this poison. No one thought that it should have been The girl who died of rabies actually survived!
Such a living proof that Xiao Qingrong's research is correct, this toxin can completely treat rabies.
After another two years, the state arranged for people to collect and plant this mutant plant, and then finally determined in two years of experiments that the drug could indeed restore the health of rabies patients, and then started the official production, and the country The beginning of was notified.
The news that rabies was conquered directly shocked people in the medical field, but everyone did not expect that the person who broke through such a global disease turned out to be a student, but also a student of biology and chemistry!
For the first time, the name Xiao Qingrong made all patients hear the voice of salvation.
After this drug was released, it was because of its unique formula and drugs, which were only available domestically, but it won a lot of benefits for the country.
After all, if rabies is ill, it will really die.
After another few years, Xiao Rui frequently saw Xiao Qingrong's name on the news, which was the kind of national news. When he saw what Xiao Qingrong had done for the country, Xiao Rui realized that the protagonist could become the protagonist because of him. Unlike ordinary people like them, they seem to have more persistent goals and dreams.
Xiao Rui has graduated from college. He is a bit upset recently because he talked about a girlfriend. Before crossing, Xiao Rui was a very ordinary person. So now he can have all this. Xiao Rui has cherished it very much. His Girlfriend is a good-looking little girl and very cute. Every time Xiao Rui sees it, she forgets all the troubles, and even begins to look forward to spending her life with this girl in the future.
However, he never expected that his mother seemed to be very repulsive to his girlfriend. He even said a to his girlfriend, which made Xiao Rui unacceptable, but for the future life, Xiao Rui still worked hard. Hope that the mother can accept his girlfriend and even let his girlfriend endure the grievances.
However, he did not expect that when he was not at school, his mother found the class of his girlfriend, scolded his girlfriend in front of everyone, and even beat his girlfriend, which caused him to almost break up with his girlfriend.
At this time, when Xiao Rui called his father for help, he realized that his mother was really sick and could not be cured.
She doesn't allow anyone she cares to see others, she just hopes that person's eyes stay on her, Xiao Rui is her last straw, so she also doesn't allow Xiao Rui to like other women.
Unfortunately, everyone has their own life. Xiao Qingrong finally listened to Xiao Lin. Xiao Rui got married and moved to live in another province, because Wen Ruxu had been making troubles at home and even killed Xiao Rui's first child. This pair of mothers and sons, who were once intimate, finally took a different path.
But these are nothing to do with Xiao Qingrong. Xiao Qingrong is still busy experimenting ...
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